History for Digital_Repository / Repositories / otago_eprints
- Fixed chmod bug with rsync.
nstanger committed on 13 Dec 2005
- Added EPRINTSSTATS substitution in Apache vhost config.
nstanger committed on 13 Dec 2005
- Added host alias substitution.
nstanger committed on 13 Dec 2005
- Added host alias substitution. ...
nstanger committed on 13 Dec 2005
- Fixed accidental double stop command to Apache.
nstanger committed on 13 Dec 2005
- Generalised Apache restarting.
nstanger committed on 13 Dec 2005
- Renamed some variables. ...
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Removed unnecessary touch commands.
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Put generated files into a variable.
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Added EPRINTS_GROUP variable.
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Made eprints user an environment variable.
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Switched to machine-independent environment configuration.
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Fixed base URLs.
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Changed to new machine-independent environment configuration.
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Redesigned front page layout. ...
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Corrected GeoLite name.
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Added link to MaxMind GeoIP database.
nstanger committed on 12 Dec 2005
- Added link to individual eprint stats page on the abstract page.
nstanger committed on 8 Dec 2005
- Added ID number and department (both optional) to monograph citation.
nstanger committed on 5 Dec 2005
- Reduced number of search results per page to 25.
nstanger committed on 5 Dec 2005
- Corrected IP range for Otago-only addresses.
nstanger committed on 5 Dec 2005
- Added link to type browse view. ...
nstanger committed on 30 Nov 2005
- Added software eprint type.
nstanger committed on 30 Nov 2005
- Finished rewriting the document format uploading section.
nstanger committed on 30 Nov 2005
- Added "td.p" class to provide paragraph-like line spacing in table cells.
nstanger committed on 30 Nov 2005
- Rewrote large chunks (as far as file upload section).
nstanger committed on 30 Nov 2005
- Changed "workspace" to "undeposited items list". ...
nstanger committed on 30 Nov 2005
- Moved format descriptions outside the link to the format.
nstanger committed on 30 Nov 2005
- Activated eprint version linking.
nstanger committed on 30 Nov 2005
- Updated another big bunch of phrases.
nstanger committed on 30 Nov 2005