Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 26 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::Search
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::Search> - Represents a single search


The Search object represents the conditions of a single 

It used to also store the results of the search, but now it returns
an EPrints::List object. 

A search expression can also render itself as a web-form, populate
itself with values from that web-form and render the results as a
web page.

=over 4


#  $self->{foo}
#     undefined

package EPrints::Search;

use URI::Escape;
use strict;


=item $searchexp = EPrints::Search->new( %params )

Create a new search expression.

The parameters are split into two parts. The general parameters and those
which influence how the HTML form is rendered, and the results displayed.


=over 4

=item session (required)

The current EPrints::Session 

=item dataset OR dataset_id (required)

Either the EPrints::DataSet to search, or the ID of it.

=item allow_blank (default 0)

Unless this is set, a search with no conditions will return zero records 
rather than all records.

=item satisfy_all (default 1)

If this is true than all search-fields much be satisfied, if false then 
results matching any search-field will be returned.

=item search_fields

A reference to an array of search field configuration structures. Each 
takes the form { id=>"...", default=>"..", meta_fields=>"..." } where
the meaning is the same as for search configuration in ArchiveConfig.

Search fields can also be added to the search expression after it has
been constructed.

=item order

The order the results should be returned. This is a key to the list
of orders available to this dataset, defined in

=item custom_order

"order" limits you to the orders specified in ArchiveConfig, and is
usually used by the web page based searching. custom_order allows
you to specify any order you like. The format is 
foo/-bar. This means that the results will be sorted
by foo and then any with equal foo values will be reverse sorted
by bar. More than 2 fields can be specified.

=item keep_cache

If true then the search results produced will be stored in the database
even after the current script ends. This is useful for speeding up 
page 2 onwards of a search.

keep_cache may get set to true anyway for various reasons, but setting
the parameter makes certain of it.

=item cache_id

The ID of a cached search. The cache contains both the results of the
search, and the parameters used for the search.

If the cache still exists, it will set the default values of the 
search fields, and when the search is performed it will skip the 
search and build a search results object directly from the cache.



=over 4

=item prefix (default "")

When generating the web form and reading back from the web form, the
prefix is inserted before the form names of all fields. This is useful
if you need to put two search expressions in a single form for some

=item staff (default 0)

If true then this is a "staff" search, which prevents searching unless
the user is staff, and the results link to the staff URL of an item
rather than the public URL.

=item filters

A reference to an array of filter definitions.

Filter definitions take the form of:
{ value=>"..", match=>"..", merge=>"..", id=>".." } and work much
like normal search fields except that they do not appear in the web form
so force certain search parameters on the user.

An optional parameter of describe=>0 can be set to supress the filter
being mentioned in the description of the search.



@EPrints::Search::OPTS = (
	"session", 	"dataset", 	"allow_blank", 	"satisfy_all", 	
	"fieldnames", 	"staff", 	"custom_order",
	"keep_cache", 	"cache_id", 	"prefix", 	"defaults",
	"filters", 	"search_fields" );

sub new
	my( $class, %data ) = @_;
	my $self = {};
	bless $self, $class;
	# only session & table are required.
	# setup defaults for the others:
	$data{allow_blank} = 0 if ( !defined $data{allow_blank} );
	$data{satisfy_all} = 1 if ( !defined $data{satisfy_all} );
	$data{fieldnames} = [] if ( !defined $data{fieldnames} );
	$data{prefix} = "" if ( !defined $data{prefix} );

		defined $data{use_cache} || 
		defined $data{use_oneshot_cache} || 
		defined $data{use_private_cache} )
		my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
		print STDERR <<END;
EPRINTS WARNING: The old cache parameters to Search have been
deprecated. Everything will probably work as expected, but you should 
maybe check your scripts. (if it's in the core code, please email 

Deprecated: use_oneshot_cache use_private_cache use_cache

Please use instead: keep_cache

All cache's are now private. oneshot caches will be created and
destroyed automatically if "order" or "custom_order" is set or if a 
range of results is requested.
The deprecated parameter was passed to Search->new from
$filename line $line


	foreach( @EPrints::Search::OPTS )
		$self->{$_} = $data{$_};

	if( defined $data{"dataset_id"} )
		$self->{"dataset"} = $self->{"session"}->get_repository->get_dataset( $data{"dataset_id"} );

	# Arrays for the Search::Field objects
	$self->{searchfields} = [];
	$self->{filterfields} = {};
	# Map for MetaField names -> corresponding EPrints::Search::Field objects
	$self->{searchfieldmap} = {};

	if( $self->{fieldnames} eq "editpermfields" )
		$self->{search_fields}= [];
		foreach( @{ $self->{session}->get_repository->get_conf( "editor_limit_fields" )} )
			push @{$self->{search_fields}}, { meta_fields=>[$_] };	

	foreach my $fielddata (@{$self->{search_fields}})
		my @meta_fields;
		foreach my $fieldname ( @{$fielddata->{meta_fields}} )
			# Put the MetaFields in a list
			push @meta_fields, 
	EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string( $self->{dataset}, $fieldname );

		my $id =  $fielddata->{id};
		if( !defined $id )
			$id = join( 
				@{$fielddata->{meta_fields}} );

		# Add a reference to the list
		my $sf = $self->add_field( 
			0 );
	$self->{filters} = [] unless defined $self->{filters};
	my @filters = @{$self->{filters}};
	push @filters, $self->{dataset}->get_filters;
	foreach my $filterdata (@filters)
		my @meta_fields;
		foreach my $fieldname ( @{$filterdata->{meta_fields}} )
			# Put the MetaFields in a list
			push @meta_fields, 
	EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string( $self->{dataset}, $fieldname );
		# Add a reference to the list
		my $sf = $self->add_field(
			1 );
		$sf->set_include_in_description( $filterdata->{describe} );

	if( defined $self->{cache_id} )
		unless( $self->from_cache( $self->{cache_id} ) )
			return; #cache gone 
	return( $self );


=item $ok = $thing->from_cache( $id )

Populate this search expression with values from the given cache.

Return false if the cache does not exist.


sub from_cache
	my( $self, $id ) = @_;

	my $string = $self->{session}->get_database->cache_exp( $id );

	return( 0 ) if( !defined $string );
	$self->from_string( $string );
	$self->{keep_cache} = 1;
	$self->{cache_id} = $id;
	return( 1 );


=item $searchfield = $searchexp->add_field( $metafields, $value, $match, $merge, $id, $filter )

Adds a new search field for the MetaField $field, or list of fields
if $metafields is an array ref, with default $value. If a search field
already exist, the value of that field is replaced with $value.


sub add_field
	my( $self, $metafields, $value, $match, $merge, $id, $filter ) = @_;

	# metafields may be a field OR a ref to an array of fields

	# Create a new searchfield
	my $searchfield = EPrints::Search::Field->new( 
					$id );

	my $sf_id = $searchfield->get_id();
	unless( defined $self->{searchfieldmap}->{$sf_id} )
		push @{$self->{searchfields}}, $sf_id;
	# Put it in the name -> searchfield map
	# (possibly replacing an old one)
	$self->{searchfieldmap}->{$sf_id} = $searchfield;

	if( $filter )
		$self->{filtersmap}->{$sf_id} = $searchfield;

	return $searchfield;


=item $searchfield = $searchexp->get_searchfield( $sf_id )

Return a EPrints::Search::Field belonging to this Search with
the given id. 

Return undef if not searchfield of that ID belongs to this search. 


sub get_searchfield
	my( $self, $sf_id ) = @_;

	return $self->{searchfieldmap}->{$sf_id};


=item $searchexp->clear

Clear the search values of all search fields in the expression.

Resets satisfy_all to true.


sub clear
	my( $self ) = @_;
	foreach my $sf ( $self->get_non_filter_searchfields )
	$self->{satisfy_all} = 1;


=item $bool = $searchexp->get_satisfy_all

Return true if this search requires that all the search fields with
values are satisfied. 


sub get_satisfy_all
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return $self->{satisfy_all};


=item $boolean = $searchexp->is_blank

Return true is this searchexpression has no conditions set, otherwise

If any field is set to "exact" then it can never count as unset.


sub is_blank
	my( $self ) = @_;

	foreach my $sf ( $self->get_non_filter_searchfields )
		next unless( $sf->is_set );
		return( 0 ) ;

	return( 1 );


=item $string = $searchexp->serialise

Return a text representation of the search expression, for persistent
storage. Doesn't store table or the order by fields, just the field
names, values, default order and satisfy_all.


sub serialise
	my( $self ) = @_;

	# nb. We don't serialise 'staff mode' as that does not affect the
	# results of a search, only how it is represented.

	my @parts;
	push @parts, $self->{allow_blank}?1:0;
	push @parts, $self->{satisfy_all}?1:0;
	push @parts, $self->{custom_order};
	push @parts, $self->{dataset}->id();
	# This inserts an "-" field which we use to spot the join between
	# the properties and the fields, so in a pinch we can add a new 
	# property in a later version without breaking when we upgrade.
	push @parts, "-";
	my $search_field;
	my @filters = ();
	foreach my $sf_id (sort @{$self->{searchfields}})
		my $search_field = $self->get_searchfield( $sf_id );
		my $fieldstring = $search_field->serialise();
		next unless( defined $fieldstring );
                if( $self->{filtersmap}->{$sf_id} )
			push @filters, $fieldstring;
			push @parts, $fieldstring;
	if( scalar @filters )
		push @parts, "-", @filters;
	my @escapedparts;
	foreach( @parts )
		# clone the string, so we can escape it without screwing
		# up the origional.
		my $bit = $_;
		$bit="" unless defined( $bit );
		$bit =~ s/[\\\|]/\\$&/g; 
		push @escapedparts,$bit;
	return join( "|" , @escapedparts );


=item $searchexp->from_string( $string )

Unserialises the contents of $string but only into the fields alrdeady
existing in $searchexp. Set the order and satisfy_all mode but do not 
affect the dataset or allow blank.


sub from_string
	my( $self, $string ) = @_;

	return unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $string ) );

	my( $pstring , $field_string, $filter_string ) = split /\|-\|/ , $string ;
	$field_string = "" unless( defined $field_string ); # avoid a warning

	my @parts = split( /\|/ , $pstring );
	$self->{satisfy_all} = $parts[1]; 
	$self->{custom_order} = $parts[2];
	delete $self->{custom_order} if( $self->{custom_order} eq "" );
# not overriding these bits
#	$self->{allow_blank} = $parts[0];
#	$self->{dataset} = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( $parts[3] ); 

	my $sf_data = {};
	if( defined $field_string )
		foreach( split /\|/ , $field_string )
			my $data = EPrints::Search::Field->unserialise( $_ );
			$sf_data->{$data->{"id"}} = $data;	

	foreach my $sf ( $self->get_non_filter_searchfields )
		my $data = $sf_data->{$sf->get_id};
			$sf->get_id() );

sub from_string_raw
	my( $self, $string ) = @_;

	return unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $string ) );

	my( $pstring , $field_string, $filter_string ) = split /\|-\|/ , $string ;
	$field_string = "" unless( defined $field_string ); # avoid a warning
	$filter_string = "" unless( defined $filter_string ); # avoid a warning

	my @parts = split( /\|/ , $pstring );
	$self->{satisfy_all} = $parts[1]; 
	$self->{custom_order} = $parts[2];
	delete $self->{custom_order} if( $self->{custom_order} eq "" );
# not overriding these bits
#	$self->{allow_blank} = $parts[0];
#	$self->{dataset} = $self->{session}->get_repository->get_dataset( $parts[3] ); 

	foreach( split /\|/ , $field_string )
		my $data = EPrints::Search::Field->unserialise( $_ );
		my $fields = [];
		foreach my $fname ( split( "/", $data->{rawid} ) )
			push @{$fields}, $self->{dataset}->get_field( $fname );
			$data->{"id"}, );
	foreach( split /\|/ , $filter_string )
		my $data = EPrints::Search::Field->unserialise( $_ );
		my $fields = [];
		foreach my $fname ( split( "/", $data->{rawid} ) )
			push @{$fields}, $self->{dataset}->get_field( $fname );
		my $sf = $self->add_field( 
			1, );
		$sf->set_include_in_description( 0 );



=item $newsearchexp = $searchexp->clone

Return a new search expression which is a duplicate of this one.


sub clone
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $clone = EPrints::Search->new( %{$self} );
	foreach my $sf_id ( keys %{$self->{searchfieldmap}} )
		my $sf = $self->{searchfieldmap}->{$sf_id};
			$sf->get_id );

	return $clone;


=item $conditions = $searchexp->get_conditons

Return a tree of EPrints::Search::Condition objects describing the
simple steps required to perform this search.


sub get_conditions
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $any_field_set = 0;
	my @r = ();
	my @filters = ();
	foreach my $sf ( $self->get_searchfields )
		next unless( $sf->is_set() );
		$any_field_set = 1;

                if( $self->{filtersmap}->{$sf->get_id} )
			push @filters, $sf->get_conditions;
			push @r, $sf->get_conditions;

	my $cond;
	if( $any_field_set )
		if( $self->{satisfy_all} )
			$cond = EPrints::Search::Condition->new( "AND", @r );
			$cond = EPrints::Search::Condition->new( "OR", @r );
		if( $self->{allow_blank} )
			$cond = EPrints::Search::Condition->new( "TRUE" );
			$cond = EPrints::Search::Condition->new( "FALSE" );

	if( scalar @filters )
		my $fcond;
		if( scalar @filters == 1 )
			$fcond = $filters[0];
			$fcond = EPrints::Search::Condition->new( "AND", @filters );
		$cond = EPrints::Search::Condition->new( "AND", $fcond, $cond );

	return $cond;


=item $dataset = $searchexp->get_dataset

Return the EPrints::DataSet which this search relates to.


sub get_dataset
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return $self->{dataset};


=item $searchexp->set_dataset( $dataset )

Set the EPrints::DataSet which this search relates to.


sub set_dataset
	my( $self, $dataset ) = @_;

	# Any cache is now meaningless...
	$self->dispose; # clean up cache if it's not shared.
	delete $self->{cache_id}; # forget about it even if it is shared.

	$self->{dataset} = $dataset;
	foreach my $sf ( $self->get_searchfields )
		$sf->set_dataset( $dataset );


=item $xhtml = $searchexp->render_description

Return an XHTML DOM description of this search expressions current


sub render_description
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $frag = $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment;

	$frag->appendChild( $self->render_conditions_description );
	$frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( ". " ) );
	$frag->appendChild( $self->render_order_description );
	$frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( ". " ) );

	return $frag;


=item $xhtml = $searchexp->render_conditions_description

Return an XHTML DOM description of this search expressions conditions.
ie title is "foo" 


sub render_conditions_description
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my @bits = ();
	foreach my $sf ( $self->get_searchfields )
		next unless( $sf->is_set );
		next unless( $sf->get_include_in_description );
		push @bits, $sf->render_description;

	my $joinphraseid = "lib/searchexpression:desc_or";
	if( $self->{satisfy_all} )
		$joinphraseid = "lib/searchexpression:desc_and";

	my $frag = $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment;

	for( my $i=0; $i<scalar @bits; ++$i )
		if( $i>0 )
			$frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->html_phrase( 
				$joinphraseid ) );
		$frag->appendChild( $bits[$i] );

	if( scalar @bits == 0 )
		$frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->html_phrase(
			"lib/searchexpression:desc_no_conditions" ) );

	return $frag;


=item $xhtml = $searchexp->render_order_description

Return an XHTML DOM description of how this search is ordered.


sub render_order_description
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $frag = $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment;

	# empty if there is no order.
	return $frag unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $self->{custom_order} ) );

	my $first = 1;
	foreach my $orderid ( split( "/", $self->{custom_order} ) )
		$frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( ", " ) ) if( !$first );
		my $desc = 0;
		if( $orderid=~s/^-// ) { $desc = 1; }
		$frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( "-" ) ) if( $desc );
		my $field = EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string( $self->{dataset}, $orderid );
		$frag->appendChild( $field->render_name( $self->{session} ) );
		$first = 0;

	return $self->{session}->html_phrase(
		order => $frag );



=item $searchexp->set_property( $property, $value );

Set any single property of this search, such as the order.


sub set_property
	my( $self, $property, $value ) = @_;

	$self->{$property} = $value;


=item @search_fields = $searchexp->get_searchfields()

Return the EPrints::Search::Field objects relating to this search.


sub get_searchfields
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my @search_fields = ();
	foreach my $id ( @{$self->{searchfields}} ) 
		push @search_fields, $self->get_searchfield( $id ); 
	return @search_fields;


=item @search_fields = $searchexp->get_non_filter_searchfields();

Return the EPrints::Search::Field objects relating to this search,
which are normal search fields, and not "filters".


sub get_non_filter_searchfields
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my @search_fields = ();
	foreach my $id ( @{$self->{searchfields};} ) 
                next if( $self->{filtersmap}->{$id} );
		push @search_fields, $self->get_searchfield( $id ); 
	return @search_fields;


=item @search_fields = $searchexp->get_set_searchfields

Return the searchfields belonging to this search expression which
have a value set. 


sub get_set_searchfields
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my @set_fields = ();
	foreach my $sf ( $self->get_searchfields )
		next unless( $sf->is_set() );
		push @set_fields , $sf;
	return @set_fields;


# Search related instance variables
#   {cache_id}  - the ID of the table the results are cached & 
#			ordered in.
#   {results}  - the EPrints::List object which describes the results.


=item $cache_id = $searchexp->get_cache_id

Return the ID of the cache containing the results of this search,
if known.


sub get_cache_id
	my( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{cache_id};


=item $results = $searchexp->perform_search

Execute this search and return a EPrints::List object
representing the results.


sub perform_search
	my( $self ) = @_;
	$self->{error} = undef;

	if( defined $self->{results} )
		return $self->{results};

	# cjg hmmm check cache still exists?
	if( defined $self->{cache_id} )
		$self->{results} = EPrints::List->new( 
			session => $self->{session},
			dataset => $self->{dataset},
			encoded => $self->serialise,
			cache_id => $self->{cache_id}, 
			desc => $self->render_conditions_description,
			desc_order => $self->render_order_description,
		return $self->{results};

	#my $conditions = $self->get_conditions;
	#print STDERR $conditions->describe."\n\n";

	my $unsorted_matches = $self->get_conditions->process( 
						$self->{session} );

	$self->{results} = EPrints::List->new( 
		session => $self->{session},
		dataset => $self->{dataset},
		order => $self->{custom_order},
		encoded => $self->serialise,
		keep_cache => $self->{keep_cache},
		ids => $unsorted_matches, 
		desc => $self->render_conditions_description,
		desc_order => $self->render_order_description,

	$self->{cache_id} = $self->{results}->get_cache_id;

	return $self->{results};

 # Legacy functions which daisy chain to the results object
 # All deprecated.

sub cache_results
	my( $self ) = @_;

	if( !defined $self->{result} )
		$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "\$searchexp->cache_results() : Search has not been performed" );


sub dispose
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return unless defined $self->{results};


sub count
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return unless defined $self->{results};


sub get_records
	my( $self , $offset , $count ) = @_;
	return $self->{results}->get_records( $offset , $count );

sub get_ids
	my( $self , $offset , $count ) = @_;
	return $self->{results}->get_ids( $offset , $count );

sub map
	my( $self, $function, $info ) = @_;	

	return $self->{results}->map( $function, $info );



