Digital_Repository / Repositories / phpSurveyor / config_src.php
  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. #############################################################
  4. # >>> PHPSurveyor #
  5. #############################################################
  6. # > Author: Jason Cleeland #
  7. # > E-mail: #
  8. # > Mail: Box 99, Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, #
  10. # > Date: 20 February 2003 #
  11. # #
  12. # This set of scripts allows you to develop, publish and #
  13. # perform data-entry on surveys. #
  14. #############################################################
  15. # #
  16. # Copyright (C) 2003 Jason Cleeland #
  17. # #
  18. # This program is free software; you can redistribute #
  19. # it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General #
  20. # Public License as published by the Free Software #
  21. # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your #
  22. # option) any later version. #
  23. # #
  24. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be #
  25. # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the #
  26. # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A #
  27. # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License #
  28. # for more details. #
  29. # #
  30. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General #
  31. # Public License along with this program; if not, write to #
  32. # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - #
  33. # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
  34. #############################################################
  35. */
  37. // === Basic Setup
  38. $databaselocation = "localhost"; // Network location of your MySQL Database
  39. $databaseport = "3306"; // The port of your MySQL Database (3306 is default)
  40. $databasename = "eprintstats"; // The name of the database that we will create
  41. $databaseuser = "eprintstatspriv"; // The name of a user with rights to create db (or if db already exists, then rights within that db)
  42. $databasepass = "AuldGrizzel"; // Password of db user
  43. $databasetabletype = "MyISAM"; // Default table type (only used if creating db automatically through script -eg "MyISAM" or "InnoDB"
  44. $dbprefix = "phpsv_"; // A global prefix that can be added to all PHPSurveyor tables. Use this if you are sharing
  45. // a database with other applications. Suggested prefix is "phpsv_"
  47. $useidprefix = 0; // Set this to 1 if you want to use a prefix on survey responses (useful for replicated/pooled databases)
  48. $idprefix = 0; // Leave this as 0 to use your server's IP address. Alternatively, use a number here - characters WILL NOT WORK.
  51. $rooturl = "http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}:##SURVEYOR_PORT##/phpsurveyor"; //The root web url for your phpsurveyor installation
  53. $rootdir = dirname(__FILE__); // This is the physical disk location for your phpsurveyor installation.
  54. // If you use IIS then you MUST enter the complete rootdir e.g. : $rootDir="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\phpsurveyor"!
  55. // Some IIS installations also require to use forward slashes instead of backslashes, e.g. $rootDir="C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/phpsurveyor"!
  56. // If you use OS/2 this must be the complete rootdir with FORWARD slashes e.g.: $rootDir="c:/phpsurveyor";!
  58. $rootsymlinked = 0; // if your root document dir is symlinked PHPSurveyor might have problems to find out the dir
  59. // If you notice that labels are not being translated like "_ADMINISTRATION_" instead of "Administration"
  60. // then try setting this to 1 .
  62. // === Advanced Setup
  64. //The following url and dir locations do not need to be modified unless you have a non-standard
  65. //PHPSurveyor installation. Do not change unless you know what you are doing.
  66. $homeurl = "$rooturl/admin"; // The website location (url) of the admin scripts
  67. $publicurl = "$rooturl"; // The public website location (url) of the public survey script
  68. $tempurl = "$rooturl/tmp";
  69. $imagefiles = "$rooturl/admin/images"; //Location of button bar files for admin script
  70. $homedir = "$rootdir/admin"; // The physical disk location of the admin scripts
  71. $publicdir = "$rootdir"; // The physical disk location of the public scripts
  72. $tempdir = "$rootdir/tmp"; // The physical location where PHPSurveyor can store temporary files
  73. // Note: For OS/2 the $tempdir may need to be defined as an actual directory
  74. // example: "x:/phpsurveyor/tmp". We don't know why.
  76. // Site Info
  77. $sitename = "PHPSurveyor"; // The official name of the site (appears in the Window title)
  78. $scriptname = "admin.php"; // The name of the admin script (can be changed to the experimental admin interface index.php)
  79. $accesscontrol = 1; // make 0 for no access control
  80. $defaultuser = "admin"; // This is the default username when security is first turned on
  81. $defaultpass = "password"; // This is the default password for when security is first turned on
  84. // Site Settings
  85. $lwcdropdowns = "R"; // SHOW LISTS WITH COMMENT in Public Survey as Radio Buttons (R) or Dropdown List (L)
  86. $dropdownthreshold = "25"; // The number of answers to a list type question before it switches from Radio Buttons to List
  87. // Only applicable, of course, if you have chosen "R" for $dropdowns and/or $lwcdropdowns
  88. $repeatheadings = "25"; // The number of answers to show before repeating the headings in array (flexible) questions. Set to 0 to turn this feature off
  89. $minrepeatheadings = 3; // The minimum number of remaing answers that are required before repeating the headings in array (flexible) questions.
  90. $maxemails = 100; // The maximum number of emails to send in one go (this is to allow for script timeouts with large emails)
  91. $defaultlang = "english"; // The default language to use
  92. $OS = PHP_OS;
  94. $apachedir = ""; // If left empty, the script will attempt to find htpasswd itself
  95. // otherwise, set this to the location of the "htpasswd" executable
  96. // usually found in the apache "bin" directory
  97. $mysqldir = ""; // If left empty the script will attempte to find mysql binary directory itself
  98. // otherwise, set this to the location of the mysql binary files
  100. $timeadjust = 0; // Number of hours to adjust between your webserver local time and your own local time (for datestamping responses)
  101. $allowexportalldb = 1; // 0 will only export prefixed tables when doing a database dump. If set to 1 ALL tables in the database will be exported
  102. $allowmandbackwards = 1; // Allow moving backwards (ie: << prev) through survey if a mandatory question
  103. // has not been answered. 1=Allow, 0=Deny
  104. $deletenonvalues = 1; // By default, PHPSurveyor does not save responses to conditional questions that haven't been answered/shown. To have PHPSurveyor save these responses change this value to 0.
  105. $shownoanswer = 1; // Show "no answer" for non mandatory questions
  108. // Email Settings
  109. // These settings determine how PHPSurveyor will send emails
  111. $siteadminemail = "##SURVEYOR_ADMIN_EMAIL##"; // The default email address of the site administrator
  112. $siteadminname = "##SURVEYOR_ADMIN_NAME##"; // The name of the site administrator
  113. $emailmethod = 2; // The following values can be used:
  114. // 1 = SMTP_LOCAL - Localhost
  115. // 2 = SMTP_CLIENT - MX host name(s)
  116. // 3 = SMTP_LOCAL_CLIENT - 1'st SMTP_LOCAL, 2'nd if fail try SMTP_CLIENT
  117. // 4 = SMTP_CLIENT_LOCAL - 1'st SMTP_CLIENT, 2'nd if fail try SMTP_LOCAL
  118. // 5 = SMTP_RELAY - Relay MX host name(s) or ip address with optional authorisation
  119. // 6 = SMTP_RELAY_CLIENT, - 1'st SMTP_RELAY, 2'nd if fail try SMTP_CLIENT
  120. // 7 = SMTP_CLIENT_RELAY - 1'st SMTP_CLIENT, 2'nd if fail try SMTP_RELAY
  122. $emailsmtphost = ""; // If you use $emailmethod 5-7 you have to set the SMTP relayhost here
  125. // JPGRAPH Settings
  126. // To use jpgraph you must install and set up jpgraph, available from
  127. // PHPSurveyor has been tested using version 1.13. Documentation for this is available at the
  128. // jpgraph website. PHPSurveyor cannot assist in the setting up of this system.
  129. // To use JPGraph adjust the next two lines, and adjust the location as suites.
  130. $usejpgraph = 0; //Set to 1 to enable
  131. $jpgraphdir = "/var/apache/htdocs/jpgraph"; //The location of the jpgraph class (where jpgraph.php is)
  132. // If you use IIS then you MUST enter the complete rootdir e.g. : $rootDir="C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\jpgraph"
  133. $jpgraphfont = "FF_ARIAL"; //The font to use with graphs. A failsafe setting would be "FF_FONT1"
  136. // CMS Integration Settings
  137. // Set $embedded to true and specify the header and footer functions if the survey is to be displayed embedded in a CMS
  138. $embedded = false;
  139. $embedded_inc = ""; // path to the header to include if any
  140. $embedded_headerfunc = ""; // e.g. COM_siteHeader for geeklog
  141. $embedded_footerfunc = ""; // e.g. COM_siteFooter for geeklog
  144. //DO NOT CHANGE BELOW HERE --------------------
  146. require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/common.php');
  147. ?>