Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / lib / defaultcfg / cfg.d /


=item $xhtmlfragment = eprint_render( $eprint, $session, $preview )

This subroutine takes an eprint object and renders the XHTML view
of this eprint for public viewing.

Takes two arguments: the L<$eprint|EPrints::DataObj::EPrint> to render and the current L<$session|EPrints::Session>.

Returns three XHTML DOM fragments (see L<EPrints::XML>): C<$page>, C<$title>, (and optionally) C<$links>.

If $preview is true then this is only being shown as a preview.
(This is used to stop the "edit eprint" link appearing when it makes
no sense.)



$c->{eprint_render} = sub
	my( $eprint, $session, $preview ) = @_;

	my $succeeds_field = $session->get_repository->get_dataset( "eprint" )->get_field( "succeeds" );
	my $commentary_field = $session->get_repository->get_dataset( "eprint" )->get_field( "commentary" );
	my $has_multiple_versions = $eprint->in_thread( $succeeds_field );

	my( $page, $p, $a );

	$page = $session->make_doc_fragment;
	# Citation
	$p = $session->make_element( "p", class=>"ep_block", style=>"margin-bottom: 1em" );
	$p->appendChild( $eprint->render_citation() );
	$page->appendChild( $p );

	# Put in a message describing how this document has other versions
	# in the repository if appropriate
	if( $has_multiple_versions )
		my $latest = $eprint->last_in_thread( $succeeds_field );
		my $block = $session->make_element( "div", class=>"ep_block", style=>"margin-bottom: 1em" );
		$page->appendChild( $block );
		if( $latest->get_value( "eprintid" ) == $eprint->get_value( "eprintid" ) )
			$block->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( 
						"page:latest_version" ) );
			$block->appendChild( $session->render_message(
					link => $session->render_link( 
							$latest->get_url() ) ) ) );

	# Contact email address
	my $has_contact_email = 0;
	if( $session->get_repository->can_call( "email_for_doc_request" ) )
		if( defined( $session->get_repository->call( "email_for_doc_request", $session, $eprint ) ) )
			$has_contact_email = 1;

	# Available documents
	my @documents = $eprint->get_all_documents();

	my $docs_to_show = scalar @documents;

	$p = $session->make_element( "p", class=>"ep_block", style=>"margin-bottom: 1em" );
	$page->appendChild( $p );

	if( $docs_to_show == 0 )
		$p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:nofulltext" ) );
		if( $has_contact_email && $eprint->get_value( "eprint_status" ) eq "archive"  )
			# "Request a copy" button
			my $form = $session->render_form( "get", $session->get_repository->get_conf( "perl_url" ) . "/request_doc" );
			$form->appendChild( $session->render_hidden_field( "eprintid", $eprint->get_id ) );
			$form->appendChild( $session->render_action_buttons( 
				"null" => $session->phrase( "request:button" )
			) );
			$p->appendChild( $form );
		$p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:fulltext" ) );

		my( $doctable, $doctr, $doctd );
		$doctable = $session->make_element( "table", class=>"ep_block", style=>"margin-bottom: 1em" );

		foreach my $doc ( @documents )
			$doctr = $session->make_element( "tr" );
			$doctd = $session->make_element( "td", valign=>"top", style=>"text-align:center" );
			$doctr->appendChild( $doctd );
			$doctd->appendChild( $doc->render_icon_link( preview => 1 ) );
			$doctd = $session->make_element( "td", valign=>"top" );
			$doctr->appendChild( $doctd );
			$doctd->appendChild( $doc->render_citation_link() );
			my %files = $doc->files;
			if( defined $files{$doc->get_main} )
				my $size = $files{$doc->get_main};
				$doctd->appendChild( $session->make_element( 'br' ) );
				$doctd->appendChild( $session->make_text( EPrints::Utils::human_filesize($size) ));

			if( $has_contact_email && !$doc->is_public && $eprint->get_value( "eprint_status" ) eq "archive" )
				# "Request a copy" button
				$doctd = $session->make_element( "td" );
				my $form = $session->render_form( "get", $session->get_repository->get_conf( "perl_url" ) . "/request_doc" );
				$form->appendChild( $session->render_hidden_field( "docid", $doc->get_id ) );
				$form->appendChild( $session->render_action_buttons( 
					"null" => $session->phrase( "request:button" )
				) );
				$doctd->appendChild( $form );
				$doctr->appendChild( $doctd );

			$doctable->appendChild( $doctr );
		$page->appendChild( $doctable );

	# Alternative locations
	if( $eprint->is_set( "official_url" ) )
		$p = $session->make_element( "p", class=>"ep_block", style=>"margin-bottom: 1em" );
		$page->appendChild( $p );
		$p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_official_url" ) );
		$p->appendChild( $session->make_text( ": " ) );
		$p->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "official_url" ) );
	# Then the abstract
	if( $eprint->is_set( "abstract" ) )
		my $div = $session->make_element( "div", class=>"ep_block" );
		$page->appendChild( $div );
		my $h2 = $session->make_element( "h2" );
			$session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_abstract" ) );
		$div->appendChild( $h2 );

		$p = $session->make_element( "p", style=>"text-align: left; margin: 1em auto 0em auto" );
		$p->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "abstract" ) );
		$div->appendChild( $p );
		$page->appendChild( $session->make_element( 'br' ) );
	my( $table, $tr, $td, $th );	# this table needs more class cjg
	$table = $session->make_element( "table",
					class=>"ep_block", style=>"margin-bottom: 1em",
					cellpadding=>"3" );
	$page->appendChild( $table );

	# Commentary
	if( $eprint->is_set( "commentary" ) )
		my $target = EPrints::DataObj::EPrint->new( 
			$eprint->get_value( "commentary" ),
			$session->get_repository()->get_dataset( "archive" ) );
		if( defined $target )
			$table->appendChild( $session->render_row(
					"eprint_fieldname_commentary" ),
				$target->render_citation_link() ) );

	my $frag = $session->make_doc_fragment;
	$frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "type"  ) );
	my $type = $eprint->get_value( "type" );
	if( $type eq "conference_item" )
		$frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( " (" ));
		$frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "pres_type"  ) );
		$frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( ")" ));
	if( $type eq "monograph" )
		$frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( " (" ));
		$frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "monograph_type"  ) );
		$frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( ")" ));
	if( $type eq "thesis" )
		$frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( " (" ));
		$frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "thesis_type"  ) );
		$frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( ")" ));
	$table->appendChild( $session->render_row(
		$session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_type" ),
		$frag ));

	# Additional Info
	if( $eprint->is_set( "note" ) )
		$table->appendChild( $session->render_row(
			$session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_note" ),
			$eprint->render_value( "note" ) ) );

	# Keywords
	if( $eprint->is_set( "keywords" ) )
		$table->appendChild( $session->render_row(
			$session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_keywords" ),
			$eprint->render_value( "keywords" ) ) );

	# Subjects...
	$table->appendChild( $session->render_row(
		$session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_subjects" ),
		$eprint->render_value( "subjects" ) ) );

	$table->appendChild( $session->render_row(
		$session->html_phrase( "page:id_code" ),
		$eprint->render_value( "eprintid" ) ) );

	my $user = new EPrints::DataObj::User( 
 			$eprint->get_value( "userid" ) );
	my $usersname;
	if( defined $user )
		$usersname = $user->render_description();
		$usersname = $session->html_phrase( "page:invalid_user" );

	$table->appendChild( $session->render_row(
		$session->html_phrase( "page:deposited_by" ),
		$usersname ) );

	if( $eprint->is_set( "datestamp" ) )
		$table->appendChild( $session->render_row(
			$session->html_phrase( "page:deposited_on" ),
			$eprint->render_value( "datestamp" ) ) );

	if( $eprint->is_set( "lastmod" ) )
		$table->appendChild( $session->render_row(
			$session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_lastmod" ),
			$eprint->render_value( "lastmod" ) ) );

	# Now show the version and commentary response threads
	if( $has_multiple_versions )
		my $div = $session->make_element( "div", class=>"ep_block", style=>"margin-bottom: 1em" );
		$page->appendChild( $div );
			$session->html_phrase( "page:available_versions" ) );
			$eprint->render_version_thread( $succeeds_field ) );
	if( $eprint->in_thread( $commentary_field ) )
		my $div = $session->make_element( "div", class=>"ep_block", style=>"margin-bottom: 1em" );
		$page->appendChild( $div );
			$session->html_phrase( "page:commentary_threads" ) );
			$eprint->render_version_thread( $commentary_field ) );

	# Experimental SFX Link
	my $url ="";
	#my $url = "";
	$url .= "title=".$eprint->get_value( "title" );
	$url .= "&";
	my $authors = $eprint->get_value( "creators" );
	my $first_author = $authors->[0];
	$url .= "aulast=".$first_author->{name}->{family};
	$url .= "&";
	$url .= "aufirst=".$first_author->{name}->{family};
	$url .= "&";
	$url .= "date=".$eprint->get_value( "date" );
	my $sfx_block = $session->make_element( "p" );
	$page->appendChild( $sfx_block );
	my $sfx_link = $session->render_link( $url );
	$sfx_block->appendChild( $sfx_link );
	$sfx_link->appendChild( $session->make_text( "SFX" ) );

	# Experimental OVID Link
	my $url ="";
	$url .= "atitle=".$eprint->get_value( "title" );
	$url .= "&";
	my $authors = $eprint->get_value( "creators" );
	my $first_author = $authors->[0];
	$url .= "aulast=".$first_author->{name}->{family};
	$url .= "&";
	$url .= "date=".substr($eprint->get_value( "date" ),0,4);
	if( $eprint->is_set( "issn" ) )
		$url .= "&issn=".$eprint->get_value( "issn" );
	if( $eprint->is_set( "volume" ) )
		$url .= "&volume=".$eprint->get_value( "volume" );
	if( $eprint->is_set( "number" ) )
		$url .= "&issue=".$eprint->get_value( "number" );
	if( $eprint->is_set( "pagerange" ) )
		my $pr = $eprint->get_value( "pagerange" );
		$pr =~ m/^([^-]+)-/;
		$url .= "&spage=$1";

	my $ovid_block = $session->make_element( "p" );
	$page->appendChild( $ovid_block );
	my $ovid_link = $session->render_link( $url );
	$ovid_block->appendChild( $ovid_link );
	$ovid_link->appendChild( $session->make_text( "OVID" ) );

	unless( $preview )
		# Add a link to the edit-page for this record. Handy for staff.
		my $edit_para = $session->make_element( "p", align=>"right" );
		$edit_para->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( 
			link => $session->render_link( $eprint->get_control_url ) ) );
		$page->appendChild( $edit_para );

	my $title = $eprint->render_description();

	my $links = $session->make_doc_fragment();
	$links->appendChild( $session->plugin( "Export::Simple" )->dataobj_to_html_header( $eprint ) );
	$links->appendChild( $session->plugin( "Export::DC" )->dataobj_to_html_header( $eprint ) );

	return( $page, $title, $links );