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Usage Statistics
[Last updated 2007-03-03 12:20:26]

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Full text downloads for: all years

Click on a document title to see detailed statistics for that document.
The number in (parentheses) is the number of distinct countries or search engines from which full text downloads have originated.
  Document Downloads
1 The rabbit plague in Central Otago 200 (30)
2 Interview Frank Pauley 150 (25)
3 Partial map of St Bathans Township 100 (20)
4 GIS plotting for the Blue Lake at St Bathans 99 (56)
5 A collection of images of St Bathans 50 (26)
6 The Vulcan Hotel, St Bathans 49 (21)

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The orginal code for generating these statistics was written at the University of Melbourne, then modified and substantially rewritten by Christian McGee and Arthur Sale at the University of Tasmania (contact "mail Multiple archive support and several other enhancements and bug fixes were provided by Nigel Stanger at the University of Otago.

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