- -- MySQL dump 9.07
- --
- -- Host: localhost Database: pysocks
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- -- Server version 4.0.12-log
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'auth'
- --
- auth_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- the_time datetime default NULL,
- user_id int(11) default NULL,
- status int(11) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (auth_id)
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'auth'
- --
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'doc_auth'
- --
- CREATE TABLE doc_auth (
- author_id int(11) default NULL,
- document_id int(11) default NULL
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'doc_auth'
- --
- INSERT INTO doc_auth (author_id, document_id) VALUES (1,1);
- INSERT INTO doc_auth (author_id, document_id) VALUES (2,2);
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'document_authors'
- --
- CREATE TABLE document_authors (
- author_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- name varchar(255) default NULL,
- is_local int(11) default NULL,
- email_address varchar(255) default NULL,
- department_id int(11) default NULL,
- notes text,
- PRIMARY KEY (author_id)
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'document_authors'
- --
- INSERT INTO document_authors (author_id, name, is_local, email_address, department_id, notes) VALUES (1,'Nigel Stanger',1,'nigel@whatever',1,'some strange guy who does things with databases');
- INSERT INTO document_authors (author_id, name, is_local, email_address, department_id, notes) VALUES (2,'Joe Skinner',0,'crypt@here',0,'some strange guy who does things with databases');
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'document_data'
- --
- CREATE TABLE document_data (
- doc_id int(11) default NULL,
- the_doc mediumtext
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'document_data'
- --
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'document_info'
- --
- CREATE TABLE document_info (
- doc_id int(11) default NULL,
- author_id int(11) default NULL,
- pub_date date default NULL,
- has_blob int(11) default NULL,
- is_active int(11) default NULL,
- title varchar(255) default NULL,
- short_desc varchar(255) default NULL,
- long_desc text
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'document_info'
- --
- INSERT INTO document_info (doc_id, author_id, pub_date, has_blob, is_active, title, short_desc, long_desc) VALUES (1,1,'2003-05-17',0,1,'once upon a time - a story about computers','blah blah blah','the same but longer');
- INSERT INTO document_info (doc_id, author_id, pub_date, has_blob, is_active, title, short_desc, long_desc) VALUES (2,2,'2003-05-17',0,1,'some interesting article','how to break a db','lots of details on the best way to break your favorite db system');
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'keywords'
- --
- CREATE TABLE keywords (
- keyword_id int(11) default NULL,
- keyword char(255) default NULL
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'keywords'
- --
- INSERT INTO keywords (keyword_id, keyword) VALUES (1,'bad');
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'kw_doc'
- --
- CREATE TABLE kw_doc (
- keyword_id int(11) default NULL,
- doc_id int(11) default NULL
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'kw_doc'
- --
- INSERT INTO kw_doc (keyword_id, doc_id) VALUES (1,1);
- INSERT INTO kw_doc (keyword_id, doc_id) VALUES (1,2);
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'page_data_simple'
- --
- CREATE TABLE page_data_simple (
- page_id int(11) default NULL,
- auth_level int(11) default NULL,
- item_name varchar(80) default NULL,
- item_data mediumtext
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'page_data_simple'
- --
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (1,0,'head_block','hi there');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (1,0,'footer_block','hi there --');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (2,0,'login','./index.cgi?page=200');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (2,0,'logout','./index.cgi?page=300');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (2,0,'search','./index.cgi?page=400');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (2,0,'accept','url-link');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (2,0,'add new','url-link');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (1,0,'main_text','lots of new stuff --\nPosted by michael on Sunday May 04, @06:51PM\n from the have-your-device-call-my-device-and-we\'ll-do-lunch dept.\n markbaard writes \"Intel is developing a wireless, pocket-sized personal server that may replace laptops and PDAs altogether. The \'personal server,\' which is being developed at Intel Research by ubiquitous computing wizard Roy Want, is the size of a deck of cards, half the weight of an iPaq, and has no i/o, no screen, and no peripherals. The device never leaves its user\'s pocket or handbag. Pictures of the personal server and the story are at baard.com.\" ');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (400,0,'head_block','search');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (400,0,'footer_block','search footer');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (400,0,'main_text','<form method=\"post\" action=\"./index.cgi\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"500\">\n <table>\n\n <tr>\n <td>Keywords</td>\n <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"keywords\" value=\"\"></td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>authors</td>\n <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"authors\" value=\"\"></td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td>research group</td>\n <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"department\" value=\"\"></td>\n </tr>\n\n <tr>\n <td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\"></td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n</form>');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (300,0,'main_text','you are now logged out! ');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (2,0,'list items','./index.cgi?page=500');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (500,0,'head_block','results header');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (500,0,'footer_block','results footer');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (600,0,'head_block','details header');
- INSERT INTO page_data_simple (page_id, auth_level, item_name, item_data) VALUES (600,0,'footer_block','details footer');
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'page_templates'
- --
- CREATE TABLE page_templates (
- template_id int(11) default NULL,
- template_name varchar(255) default NULL,
- template mediumtext
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'page_templates'
- --
- INSERT INTO page_templates (template_id, template_name, template) VALUES (1,'top level page','<html>\n<head><title>main</title><head>\n<body>\n<table width=\"100%%\" border=\"1\">
- <tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\">%(login_status)s</td></tr>
- <tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">%(head_block)s</td></tr>\n<tr>
- \n<tr>\n<td>%(left_bar)s</td>\n<td>%(main_text)s</td>\n</tr>\n
- <tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">%(footer_block)s</td></tr>\n</table>\n</body>\n</html>');
- INSERT INTO page_templates (template_id, template_name, template) VALUES (3,'main_text','%(main_text)s');
- INSERT INTO page_templates (template_id, template_name, template) VALUES (4,'menu_bar','<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>');
- INSERT INTO page_templates (template_id, template_name, template) VALUES (501,'search_template_line','<a href=\"./index.cgi?page=600&item_id=%s\">%s</a><br>');
- INSERT INTO page_templates (template_id, template_name, template) VALUES (502,'search_template_body','%s');
- INSERT INTO page_templates (template_id, template_name, template) VALUES (600,'results_template_body','%(doc_id)s\n<BR>\nPublication Date: %(pub_date)s\n<BR> \nTitle: %(title)s\n<BR> \nShort Description: %(short_desc)s\n<BR> \n Long Description: %(long_desc)s\n<BR>Authors: %(the_authors)s<BR>');
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'pages'
- --
- CREATE TABLE pages (
- page_id int(11) default NULL,
- page_type int(11) default NULL,
- has_subparts int(11) default NULL,
- parent int(11) default NULL,
- template_id int(11) default NULL,
- auth_level int(11) default NULL,
- name char(80) default NULL,
- sub_type int(11) default NULL
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'pages'
- --
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (1,1,1,-1,1,0,'top_page',1);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (2,2,1,1,4,0,'menu_bar',NULL);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (3,1,0,1,3,0,'main_text',NULL);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (10,1,1,-1,1,0,'top_page',NULL);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (2,2,1,10,4,0,'menu_bar',NULL);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (12,1,0,10,3,0,'main_text',NULL);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (300,1,1,-1,1,0,'logout_page',NULL);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (2,2,1,300,4,0,'menu_bar',NULL);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (302,1,0,300,3,0,'main_text',NULL);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (400,1,0,400,1,0,'main_text',NULL);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (500,2,0,500,2,0,'main_text',NULL);
- INSERT INTO pages (page_id, page_type, has_subparts, parent, template_id, auth_level, name, sub_type) VALUES (600,3,0,600,2,0,'main_text',NULL);
- --
- -- Table structure for table 'research_groups'
- --
- CREATE TABLE research_groups (
- group_id int(11) default NULL,
- group_name varchar(255) default NULL,
- notes text
- --
- -- Dumping data for table 'research_groups'
- --