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  29. <meta content="antiphospholipid syndrome, TFPI, thrombosis, anti-TFPI activity" name="eprints.keywords" />
  30. <meta content="Background and Objectives. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) fractions from subjects with
  31. antiphospholipid syndrome (aPS) have previously been demonstrated to have inhibitory
  32. activity against tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI). This may contribute to the development
  33. of a prothrombotic state by impaired regulation of the tissue factor (TF) pathway.
  34. This study investigated the effect that IgG fractions from aPS subjects containing
  35. anti-TFPI activity have on in vitro TF-induced thrombin generation.
  36. Design and Methods. TFPI and anti-TFPI activities were determined in normal controls
  37. (n=29) and aPS subjects (n=57). TFPI activity was determined using an amidolytic assay
  38. based on the generation of factor Xa. Anti-TFPI activity was determined after incubating
  39. IgG isolated from a control or subject plasma with pooled normal plasma, using the TFPI
  40. activity assay. The influence of IgG fractions from controls (n=10) and subjects (n=23)
  41. on TF-induced in vitro thrombin generation was determined using a chromogenic assay
  42. of thrombin activity.
  43. Results. TFPI activity in controls (1.13 +/- 0.25 U/mL) was significantly lower than in subjects
  44. (1.30 +/- 0.42 U/mL) (p < 0.05). Anti-TFPI activity was significantly higher in subjects
  45. than controls (p = 0.0001). TF-induced thrombin generation was positively associated
  46. with anti-TFPI activity (r = 0.356; p > 0.05), with increased levels of each demonstrated
  47. in 5 subjects.
  48. Interpretations and Conclusions. Anti-TFPI activity was confirmed in 65% of aPS subjects.
  49. IgG fractions demonstrated a variable ability to interfere with TFPI function and TFinduced
  50. thrombin generation. Cross-reacting antiphospholipid antibodies and/or other
  51. entities may interfere with TFPI function, resulting in a net increase in thrombin generation
  52. and an increased thrombotic risk." name="eprints.abstract" />
  53. <meta content="2004-08" name="" />
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  55. <meta content="Haematologica" name="eprints.publication" />
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  208. Thromb Haemost 2000;84:653-6." name="eprints.referencetext" />
  209. <meta content="Adams, M.J. and Breckler, L. and Stevens, P. and Thom, J. and Baker, Ross I. and Oostryck, R. (2004) Anti-tissue factor pathway inhibitor activity in subjects with antiphospholipid syndrome is associated with increased thrombin generation. Haematologica, 89 (8). pp. 895-990." name="eprints.citation" />
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  212. <meta content="Anti-tissue factor pathway inhibitor activity in
  213. subjects with antiphospholipid syndrome is
  214. associated with increased thrombin generation" name="DC.title" />
  215. <meta content="Adams, M.J." name="DC.creator" />
  216. <meta content="Breckler, L." name="DC.creator" />
  217. <meta content="Stevens, P." name="DC.creator" />
  218. <meta content="Thom, J." name="DC.creator" />
  219. <meta content="Baker, Ross I." name="DC.creator" />
  220. <meta content="Oostryck, R." name="DC.creator" />
  221. <meta content="321008 Haematology" name="DC.subject" />
  222. <meta content="Background and Objectives. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) fractions from subjects with
  223. antiphospholipid syndrome (aPS) have previously been demonstrated to have inhibitory
  224. activity against tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI). This may contribute to the development
  225. of a prothrombotic state by impaired regulation of the tissue factor (TF) pathway.
  226. This study investigated the effect that IgG fractions from aPS subjects containing
  227. anti-TFPI activity have on in vitro TF-induced thrombin generation.
  228. Design and Methods. TFPI and anti-TFPI activities were determined in normal controls
  229. (n=29) and aPS subjects (n=57). TFPI activity was determined using an amidolytic assay
  230. based on the generation of factor Xa. Anti-TFPI activity was determined after incubating
  231. IgG isolated from a control or subject plasma with pooled normal plasma, using the TFPI
  232. activity assay. The influence of IgG fractions from controls (n=10) and subjects (n=23)
  233. on TF-induced in vitro thrombin generation was determined using a chromogenic assay
  234. of thrombin activity.
  235. Results. TFPI activity in controls (1.13 +/- 0.25 U/mL) was significantly lower than in subjects
  236. (1.30 +/- 0.42 U/mL) (p < 0.05). Anti-TFPI activity was significantly higher in subjects
  237. than controls (p = 0.0001). TF-induced thrombin generation was positively associated
  238. with anti-TFPI activity (r = 0.356; p > 0.05), with increased levels of each demonstrated
  239. in 5 subjects.
  240. Interpretations and Conclusions. Anti-TFPI activity was confirmed in 65% of aPS subjects.
  241. IgG fractions demonstrated a variable ability to interfere with TFPI function and TFinduced
  242. thrombin generation. Cross-reacting antiphospholipid antibodies and/or other
  243. entities may interfere with TFPI function, resulting in a net increase in thrombin generation
  244. and an increased thrombotic risk." name="DC.description" />
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  356. <h1 class="ep_tm_pagetitle">Anti-tissue factor pathway inhibitor activity in subjects with antiphospholipid syndrome is associated with increased thrombin generation</h1>
  357. <p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><span class="person_name">Adams, M.J.</span> and <span class="person_name">Breckler, L.</span> and <span class="person_name">Stevens, P.</span> and <span class="person_name">Thom, J.</span> and <span class="person_name">Baker, Ross I.</span> and <span class="person_name">Oostryck, R.</span> (2004) <xhtml:em>Anti-tissue factor pathway inhibitor activity in subjects with antiphospholipid syndrome is associated with increased thrombin generation.</xhtml:em> Haematologica, 89 (8). pp. 895-990.</p><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"></p><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><tr><td valign="top" style="text-align:center"><a href=""><img alt="[img]" src="" class="ep_doc_icon" border="0" /></a></td><td valign="top"><a href=""><span class="ep_document_citation">PDF</span></a> - Full text restricted - Requires a PDF viewer<br />231Kb</td></tr></table><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block">Official URL: <a href=""></a></p><div class="not_ep_block"><h2>Abstract</h2><p style="padding-bottom: 16px; text-align: left; margin: 1em auto 0em auto">Background and Objectives. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) fractions from subjects with&#13;
  358. antiphospholipid syndrome (aPS) have previously been demonstrated to have inhibitory&#13;
  359. activity against tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI). This may contribute to the development&#13;
  360. of a prothrombotic state by impaired regulation of the tissue factor (TF) pathway.&#13;
  361. This study investigated the effect that IgG fractions from aPS subjects containing&#13;
  362. anti-TFPI activity have on in vitro TF-induced thrombin generation.&#13;
  363. Design and Methods. TFPI and anti-TFPI activities were determined in normal controls&#13;
  364. (n=29) and aPS subjects (n=57). TFPI activity was determined using an amidolytic assay&#13;
  365. based on the generation of factor Xa. Anti-TFPI activity was determined after incubating&#13;
  366. IgG isolated from a control or subject plasma with pooled normal plasma, using the TFPI&#13;
  367. activity assay. The influence of IgG fractions from controls (n=10) and subjects (n=23)&#13;
  368. on TF-induced in vitro thrombin generation was determined using a chromogenic assay&#13;
  369. of thrombin activity.&#13;
  370. Results. TFPI activity in controls (1.13 +/- 0.25 U/mL) was significantly lower than in subjects&#13;
  371. (1.30 +/- 0.42 U/mL) (p &lt; 0.05). Anti-TFPI activity was significantly higher in subjects&#13;
  372. than controls (p = 0.0001). TF-induced thrombin generation was positively associated&#13;
  373. with anti-TFPI activity (r = 0.356; p &gt; 0.05), with increased levels of each demonstrated&#13;
  374. in 5 subjects.&#13;
  375. Interpretations and Conclusions. Anti-TFPI activity was confirmed in 65% of aPS subjects.&#13;
  376. IgG fractions demonstrated a variable ability to interfere with TFPI function and TFinduced&#13;
  377. thrombin generation. Cross-reacting antiphospholipid antibodies and/or other&#13;
  378. entities may interfere with TFPI function, resulting in a net increase in thrombin generation&#13;
  379. and an increased thrombotic risk.</p></div><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" cellpadding="3" class="not_ep_block" border="0"><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Item Type:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">Article</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Keywords:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">antiphospholipid syndrome, TFPI, thrombosis, anti-TFPI activity</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Subjects:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a href="">320000 Medical and Health Sciences &gt; 321000 Clinical Sciences &gt; 321008 Haematology</a></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ID Code:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">1777</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited By:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><span class="ep_name_citation"><span class="person_name">Dr Murray J Adams</span></span></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited On:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">27 Sep 2007</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Last Modified:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">09 Jan 2008 02:30</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ePrint Statistics:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a target="ePrintStats" href="/es/index.php?action=show_detail_eprint;id=1777;">View statistics for this ePrint</a></td></tr></table><p align="right">Repository Staff Only: <a href=";eprintid=1777">item control page</a></p>
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