Digital_Repository / Old / pysocks /
nstanger on 12 Nov 2005 1 KB - Second attempt at importing!
#!/usr/bin/env python

"""A cgi script that counts how many times the user has visited a web
site.  A quick example on how to use cookies.

This script assumes that you have the Cookie module from Python 2.0.
If not, you might need to fiddle with it a bit --- not quite sure.

Author: Danny Yoo (

from Cookie import SimpleCookie
import cgi
import os

def getCookie(initialvalues = {}):
    """Return a SimpleCookie.  If some of the cookie values haven't
    been set, we'll plunk them into the cookie with the initialValues
    if os.environ.has_key('HTTP_COOKIE'):
        C = SimpleCookie(os.environ['HTTP_COOKIE'])
        C = SimpleCookie()
    for key in initialvalues.keys():
        if not C.has_key(key): C[key] = initialvalues[key]
    return C

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cookie = getCookie({'counter': 2})
    cookie['counter'] = int(cookie['counter'].value) + 1

    print "content-type: text/html"
    print cookie

    print "Here's our count:", cookie['counter'].value