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- Embedded survey and requrest eprint button code (commented out).
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on 19 Apr 2007
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###################################################################### # # Site Render Config # ###################################################################### # # This file is part of GNU EPrints 2. # # Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ. # # EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ###################################################################### # # Rendering Routines # # Functions which convert archive data into a human readable form. # # A couple of these routines return UTF8 encoded strings, but the # others return DOM structures. See the docs for more information # about this. # # Anywhere text is set, it is requested from the archive phrases # XML file, in case you are running the archive in more than one # language. # # Hopefully when we are in beta the'll be an alternative version # of this config for single language archives. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ###################################################################### # # $xhtmlfragment = eprint_render( $eprint, $session ) # ###################################################################### # $eprint # - the EPrints::User to be rendered # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # # returns: ( $xhtmlfragment, $title, $links ) # - 3 XHTML DOM fragments - the page, the title and (optionally) the # metadata links to place in the webpage header. ###################################################################### # This subroutine takes an eprint object and renders the XHTML view # of this eprint for public viewing. # ###################################################################### sub eprint_render { my( $eprint, $session ) = @_; my $succeeds_field = $session->get_archive()->get_dataset( "eprint" )->get_field( "succeeds" ); my $commentary_field = $session->get_archive()->get_dataset( "eprint" )->get_field( "commentary" ); my $has_multiple_versions = $eprint->in_thread( $succeeds_field ); my( $page, $p, $a ); $page = $session->make_doc_fragment; # Citation $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $p->appendChild( $eprint->render_citation() ); $page->appendChild( $p ); # Put in a message describing how this document has other versions # in the archive if appropriate if( $has_multiple_versions ) { my $latest = $eprint->last_in_thread( $succeeds_field ); if( $latest->get_value( "eprintid" ) == $eprint->get_value( "eprintid" ) ) { $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:latest_version" ) ); } else { $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:not_latest_version", link => $session->render_link( $latest->get_url() ) ) ); } } # Available documents my @documents = $eprint->get_all_documents(); my $docs_to_show = scalar @documents; # look for any coverimage document foreach( @documents ) { next unless ( $_->get_value( "format" ) eq "coverimage" ); $page->appendChild( $session->make_element( "img", align=>"left", style=>"padding-right: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em;", src=>$_->get_url(), alt=>$_->get_value( "formatdesc" ) ) ); --$docs_to_show; } # $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "abstract/survey_advert" ) ); $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $page->appendChild( $p ); if( $docs_to_show == 0 ) { $p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:nofulltext" ) ); } else { $p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:fulltext" ) ); my( $doctable, $doctr, $doctd ); $doctable = $session->make_element( "table" ); foreach my $doc ( @documents ) { next if( $doc->get_value( "format" ) eq "coverimage" ); $doctr = $session->make_element( "tr" ); $doctd = $session->make_element( "td" ); $doctr->appendChild( $doctd ); $doctd->appendChild( _render_fileicon( $session, $doc->get_type, $doc->get_url ) ); $doctd = $session->make_element( "td" ); $doctr->appendChild( $doctd ); $doctd->appendChild( $doc->render_citation_link() ); my %files = $doc->files; if( defined $files{$doc->get_main} ) { my $k = int($files{$doc->get_main}/1024)+1; $doctd->appendChild( $session->make_element( 'br' ) ); $doctd->appendChild( $session->make_text( $k." Kb" )); } $doctable->appendChild( $doctr ); } $page->appendChild( $doctable ); } # Alternative locations if( $eprint->is_set( "official_url" ) ) { $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $page->appendChild( $p ); $p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_official_url" ) ); $p->appendChild( $session->make_text( ": " ) ); $p->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "official_url" ) ); } # Request eprint # if( $eprint->is_set( "full_text_status" ) ) # { # my $status = $eprint->get_value( "full_text_status" ); # if( $status ne "public" ) # { # if( $session->get_archive->can_call( "email_for_doc_request" ) ) # { # if( defined( $session->get_archive->call( "email_for_doc_request", $session, $eprint ) ) ) # { # # only render if there is a contact email address # my $form = $session->render_form( "post", $session->get_archive->get_conf( "perl_url" ) . "/request_doc" ); # $form->appendChild( $session->render_hidden_field( "eprintid", $eprint->get_id ) ); # $form->appendChild( $session->render_action_buttons( # "submit" => $session->phrase( "request:button" ) # ) ); # $page->appendChild( $form ); # } # } # } # } # Link to download statistics. [NJS 2005-12-08] # Note: highly dependent on the way that the UTas EPrintsStats package # structures things! In particular, this will break completely if the # URL format changes. $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $page->appendChild( $p ); $p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "abstract/stats_link:prefix" ) ); my $statslink = $session->make_element( "a", href=>"/es/index.php?action=show_detail_eprint;id=" . $eprint->get_value( "eprintid" ) . ";year=0;month=0;range=4w" ); $statslink->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "abstract/stats_link:link_text" ) ); $p->appendChild( $statslink ); $p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "abstract/stats_link:suffix" ) ); # Then the abstract if( $eprint->is_set( "abstract" ) ) { my $h2 = $session->make_element( "h2" ); $h2->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_abstract" ) ); $page->appendChild( $h2 ); $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $p->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "abstract" ) ); $page->appendChild( $p ); } else { $page->appendChild( $session->make_element( 'br' ) ); } my( $table, $tr, $td, $th ); # this table needs more class cjg $table = $session->make_element( "table", border=>"0", cellpadding=>"3" ); $page->appendChild( $table ); # Commentary if( $eprint->is_set( "commentary" ) ) { my $target = EPrints::EPrint->new( $session, $eprint->get_value( "commentary" ), $session->get_archive()->get_dataset( "archive" ) ); if( defined $target ) { $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_commentary" ), $target->render_citation_link() ) ); } } my $frag = $session->make_doc_fragment; $frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "type" ) ); my $type = $eprint->get_value( "type" ); if( $type eq "conference_item" ) { $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( " (" )); $frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "pres_type" ) ); $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( ")" )); } if( $type eq "monograph" ) { $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( " (" )); $frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "monograph_type" ) ); $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( ")" )); } if( $type eq "thesis" ) { $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( " (" )); $frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "thesis_type" ) ); $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( ")" )); } $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_type" ), $frag )); # Additional Info if( $eprint->is_set( "note" ) ) { $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_note" ), $eprint->render_value( "note" ) ) ); } # Keywords if( $eprint->is_set( "keywords" ) ) { $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_keywords" ), $eprint->render_value( "keywords" ) ) ); } # Affiliations... $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_affiliations" ), $eprint->render_value( "affiliations" ) ) ); # Subjects... $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_subjects" ), $eprint->render_value( "subjects" ) ) ); $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "page:id_code" ), $eprint->render_value( "eprintid" ) ) ); my $user = new EPrints::User( $eprint->{session}, $eprint->get_value( "userid" ) ); my $usersname; if( defined $user ) { $usersname = $session->make_element( "a", href=>$eprint->{session}->get_archive()->get_conf( "perl_url" )."/user?userid=".$user->get_value( "userid" ) ); $usersname->appendChild( $user->render_description() ); } else { $usersname = $session->html_phrase( "page:invalid_user" ); } $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "page:deposited_by" ), $usersname ) ); if( $eprint->is_set( "datestamp" ) ) { $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "page:deposited_on" ), $eprint->render_value( "datestamp" ) ) ); } # Now show the version and commentary response threads if( $has_multiple_versions ) { $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:available_versions" ) ); $page->appendChild( $eprint->render_version_thread( $succeeds_field ) ); } if( $eprint->in_thread( $commentary_field ) ) { $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:commentary_threads" ) ); $page->appendChild( $eprint->render_version_thread( $commentary_field ) ); } # Add a link to the edit-page for this record. Handy for staff. my $edit_para = $session->make_element( "p", align=>"right" ); $edit_para->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:edit_link", link => $session->render_link( $eprint->get_url( 1 ) ) ) ); $page->appendChild( $edit_para ); my $title = $eprint->render_description(); my $links = $session->make_doc_fragment(); # This function is in, but using it here # saves duplicating code. $links->appendChild( $session->make_element( "link", rel => "schema.DC", href => "" ) ); my @dc = eprint_to_unqualified_dc( $eprint, $session ); foreach( @dc ) { $links->appendChild( $session->make_element( "meta", name => "DC.".$_->[0], content => $_->[1] ) ); } return( $page, $title, $links ); } ###################################################################### # # $xhtmlfragment = eprint_render_full( $eprint, $session ) # ###################################################################### # $eprint # - the EPrints::User to be rendered # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # # returns: $xhtmlfragment # - a pair of XHTML DOM fragments - the page and the title. ###################################################################### # This subroutine takes an eprint object and renders the XHTML view # of this eprint for viewing by editors and the person depositing # it. It should show all fields so they can be approved/checked. # # By default it uses eprint_render to generate a view of the normal # abstract page. # ###################################################################### sub eprint_render_full { my( $eprint, $session ) = @_; my( $page, $p, $a ); $page = $session->make_doc_fragment; $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:abstract_intro" ) ); my( $table, $tr, $td ); my( $showdiv ); $showdiv = $session->make_element( "div", class=>"preview" ); $page->appendChild( $showdiv ); my( $abstractpage, $title ) = eprint_render( $eprint, $session ); $showdiv->appendChild( $abstractpage ); if( $eprint->is_set( "suggestions" ) ) { $table = $session->make_element( "table", border=>1, cellpadding=>20 ); $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:suggestions_intro" ) ); $page->appendChild( $table ); $tr = $session->make_element( "tr" ); $td = $session->make_element( "td" ); $table->appendChild( $tr ); $tr->appendChild( $td ); $td->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "suggestions" ) ); } my $unspec_fields = $session->make_doc_fragment; my $unspec_first = 1; # Show all the other fields $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:allfields_intro" ) ); $table = $session->make_element( "table", border=>"0", cellpadding=>"3" ); $page->appendChild( $table ); my $field; foreach $field ( $eprint->get_dataset()->get_type_fields( $eprint->get_value( "type" ) ) ) { next if( $field->get_name() eq "suggestions" ); if( $eprint->is_set( $field->get_name() ) ) { $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $field->render_name( $session ), $eprint->render_value( $field->get_name(), 1 ) ) ); next; } # unspecified value, add it to the list if( $unspec_first ) { $unspec_first = 0; } else { $unspec_fields->appendChild( $session->make_text( ", " ) ); } $unspec_fields->appendChild( $field->render_name( $session ) ); } $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:unspecified", fieldnames=>$unspec_fields ) ); return( $page, $title ); } ###################################################################### # # $dom_tr = _render_row( $session, $key, $value ) # ###################################################################### # Used by eprint_render, user_render_full and eprint_render_full to # turn a key and value into an html table row. # # Returns DOM representing: # <tr><th>$key:</th><td>$value</td></tr> # ###################################################################### sub _render_row { my( $session, $key, $value ) = @_; my( $tr, $th, $td ); $tr = $session->make_element( "tr" ); $th = $session->make_element( "th", valign=>"top" ); $th->appendChild( $key ); $th->appendChild( $session->make_text( ":" ) ); $tr->appendChild( $th ); $td = $session->make_element( "td", valign=>"top" ); $td->appendChild( $value ); $tr->appendChild( $td ); return $tr; } ###################################################################### # # $xhtmlfragment = user_render( $user, $session ) # ###################################################################### # $user # - the EPrints::User to be rendered # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # # returns: $xhtmlfragment # - a XHTML DOM fragment ###################################################################### # This subroutine takes a user object and renders the XHTML view # of this user for public viewing. # ###################################################################### sub user_render { my( $user, $session ) = @_; my $html; my( $info, $p, $a ); $info = $session->make_doc_fragment; # Render the public information about this user. $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_description() ); # Address, Starting with dept. and organisation... if( $user->is_set( "dept" ) ) { $p->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "dept" ) ); } if( $user->is_set( "org" ) ) { $p->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "org" ) ); } if( $user->is_set( "address" ) ) { $p->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "address" ) ); } if( $user->is_set( "country" ) ) { $p->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "country" ) ); } $info->appendChild( $p ); ## E-mail and URL last, if available. if( $user->get_value( "hideemail" ) ne "TRUE" ) { if( $user->is_set( "email" ) ) { $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "email" ) ); $info->appendChild( $p ); } } if( $user->is_set( "url" ) ) { $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "url" ) ); $info->appendChild( $p ); } return( $info ); } ###################################################################### # # $xhtmlfragment = user_render_full( $user, $session ) # ###################################################################### # $user # - the EPrints::User to be rendered # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # # returns: $xhtmlfragment # - a XHTML DOM fragment ###################################################################### # This subroutine takes a user object and renders the XHTML view # of this user for viewing by system admins. It should show all # the information. # ###################################################################### sub user_render_full { my( $user, $session ) = @_; my $html; my( $info, $p, $a ); $info = $session->make_doc_fragment; # Show all the fields my( $table ); $table = $session->make_element( "table", border=>"0", cellpadding=>"3" ); my @fields = $user->get_dataset()->get_fields( $user->get_value( "usertype" ) ); my $field; foreach $field ( @fields ) { my $name = $field->get_name(); # Skip fields which are only used by eprints internals # and would just confuse the issue to print next if( $name eq "newemail" ); next if( $name eq "newpassword" ); next if( $name eq "password" ); next if( $name eq "pin" ); next if( $name eq "pinsettime" ); $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $field->render_name( $session ), $user->render_value( $field->get_name(), 1 ) ) ); } my @subs = $user->get_subscriptions; my $subs_ds = $session->get_archive->get_dataset( "subscription" ); foreach my $subscr ( @subs ) { my $rowright = $session->make_doc_fragment; foreach( "frequency","spec","mailempty" ) { my $strong; $strong = $session->make_element( "strong" ); $strong->appendChild( $subs_ds->get_field( $_ )->render_name( $session ) ); $strong->appendChild( $session->make_text( ": " ) ); $rowright->appendChild( $strong ); $rowright->appendChild( $subscr->render_value( $_ ) ); $rowright->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) ); } $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "page:subscription" ), $rowright ) ); } $info->appendChild( $table ); return $info; } ###################################################################### # # $xhtmlfragment = render_value_with_id( $field, $session, $value, # $alllangs, $rendered ); # ###################################################################### # $field # - the EPrints::MetaField to which this value belongs # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # $value # - the metadata value structure (see docs) # $alllangs # - boolean flag (1 or 0) - are we rendering for just the current # session language or showing all the data in the value. # - $rendered # XHTML DOM fragment containing the value rendered without any # attention to the ID. # # returns: $xhtmlfragment # - An XHTML DOM fragment containing the value rendered with # attention to the ID (or by default just $rendered) # ###################################################################### # This function is used to madify how a field with an ID is rendered, # By default it just returns the rendered value as it was passed. The # most likely use for this function is to wrap the rendered value in # an anchor ( <a href="foo"> </a> ), generating the URL as appropriate # from the value's ID part. # ###################################################################### sub render_value_with_id { my( $field, $session, $value, $alllangs, $rendered ) = @_; # You might want to wrap the rendered value in an anchor, # eg if the ID is a staff username # you may wish to link to their homepage. #cjg Link Baton? # Simple Example: # # if( $field->get_name() eq "SOMENAME" ) # { # my $fragment = $session->make_doc_fragment(); # $fragment->appendChild( $rendered ); # $fragment->appendChild( # $session->make_text( " (".$value->{id}.")" ) ); # return( $fragment ); # } return( $rendered ); } ###################################################################### # # $label = id_label( $field, $session, $id ); # ###################################################################### # $field # - the EPrints::MetaField to which this ID belongs # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # $id # - ID part of a single metadata value # # returns: $label # - XHTML DOM fragment describing human readable version of the ID. # ###################################################################### # Used when browsing by an ID field, this is used to convert the ID # to a displayable label. # # For example, if you are creating a browse-by for the authors ID # then you might want them displayed as the authors name. How you do # this, if at all, depends very much on your data. By default it # just returns the value of the ID it was passed. # # It will almost always just contain text. It could in theory contain # an image. It will usually be wrapped in an anchor <a> </a> so it # should not have any links in. # ###################################################################### sub id_label { my( $field, $session, $id ) = @_; return $session->make_text( $id ); } ###################################################################### # # $xhtml = render_fileinfo( $session, $field, $value ) # ###################################################################### # This is a custom render method for the fileinfo field. It splits # up the information in the "fileinfo" field and renders icons which # link directly to the documents. # # It is used to include file icons in a citation. # # The fileinfo field is updated using the "eprint_automatic_fields" # method in ###################################################################### sub render_fileinfo { my( $session, $field, $value ) = @_; my $f = $session->make_doc_fragment; foreach my $icon ( split /\|/ , $value ) { my( $type, $url ) = split( /;/, $icon ); $f->appendChild( _render_fileicon( $session, $type, $url )); } return $f; } sub _render_fileicon { my( $session, $type, $url ) = @_; # If you want to do something clever like # map several types to one icon, then this # is the place to do it! my $a = $session->render_link( $url ); $a->appendChild( $session->make_element( "img", src=>$session->get_archive->get_conf("base_url")."/images/fileicons/$type.png", width=>48, height=>48, border=>0 )); return $a; } # Return true to indicate the module loaded OK. 1;
###################################################################### # # Site Render Config # ###################################################################### # # This file is part of GNU EPrints 2. # # Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ. # # EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ###################################################################### # # Rendering Routines # # Functions which convert archive data into a human readable form. # # A couple of these routines return UTF8 encoded strings, but the # others return DOM structures. See the docs for more information # about this. # # Anywhere text is set, it is requested from the archive phrases # XML file, in case you are running the archive in more than one # language. # # Hopefully when we are in beta the'll be an alternative version # of this config for single language archives. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ###################################################################### # # $xhtmlfragment = eprint_render( $eprint, $session ) # ###################################################################### # $eprint # - the EPrints::User to be rendered # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # # returns: ( $xhtmlfragment, $title, $links ) # - 3 XHTML DOM fragments - the page, the title and (optionally) the # metadata links to place in the webpage header. ###################################################################### # This subroutine takes an eprint object and renders the XHTML view # of this eprint for public viewing. # ###################################################################### sub eprint_render { my( $eprint, $session ) = @_; my $succeeds_field = $session->get_archive()->get_dataset( "eprint" )->get_field( "succeeds" ); my $commentary_field = $session->get_archive()->get_dataset( "eprint" )->get_field( "commentary" ); my $has_multiple_versions = $eprint->in_thread( $succeeds_field ); my( $page, $p, $a ); $page = $session->make_doc_fragment; # Citation $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $p->appendChild( $eprint->render_citation() ); $page->appendChild( $p ); # Put in a message describing how this document has other versions # in the archive if appropriate if( $has_multiple_versions ) { my $latest = $eprint->last_in_thread( $succeeds_field ); if( $latest->get_value( "eprintid" ) == $eprint->get_value( "eprintid" ) ) { $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:latest_version" ) ); } else { $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:not_latest_version", link => $session->render_link( $latest->get_url() ) ) ); } } # Available documents my @documents = $eprint->get_all_documents(); my $docs_to_show = scalar @documents; # look for any coverimage document foreach( @documents ) { next unless ( $_->get_value( "format" ) eq "coverimage" ); $page->appendChild( $session->make_element( "img", align=>"left", style=>"padding-right: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em;", src=>$_->get_url(), alt=>$_->get_value( "formatdesc" ) ) ); --$docs_to_show; } $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $page->appendChild( $p ); if( $docs_to_show == 0 ) { $p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:nofulltext" ) ); } else { $p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:fulltext" ) ); my( $doctable, $doctr, $doctd ); $doctable = $session->make_element( "table" ); foreach my $doc ( @documents ) { next if( $doc->get_value( "format" ) eq "coverimage" ); $doctr = $session->make_element( "tr" ); $doctd = $session->make_element( "td" ); $doctr->appendChild( $doctd ); $doctd->appendChild( _render_fileicon( $session, $doc->get_type, $doc->get_url ) ); $doctd = $session->make_element( "td" ); $doctr->appendChild( $doctd ); $doctd->appendChild( $doc->render_citation_link() ); my %files = $doc->files; if( defined $files{$doc->get_main} ) { my $k = int($files{$doc->get_main}/1024)+1; $doctd->appendChild( $session->make_element( 'br' ) ); $doctd->appendChild( $session->make_text( $k." Kb" )); } $doctable->appendChild( $doctr ); } $page->appendChild( $doctable ); } # Alternative locations if( $eprint->is_set( "official_url" ) ) { $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $page->appendChild( $p ); $p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_official_url" ) ); $p->appendChild( $session->make_text( ": " ) ); $p->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "official_url" ) ); } # Link to download statistics. [NJS 2005-12-08] # Note: highly dependent on the way that the UTas EPrintsStats package # structures things! In particular, this will break completely if the # URL format changes. $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $page->appendChild( $p ); $p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "abstract/stats_link:prefix" ) ); my $statslink = $session->make_element( "a", href=>"/es/index.php?action=show_detail_eprint;id=" . $eprint->get_value( "eprintid" ) . ";year=0;month=0;range=4w" ); $statslink->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "abstract/stats_link:link_text" ) ); $p->appendChild( $statslink ); $p->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "abstract/stats_link:suffix" ) ); # Then the abstract if( $eprint->is_set( "abstract" ) ) { my $h2 = $session->make_element( "h2" ); $h2->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_abstract" ) ); $page->appendChild( $h2 ); $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $p->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "abstract" ) ); $page->appendChild( $p ); } else { $page->appendChild( $session->make_element( 'br' ) ); } my( $table, $tr, $td, $th ); # this table needs more class cjg $table = $session->make_element( "table", border=>"0", cellpadding=>"3" ); $page->appendChild( $table ); # Commentary if( $eprint->is_set( "commentary" ) ) { my $target = EPrints::EPrint->new( $session, $eprint->get_value( "commentary" ), $session->get_archive()->get_dataset( "archive" ) ); if( defined $target ) { $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_commentary" ), $target->render_citation_link() ) ); } } my $frag = $session->make_doc_fragment; $frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "type" ) ); my $type = $eprint->get_value( "type" ); if( $type eq "conference_item" ) { $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( " (" )); $frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "pres_type" ) ); $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( ")" )); } if( $type eq "monograph" ) { $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( " (" )); $frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "monograph_type" ) ); $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( ")" )); } if( $type eq "thesis" ) { $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( " (" )); $frag->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "thesis_type" ) ); $frag->appendChild( $session->make_text( ")" )); } $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_type" ), $frag )); # Additional Info if( $eprint->is_set( "note" ) ) { $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_note" ), $eprint->render_value( "note" ) ) ); } # Keywords if( $eprint->is_set( "keywords" ) ) { $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_keywords" ), $eprint->render_value( "keywords" ) ) ); } # Affiliations... $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_affiliations" ), $eprint->render_value( "affiliations" ) ) ); # Subjects... $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "eprint_fieldname_subjects" ), $eprint->render_value( "subjects" ) ) ); $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "page:id_code" ), $eprint->render_value( "eprintid" ) ) ); my $user = new EPrints::User( $eprint->{session}, $eprint->get_value( "userid" ) ); my $usersname; if( defined $user ) { $usersname = $session->make_element( "a", href=>$eprint->{session}->get_archive()->get_conf( "perl_url" )."/user?userid=".$user->get_value( "userid" ) ); $usersname->appendChild( $user->render_description() ); } else { $usersname = $session->html_phrase( "page:invalid_user" ); } $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "page:deposited_by" ), $usersname ) ); if( $eprint->is_set( "datestamp" ) ) { $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "page:deposited_on" ), $eprint->render_value( "datestamp" ) ) ); } # Now show the version and commentary response threads if( $has_multiple_versions ) { $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:available_versions" ) ); $page->appendChild( $eprint->render_version_thread( $succeeds_field ) ); } if( $eprint->in_thread( $commentary_field ) ) { $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:commentary_threads" ) ); $page->appendChild( $eprint->render_version_thread( $commentary_field ) ); } # Add a link to the edit-page for this record. Handy for staff. my $edit_para = $session->make_element( "p", align=>"right" ); $edit_para->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:edit_link", link => $session->render_link( $eprint->get_url( 1 ) ) ) ); $page->appendChild( $edit_para ); my $title = $eprint->render_description(); my $links = $session->make_doc_fragment(); # This function is in, but using it here # saves duplicating code. $links->appendChild( $session->make_element( "link", rel => "schema.DC", href => "" ) ); my @dc = eprint_to_unqualified_dc( $eprint, $session ); foreach( @dc ) { $links->appendChild( $session->make_element( "meta", name => "DC.".$_->[0], content => $_->[1] ) ); } return( $page, $title, $links ); } ###################################################################### # # $xhtmlfragment = eprint_render_full( $eprint, $session ) # ###################################################################### # $eprint # - the EPrints::User to be rendered # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # # returns: $xhtmlfragment # - a pair of XHTML DOM fragments - the page and the title. ###################################################################### # This subroutine takes an eprint object and renders the XHTML view # of this eprint for viewing by editors and the person depositing # it. It should show all fields so they can be approved/checked. # # By default it uses eprint_render to generate a view of the normal # abstract page. # ###################################################################### sub eprint_render_full { my( $eprint, $session ) = @_; my( $page, $p, $a ); $page = $session->make_doc_fragment; $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:abstract_intro" ) ); my( $table, $tr, $td ); my( $showdiv ); $showdiv = $session->make_element( "div", class=>"preview" ); $page->appendChild( $showdiv ); my( $abstractpage, $title ) = eprint_render( $eprint, $session ); $showdiv->appendChild( $abstractpage ); if( $eprint->is_set( "suggestions" ) ) { $table = $session->make_element( "table", border=>1, cellpadding=>20 ); $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:suggestions_intro" ) ); $page->appendChild( $table ); $tr = $session->make_element( "tr" ); $td = $session->make_element( "td" ); $table->appendChild( $tr ); $tr->appendChild( $td ); $td->appendChild( $eprint->render_value( "suggestions" ) ); } my $unspec_fields = $session->make_doc_fragment; my $unspec_first = 1; # Show all the other fields $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:allfields_intro" ) ); $table = $session->make_element( "table", border=>"0", cellpadding=>"3" ); $page->appendChild( $table ); my $field; foreach $field ( $eprint->get_dataset()->get_type_fields( $eprint->get_value( "type" ) ) ) { next if( $field->get_name() eq "suggestions" ); if( $eprint->is_set( $field->get_name() ) ) { $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $field->render_name( $session ), $eprint->render_value( $field->get_name(), 1 ) ) ); next; } # unspecified value, add it to the list if( $unspec_first ) { $unspec_first = 0; } else { $unspec_fields->appendChild( $session->make_text( ", " ) ); } $unspec_fields->appendChild( $field->render_name( $session ) ); } $page->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "page:unspecified", fieldnames=>$unspec_fields ) ); return( $page, $title ); } ###################################################################### # # $dom_tr = _render_row( $session, $key, $value ) # ###################################################################### # Used by eprint_render, user_render_full and eprint_render_full to # turn a key and value into an html table row. # # Returns DOM representing: # <tr><th>$key:</th><td>$value</td></tr> # ###################################################################### sub _render_row { my( $session, $key, $value ) = @_; my( $tr, $th, $td ); $tr = $session->make_element( "tr" ); $th = $session->make_element( "th", valign=>"top" ); $th->appendChild( $key ); $th->appendChild( $session->make_text( ":" ) ); $tr->appendChild( $th ); $td = $session->make_element( "td", valign=>"top" ); $td->appendChild( $value ); $tr->appendChild( $td ); return $tr; } ###################################################################### # # $xhtmlfragment = user_render( $user, $session ) # ###################################################################### # $user # - the EPrints::User to be rendered # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # # returns: $xhtmlfragment # - a XHTML DOM fragment ###################################################################### # This subroutine takes a user object and renders the XHTML view # of this user for public viewing. # ###################################################################### sub user_render { my( $user, $session ) = @_; my $html; my( $info, $p, $a ); $info = $session->make_doc_fragment; # Render the public information about this user. $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_description() ); # Address, Starting with dept. and organisation... if( $user->is_set( "dept" ) ) { $p->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "dept" ) ); } if( $user->is_set( "org" ) ) { $p->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "org" ) ); } if( $user->is_set( "address" ) ) { $p->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "address" ) ); } if( $user->is_set( "country" ) ) { $p->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "country" ) ); } $info->appendChild( $p ); ## E-mail and URL last, if available. if( $user->get_value( "hideemail" ) ne "TRUE" ) { if( $user->is_set( "email" ) ) { $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "email" ) ); $info->appendChild( $p ); } } if( $user->is_set( "url" ) ) { $p = $session->make_element( "p" ); $p->appendChild( $user->render_value( "url" ) ); $info->appendChild( $p ); } return( $info ); } ###################################################################### # # $xhtmlfragment = user_render_full( $user, $session ) # ###################################################################### # $user # - the EPrints::User to be rendered # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # # returns: $xhtmlfragment # - a XHTML DOM fragment ###################################################################### # This subroutine takes a user object and renders the XHTML view # of this user for viewing by system admins. It should show all # the information. # ###################################################################### sub user_render_full { my( $user, $session ) = @_; my $html; my( $info, $p, $a ); $info = $session->make_doc_fragment; # Show all the fields my( $table ); $table = $session->make_element( "table", border=>"0", cellpadding=>"3" ); my @fields = $user->get_dataset()->get_fields( $user->get_value( "usertype" ) ); my $field; foreach $field ( @fields ) { my $name = $field->get_name(); # Skip fields which are only used by eprints internals # and would just confuse the issue to print next if( $name eq "newemail" ); next if( $name eq "newpassword" ); next if( $name eq "password" ); next if( $name eq "pin" ); next if( $name eq "pinsettime" ); $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $field->render_name( $session ), $user->render_value( $field->get_name(), 1 ) ) ); } my @subs = $user->get_subscriptions; my $subs_ds = $session->get_archive->get_dataset( "subscription" ); foreach my $subscr ( @subs ) { my $rowright = $session->make_doc_fragment; foreach( "frequency","spec","mailempty" ) { my $strong; $strong = $session->make_element( "strong" ); $strong->appendChild( $subs_ds->get_field( $_ )->render_name( $session ) ); $strong->appendChild( $session->make_text( ": " ) ); $rowright->appendChild( $strong ); $rowright->appendChild( $subscr->render_value( $_ ) ); $rowright->appendChild( $session->make_element( "br" ) ); } $table->appendChild( _render_row( $session, $session->html_phrase( "page:subscription" ), $rowright ) ); } $info->appendChild( $table ); return $info; } ###################################################################### # # $xhtmlfragment = render_value_with_id( $field, $session, $value, # $alllangs, $rendered ); # ###################################################################### # $field # - the EPrints::MetaField to which this value belongs # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # $value # - the metadata value structure (see docs) # $alllangs # - boolean flag (1 or 0) - are we rendering for just the current # session language or showing all the data in the value. # - $rendered # XHTML DOM fragment containing the value rendered without any # attention to the ID. # # returns: $xhtmlfragment # - An XHTML DOM fragment containing the value rendered with # attention to the ID (or by default just $rendered) # ###################################################################### # This function is used to madify how a field with an ID is rendered, # By default it just returns the rendered value as it was passed. The # most likely use for this function is to wrap the rendered value in # an anchor ( <a href="foo"> </a> ), generating the URL as appropriate # from the value's ID part. # ###################################################################### sub render_value_with_id { my( $field, $session, $value, $alllangs, $rendered ) = @_; # You might want to wrap the rendered value in an anchor, # eg if the ID is a staff username # you may wish to link to their homepage. #cjg Link Baton? # Simple Example: # # if( $field->get_name() eq "SOMENAME" ) # { # my $fragment = $session->make_doc_fragment(); # $fragment->appendChild( $rendered ); # $fragment->appendChild( # $session->make_text( " (".$value->{id}.")" ) ); # return( $fragment ); # } return( $rendered ); } ###################################################################### # # $label = id_label( $field, $session, $id ); # ###################################################################### # $field # - the EPrints::MetaField to which this ID belongs # $session # - the current EPrints::Session # $id # - ID part of a single metadata value # # returns: $label # - XHTML DOM fragment describing human readable version of the ID. # ###################################################################### # Used when browsing by an ID field, this is used to convert the ID # to a displayable label. # # For example, if you are creating a browse-by for the authors ID # then you might want them displayed as the authors name. How you do # this, if at all, depends very much on your data. By default it # just returns the value of the ID it was passed. # # It will almost always just contain text. It could in theory contain # an image. It will usually be wrapped in an anchor <a> </a> so it # should not have any links in. # ###################################################################### sub id_label { my( $field, $session, $id ) = @_; return $session->make_text( $id ); } ###################################################################### # # $xhtml = render_fileinfo( $session, $field, $value ) # ###################################################################### # This is a custom render method for the fileinfo field. It splits # up the information in the "fileinfo" field and renders icons which # link directly to the documents. # # It is used to include file icons in a citation. # # The fileinfo field is updated using the "eprint_automatic_fields" # method in ###################################################################### sub render_fileinfo { my( $session, $field, $value ) = @_; my $f = $session->make_doc_fragment; foreach my $icon ( split /\|/ , $value ) { my( $type, $url ) = split( /;/, $icon ); $f->appendChild( _render_fileicon( $session, $type, $url )); } return $f; } sub _render_fileicon { my( $session, $type, $url ) = @_; # If you want to do something clever like # map several types to one icon, then this # is the place to do it! my $a = $session->render_link( $url ); $a->appendChild( $session->make_element( "img", src=>$session->get_archive->get_conf("base_url")."/images/fileicons/$type.png", width=>48, height=>48, border=>0 )); return $a; } # Return true to indicate the module loaded OK. 1;
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