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1 parent
on 27 Feb 2007
2 changed files
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<h3>Full text downloads from: <?php print $show_country_name; // select a flag print ' '; $c_flag = 'flags18x14/' . $show_country . '.png'; if (file_exists($c_flag)) { print '<img src="'. $c_flag . '" width="18" height="14" alt="'. $show_country . '" />'; } else { print '<img src="flags18x14/unknown.png" width="18" height="14" alt="' . $show_country . '" />'; }; ?></h3> <?php if (isset ($GLOBALS["db_values"]["0"]["count"])) { print "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4'>\n"; print '<tr><td colspan="3"><span style="font-size:small;">Click on a document title to see detailed statistics for that document.</span></td></tr>'; print '<tr><th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th> <th style="background-color:#cccccc;">Document</th> <th style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Downloads</th></tr>'; } else { print "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4'>\n"; print '<tr><td><strong style="color:#ff0000;">No downloads for this country.</strong></td></tr>'; } for ($rs=0;$rs<count($GLOBALS["db_values"]);$rs++) { $extra_args = array(); $cur_count = $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["count"]; if(isset($_REQUEST["year"])) { $extra_args[] = "year=".$_REQUEST["year"]; } if(isset($_REQUEST["month"])) { $extra_args[] = "month=".$_REQUEST["month"]; } if(isset($_REQUEST["range"])) { $extra_args[] = "range=".$_REQUEST["range"]; } // NJS 2005-12-15: subtly highlight every alternate row print '<tr'; if ($rs % 2) print ' style="background-color:#EDF3FE;"'; // NJS 2006-06-14: Added archive URL to HREF. // Note that we need to point to the correct archive *for the eprint*, // which may not necessarily be the same as the current archive name // (we might be viewing the "default" archive, which lists *all* // eprints in the database across all archives). print '><td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. ($rs + 1) . '</td><td width="600" height="20" align="left" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;"><a href="'. $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["eprints_location"][$GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["archive_name"]] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. '?action=show_detail_eprint;id='. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["archiveid"]. ';'. implode(";",$extra_args). '">'. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["eprint_name"]. '</a>'; // NJS 2006-06-16: If we are accessing the "default" archive, // include a link to the eprint's source archive. if ( $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["archivename"] == 'default' ) print ' [in <a href="' . $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["eprints_location"][$GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["archive_name"]] . '">' . $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["repository_name"][$GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["archive_name"]] . '</a>]'; print '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["count"]. '</td></tr>'; } print "</table>\n"; ?>
<h3>Document downloads from: <?php print $show_country_name; // select a flag print ' '; $c_flag = 'flags18x14/' . $show_country . '.png'; if (file_exists($c_flag)) { print '<img src="'. $c_flag . '" width="18" height="14" alt="'. $show_country . '" />'; } else { print '<img src="flags18x14/unknown.png" width="18" height="14" alt="' . $show_country . '" />'; }; ?></h3> <?php if (isset ($GLOBALS["db_values"]["0"]["count"])) { print "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4'>\n"; print '<tr><td colspan="3"><span style="font-size:small;">Click on a document title to see detailed statistics for that document.</span></td></tr>'; print '<tr><th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th> <th style="background-color:#cccccc;">Document</th> <th style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Downloads</th></tr>'; } else { print "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4'>\n"; print '<tr><td><strong style="color:#ff0000;">No downloads for this country.</strong></td></tr>'; } for ($rs=0;$rs<count($GLOBALS["db_values"]);$rs++) { $extra_args = array(); $cur_count = $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["count"]; if(isset($_REQUEST["year"])) { $extra_args[] = "year=".$_REQUEST["year"]; } if(isset($_REQUEST["month"])) { $extra_args[] = "month=".$_REQUEST["month"]; } if(isset($_REQUEST["range"])) { $extra_args[] = "range=".$_REQUEST["range"]; } // NJS 2005-12-15: subtly highlight every alternate row print '<tr'; if ($rs % 2) print ' style="background-color:#EDF3FE;"'; // NJS 2006-06-14: Added archive URL to HREF. // Note that we need to point to the correct archive *for the eprint*, // which may not necessarily be the same as the current archive name // (we might be viewing the "default" archive, which lists *all* // eprints in the database across all archives). print '><td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. ($rs + 1) . '</td><td width="600" height="20" align="left" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;"><a href="'. $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["eprints_location"][$GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["archive_name"]] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. '?action=show_detail_eprint;id='. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["archiveid"]. ';'. implode(";",$extra_args). '">'. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["eprint_name"]. '</a>'; // NJS 2006-06-16: If we are accessing the "default" archive, // include a link to the eprint's source archive. if ( $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["archivename"] == 'default' ) print ' [in <a href="' . $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["eprints_location"][$GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["archive_name"]] . '">' . $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["repository_name"][$GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["archive_name"]] . '</a>]'; print '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. $GLOBALS["db_values"][$rs]["count"]. '</td></tr>'; } print "</table>\n"; ?>
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<?php // NJS 2005-12-08: Grab document title on the fly if necessary. if ($title == '') { // NJS 2006-06-14: Added archive name as argument. $title = $sql->getEPrintTitle($GLOBALS["config_vars"]["archivename"],$_REQUEST["id"]); if ($title == '') $title = 'Eprint #' . sprintf("%08d", $_REQUEST["id"]) . ' (title is not available)'; } // Create link to eprint. // NJS 2006-06-14: Added archive name as index. $title_link = '<a href="'. $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["eprints_location"][$GLOBALS["config_vars"]["archivename"]] . '/archive/' . sprintf("%08d", $_REQUEST["id"]) . '/" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a>'; ?> <h3><?php print $title_link; ?></h3> <?php /* NJS 2005-11-27: Note that we load the eprint-specific navigation bar manually rather than through the actions/includes array in This is (currently) the only place that it's used, and adding it to the array would require us to break this file into two parts. */ require(""); $max_width = '400'; // Max pixel width of barcharts ?> <table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4'> <tr> <td colspan="7"><h4 style="margin-top: 0px;">Abstract views and full text downloads for <?php print $show_date; ?></h4></td> </tr> <?php $count0 = 0; $count1 = 0; // NJS 2006-01-18: Calculate number of distinct countries for views/downloads. $count0c = 0; $count1c = 0; if (isset($type_count["0"]["count"])) { if ($type_count["0"]["view_type"] != "download") { $count0 = $type_count["0"]["count"]; $count0c = $type_count["0"]["countries"]; } else { $count1 = $type_count["0"]["count"]; $count1c = $type_count["0"]["countries"]; } } if (isset($type_count["1"]["count"])) { if ($type_count["1"]["view_type"] != "download") { $count0 = $type_count["1"]["count"]; $count0c = $type_count["1"]["countries"]; } else { $count1 = $type_count["1"]["count"]; $count1c = $type_count["1"]["countries"]; } } $max_count = max($count0, $count1, 1); if ($count0 + $count1 > 0) { print '<tr><td colspan="7"><span style="font-size:small;">The numbers in (parentheses) are the number of distinct countries that abstract views and full text downloads originated from.</span></td></tr>'; print '<tr><th colspan="2" align="left" width="150" style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#66ddee;">Abstracts</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Full text</th> <th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th></tr>'; print '<tr><td colspan="2" align="left" style="background-color:#2ea495;color:#ffffff;font-size:small;"><b>Views</b></td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. $count0. '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">(' . $count0c. ')</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;">' . $count1 . '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">(' . $count1c. ')</td>'; $cur_count = $count0; $col_width = (int) ($cur_count/$max_count * $max_width); if ( $cur_count > 0 ) $col_width = max($col_width,1); print '<td align="left"><img src="bars/hh.png" alt="abstracts" height="9" width="'. $col_width . '" /><br />'; $cur_count = $count1; $col_width = (int) ($cur_count/$max_count * $max_width); if ( $cur_count > 0 ) $col_width = max($col_width,1); print '<img src="bars/hp.png" alt="downloads" height="9" width="'. $col_width . '" /></td></tr>'; } else { print '<tr><td colspan="7" align="left" width="200"><strong style="color:#ff0000;">This document has not been viewed in this period.</strong></td></tr>'; } ?> <tr> <td colspan="7"><h4>Downloads by country (derived from IP address of query) for <?php print $show_date; ?></h4></td> </tr> <?php // NJS 2007-02-07: Rewritten to match similar code in // inc.html.cumulative_usage_country.php. if (!isset($GLOBALS["db_values"]["0"]["country_downloads"])) { print '<tr><td colspan="7" align="left" width="200" style="color:#ff0000;"><b>No statistics available.</b></td></tr>'; } else { $max_count = max( getMaxCount( 'country' ), 1 ); print '<tr><td colspan="7"><span style="font-size:small;">Click on a country name or flag to view details of the eprints that have been downloaded from that country.</span></td></tr> <tr><th colspan="2" style="background-color:#cccccc;" width="150">Country</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#66ddee;">Abstracts</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Full text</th> <th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th></tr>'; generateCountryTable( 'country', $max_count, $max_width ); } ?> <tr> <td colspan="7"><h4>Downloads by automated indexers and crawlers for <?php print $show_date; ?></h4></td> </tr> <?php if (!isset($GLOBALS["db_values"]["0"]["country_downloads"])) { print '<tr><td colspan="7" align="left" width="200" style="color:#ff0000;"><b>No statistics available.</b></td></tr>'; } else { $max_count = max( getMaxCount( 'bot' ), 1 ); print '<tr><td colspan="7"><span style="font-size:small;">Click on a search engine name or icon to view details of the eprints that have been indexed by that engine.</span></td></tr> <tr><th colspan="2" style="background-color:#cccccc;" width="150">Country</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#66ddee;">Abstracts</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Full text</th> <th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th></tr>'; generateCountryTable( 'bot', $max_count, $max_width ); } ?> <tr> <td colspan="7"><h4>History of views for this eprint</h4></td> </tr> <?php if (count($month_tally) > 0) { $max_count = 1; for ($rs=0;$rs<count($month_tally);$rs++) { if($max_count < $month_tally[$rs]["abstracts"]) $max_count = $month_tally[$rs]["abstracts"]; if($max_count < $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"]) $max_count = $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"]; } print '<tr><td colspan="7"><span style="font-size:small;">Click on a month to see document downloads for that month.<br /> The numbers in (parentheses) are the number of distinct countries or search engines that abstract views and full text downloads originated from.</span></td></tr>'; print '<tr><th colspan="2" style="background-color:#cccccc;" width="150">Period</th><th colspan="2" style="background-color:#66ddee;">Abstracts</th><th colspan="2" style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Full text</th><th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th></tr>'; for ($rs=0;$rs<count($month_tally);$rs++) { $str_posn = strpos('JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec',$month_tally[$rs]["month"]); if ($str_posn === false) $str_posn = 0; $month_number = (int) ($str_posn / 3) + 1; // NJS 2005-12-15: subtly highlight every alternate row print '<tr'; if ($rs % 2) print ' style="background-color:#EDF3FE;"'; // NJS 2006-06-14: Only generate a link if there are actually // some downloads. print '><td colspan="2" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">'; if ( $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"] > 0 ) print '<a href="'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. '?action=show_detail_eprint;id=' . $_REQUEST["id"] . ';year=' . (int) $month_tally[$rs]["year"] . ';month='. $month_number . '">'; print (int) $month_tally[$rs]["year"] . ' '. $month_tally[$rs]["month"]; if ( $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"] > 0 ) print '</a>'; print '</td>'; print '<td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. $month_tally[$rs]["abstracts"]. '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">('. $month_tally[$rs]["acountries"]. ')</td>'; print '<td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"]. '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">('. $month_tally[$rs]["dcountries"]. ')</td>'; // abstract views bar $cur_count = $month_tally[$rs]["abstracts"]; $col_width = (int) ($cur_count/$max_count * $max_width); if ( $cur_count > 0 ) $col_width = max($col_width,1); print '<td align="left"><img src="bars/hh.png" alt="views" height="9" width="'. $col_width . '" /><br />'; // download views bar $cur_count = $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"]; $col_width = (int) ($cur_count/$max_count * $max_width); if ( $cur_count > 0 ) $col_width = max($col_width,1); print '<img src="bars/hp.png" alt="views" height="9" width="'. $col_width . '" /></td></tr>'; } } else { print '<tr><td colspan="7" align="left" width="200" style="color:#ff0000;"><b>No statistics available.</b></td></tr>'; } ?> </table>
<?php // NJS 2005-12-08: Grab document title on the fly if necessary. if ($title == '') { // NJS 2006-06-14: Added archive name as argument. $title = $sql->getEPrintTitle($GLOBALS["config_vars"]["archivename"],$_REQUEST["id"]); if ($title == '') $title = 'Eprint #' . sprintf("%08d", $_REQUEST["id"]) . ' (title is not available)'; } // Create link to eprint. // NJS 2006-06-14: Added archive name as index. $title_link = '<a href="'. $GLOBALS["config_vars"]["general"]["eprints_location"][$GLOBALS["config_vars"]["archivename"]] . '/archive/' . sprintf("%08d", $_REQUEST["id"]) . '/" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a>'; ?> <h3><?php print $title_link; ?></h3> <?php /* NJS 2005-11-27: Note that we load the eprint-specific navigation bar manually rather than through the actions/includes array in This is (currently) the only place that it's used, and adding it to the array would require us to break this file into two parts. */ require(""); $max_width = '400'; // Max pixel width of barcharts ?> <table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4'> <tr> <td colspan="7"><h4 style="margin-top: 0px;">Abstract views and full text downloads for <?php print $show_date; ?></h4></td> </tr> <?php $count0 = 0; $count1 = 0; // NJS 2006-01-18: Calculate number of distinct countries for views/downloads. $count0c = 0; $count1c = 0; if (isset($type_count["0"]["count"])) { if ($type_count["0"]["view_type"] != "download") { $count0 = $type_count["0"]["count"]; $count0c = $type_count["0"]["countries"]; } else { $count1 = $type_count["0"]["count"]; $count1c = $type_count["0"]["countries"]; } } if (isset($type_count["1"]["count"])) { if ($type_count["1"]["view_type"] != "download") { $count0 = $type_count["1"]["count"]; $count0c = $type_count["1"]["countries"]; } else { $count1 = $type_count["1"]["count"]; $count1c = $type_count["1"]["countries"]; } } $max_count = max($count0, $count1, 1); if ($count0 + $count1 > 0) { print '<tr><td colspan="7"><span style="font-size:small;">The numbers in (parentheses) are the number of distinct countries that abstract views and full text downloads originated from.</span></td></tr>'; print '<tr><th colspan="2" align="left" width="150" style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#66ddee;">Abstracts</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Full text</th> <th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th></tr>'; print '<tr><td colspan="2" align="left" style="background-color:#2ea495;color:#ffffff;font-size:small;"><b>Views</b></td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. $count0. '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">(' . $count0c. ')</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;">' . $count1 . '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">(' . $count1c. ')</td>'; $cur_count = $count0; $col_width = (int) ($cur_count/$max_count * $max_width); if ( $cur_count > 0 ) $col_width = max($col_width,1); print '<td align="left"><img src="bars/hh.png" alt="abstracts" height="9" width="'. $col_width . '" /><br />'; $cur_count = $count1; $col_width = (int) ($cur_count/$max_count * $max_width); if ( $cur_count > 0 ) $col_width = max($col_width,1); print '<img src="bars/hp.png" alt="downloads" height="9" width="'. $col_width . '" /></td></tr>'; } else { print '<tr><td colspan="7" align="left" width="200"><strong style="color:#ff0000;">This document has not been viewed in this period.</strong></td></tr>'; } ?> <tr> <td colspan="7"><h4>Downloads by country (derived from IP address of query) for <?php print $show_date; ?></h4></td> </tr> <?php // NJS 2007-02-07: Rewritten to match similar code in // inc.html.cumulative_usage_country.php. if (!isset($GLOBALS["db_values"]["0"]["country_downloads"])) { print '<tr><td colspan="7" align="left" width="200" style="color:#ff0000;"><b>No statistics available.</b></td></tr>'; } else { $max_count = max( getMaxCount( 'country' ), 1 ); print '<tr><td colspan="7"><span style="font-size:small;">Click on a country name or flag to view details of the eprints that have been downloaded from that country.</span></td></tr> <tr><th colspan="2" style="background-color:#cccccc;" width="150">Country</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#66ddee;">Abstracts</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Full text</th> <th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th></tr>'; generateCountryTable( 'country', $max_count, $max_width ); } ?> <tr> <td colspan="7"><h4>Downloads by automated indexers and crawlers for <?php print $show_date; ?></h4></td> </tr> <?php if (!isset($GLOBALS["db_values"]["0"]["country_downloads"])) { print '<tr><td colspan="7" align="left" width="200" style="color:#ff0000;"><b>No statistics available.</b></td></tr>'; } else { $max_count = max( getMaxCount( 'bot' ), 1 ); print '<tr><td colspan="7"><span style="font-size:small;">Click on a search engine name or icon to view details of the eprints that have been indexed by that engine.</span></td></tr> <tr><th colspan="2" style="background-color:#cccccc;" width="150">Country</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#66ddee;">Abstracts</th> <th colspan="2" style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Full text</th> <th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th></tr>'; generateCountryTable( 'bot', $max_count, $max_width ); } ?> <tr> <td colspan="7"><h4>History of views for this eprint</h4></td> </tr> <?php if (count($month_tally) > 0) { $max_count = 1; for ($rs=0;$rs<count($month_tally);$rs++) { if($max_count < $month_tally[$rs]["abstracts"]) $max_count = $month_tally[$rs]["abstracts"]; if($max_count < $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"]) $max_count = $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"]; } print '<tr><td colspan="7"><span style="font-size:small;">Click on a month to see document downloads for that month.<br /> The numbers in (parentheses) are the number of distinct countries that abstract views and full text downloads originated from.</span></td></tr>'; print '<tr><th colspan="2" style="background-color:#cccccc;" width="150">Period</th><th colspan="2" style="background-color:#66ddee;">Abstracts</th><th colspan="2" style="background-color:#4477dd;color:#ffffff;">Full text</th><th style="background-color:#cccccc;"> </th></tr>'; for ($rs=0;$rs<count($month_tally);$rs++) { $str_posn = strpos('JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec',$month_tally[$rs]["month"]); if ($str_posn === false) $str_posn = 0; $month_number = (int) ($str_posn / 3) + 1; // NJS 2005-12-15: subtly highlight every alternate row print '<tr'; if ($rs % 2) print ' style="background-color:#EDF3FE;"'; // NJS 2006-06-14: Only generate a link if there are actually // some downloads. print '><td colspan="2" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">'; if ( $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"] > 0 ) print '<a href="'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. '?action=show_detail_eprint;id=' . $_REQUEST["id"] . ';year=' . (int) $month_tally[$rs]["year"] . ';month='. $month_number . '">'; print (int) $month_tally[$rs]["year"] . ' '. $month_tally[$rs]["month"]; if ( $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"] > 0 ) print '</a>'; print '</td>'; print '<td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. $month_tally[$rs]["abstracts"]. '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">('. $month_tally[$rs]["acountries"]. ')</td>'; print '<td align="right" style="font-size:small;">'. $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"]. '</td><td align="right" style="font-size:small;border-right:1px solid #dddddd;">('. $month_tally[$rs]["dcountries"]. ')</td>'; // abstract views bar $cur_count = $month_tally[$rs]["abstracts"]; $col_width = (int) ($cur_count/$max_count * $max_width); if ( $cur_count > 0 ) $col_width = max($col_width,1); print '<td align="left"><img src="bars/hh.png" alt="views" height="9" width="'. $col_width . '" /><br />'; // download views bar $cur_count = $month_tally[$rs]["downloads"]; $col_width = (int) ($cur_count/$max_count * $max_width); if ( $cur_count > 0 ) $col_width = max($col_width,1); print '<img src="bars/hp.png" alt="views" height="9" width="'. $col_width . '" /></td></tr>'; } } else { print '<tr><td colspan="7" align="left" width="200" style="color:#ff0000;"><b>No statistics available.</b></td></tr>'; } ?> </table>
Show line notes below