Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints / Plugin / Import /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 4 KB - Added debian package source.
package EPrints::Plugin::Import::DefaultXML;

use strict;

our @ISA = qw/ EPrints::Plugin::Import /;

# This reads in all the second level XML elements and passes them
# as DOM to xml_to_dataobj.

# maybe needs an input_dataobj method which parses the XML from
# a single record.

$EPrints::Plugin::Import::DISABLE = 1;

sub new
	my( $class, %params ) = @_;

	my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%params);

	$self->{name} = "Default XML";
	$self->{visible} = "";
	#$self->{produce} = [ 'list/*', 'dataobj/*' ];

	return $self;

# if this is defined then it is used to check that the top
# level XML element is correct.

sub top_level_tag
	my( $plugin, $dataset ) = @_;

	return undef;

sub input_fh
	my( $plugin, %opts ) = @_;

	my $handler = {
		dataset => $opts{dataset},
		state => 'toplevel',
		plugin => $plugin,
		depth => 0,
		tmpfiles => [],
		imported => [], };
	bless $handler, "EPrints::Plugin::Import::DefaultXML::Handler";

	EPrints::XML::event_parse( $opts{fh}, $handler );

	return EPrints::List->new(
			dataset => $opts{dataset},
			session => $plugin->{session},
			ids => $handler->{imported} );

sub xml_to_dataobj
	my( $plugin, $dataset, $xml ) = @_;

	my $epdata = $plugin->xml_to_epdata( $dataset, $xml );

	return $plugin->epdata_to_dataobj( $dataset, $epdata );

sub xml_to_epdata
	my( $plugin, $dataset, $xml ) = @_;

	$plugin->error( $plugin->phrase( "no_subclass" ) );

# takes a chunck of XML and returns it as a utf8 string.
# If the text contains anything but elements then this gives 
# a warning.

sub xml_to_text
	my( $plugin, $xml ) = @_;

	my @list = $xml->getChildNodes;
	my $ok = 1;
	my @v = ();
	foreach my $node ( @list ) 
		if( EPrints::XML::is_dom( $node,
                        "EntityReference" ) ) 
			push @v, $node->nodeValue;
			$ok = 0;

	unless( $ok )
		$plugin->warning( $plugin->phrase( "unexpected_xml", xml => $xml->toString ) );
	my $r = join( "", @v );

	return $r;

package EPrints::Plugin::Import::DefaultXML::Handler;

use strict;

sub characters
        my( $self , $node_info ) = @_;

	if( $self->{depth} > 1 )
		if( $self->{base64} )
			push @{$self->{base64data}}, $node_info->{Data};
			$self->{xmlcurrent}->appendChild( $self->{plugin}->{session}->make_text( $node_info->{Data} ) );

sub end_element
        my( $self , $node_info ) = @_;


	if( $self->{depth} == 1 )
		my $item = $self->{plugin}->xml_to_dataobj( $self->{dataset}, $self->{xml} );

		if( defined $item )
			push @{$self->{imported}}, $item->get_id;

		# don't keep tmpfiles between items...
		foreach( @{$self->{tmpfiles}} )
			unlink( $_ );

	if( $self->{depth} > 1 )
		if( $self->{base64} )
			$self->{base64} = 0;
			my $tf = $self->{tmpfilecount}++;
			my $tmpfile = "/tmp/epimport.$$.".time.".$";
			$self->{tmpfile} = $tmpfile;
			push @{$self->{tmpfiles}},$tmpfile;
			open( TMP, ">$tmpfile" );
			print TMP MIME::Base64::decode( join('',@{$self->{base64data}}) );
			close TMP;

				$self->{plugin}->{session}->make_text( $tmpfile ) );
			delete $self->{basedata};
		pop @{$self->{xmlstack}};
		$self->{xmlcurrent} = $self->{xmlstack}->[-1]; # the end!


sub start_element
        my( $self, $node_info ) = @_;

	my %params = ();
	foreach ( keys %{$node_info->{Attributes}} )
		$params{$node_info->{Attributes}->{$_}->{Name}} = 

	if( $self->{depth} == 0 )
		my $tlt = $self->{plugin}->top_level_tag( $self->{dataset} );
		if( defined $tlt && $tlt ne $node_info->{Name} )
			die "Unexpected tag: $node_info->{Name}\n";

	if( $self->{depth} == 1 )
		$self->{xml} = $self->{plugin}->{session}->make_element( $node_info->{Name} );
		$self->{xmlstack} = [$self->{xml}];
		$self->{xmlcurrent} = $self->{xml};

	if( $self->{depth} > 1 )
		my $new = $self->{plugin}->{session}->make_element( $node_info->{Name} );
		$self->{xmlcurrent}->appendChild( $new );
		push @{$self->{xmlstack}}, $new;
		$self->{xmlcurrent} = $new;
		if( $params{encoding} && $params{encoding} eq "base64" )
			$self->{base64} = 1;
			$self->{base64data} = [];


	my( $self ) = @_;

	foreach( @{$self->{tmpfiles}} )
		unlink( $_ );

