Digital_Repository / Repositories / statistics / includes /
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	// NJS 2006-06-14: Added support for multiple archives.
	print $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["repository_name"][$GLOBALS["config_vars"]["archivename"]];
	print ': Usage Statistics';
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	// NJS 2006-06-14: Added support for multiple archives.
	print $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["repository_name"][$GLOBALS["config_vars"]["archivename"]];
	print ': Usage Statistics<br />';
	print '<span style="font-size:small;color:#cccccc;">[Last updated ' .
		$sql->getLastProc() . ']</span>';
	print '</h1>';
	// If we're displaying the global stats page, provide a list
	// of all the hosted repositories. 
	if ( $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["archivename"] == 'default' )
		print '<p>Note that these statistics are accumulated across <em>all</em> of
			the following repositories hosted on this server:</p>';
		print '<ul>';
		foreach ( $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["repository_name"] as $id => $name )
			if ( $id != 'default' )
				print "<li><a href='/es/?archive=$id'>$name</a></li>";
		print '</ul>';
		print '</p>If you want usage statistics specific to only one of these
			repositories, please follow the appropriate link above.</p>';
		print '<hr />';

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