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- <h2>Information Science Discussion Papers Series: Author Guidelines</h2>
- <p>These guidelines are for authors intending to submit a paper to the
- <EM>Information Science Discussion Papers Series</EM>. While these
- guidelines are not binding, it would be helpful if authors could adhere to
- them as much as possible.</p>
- <p>The current coordinator of the series is Nigel Stanger. Please <A
- HREF="mailto:dps@infoscience.otago.ac.nz">contact him</A> if you have any
- questions about these guidelines or the series as a whole.</p>
- <h3>Purpose of the <EM>Series</EM></h3>
- <p>The <em>Discussion Paper Series</em> is intended as a semi-formal
- vehicle for staff in the department to publish research in a timely manner.
- Papers typically reflect work in progress and may not include final
- results. Many papers that appear in the series are early versions of papers
- that are later published in conferences or journals. If you have recently
- submitted a conference or journal paper, we encourage you to forward a copy
- to the <A HREF="mailto:dps@infoscience.otago.ac.nz">series coordinator</A>
- for inclusion in the series.</p>
- <p>The papers are sent to a selection of Information Systems departments at
- several universities in New Zealand, Australia and Asia. Copies are also
- archived in the Hocken Library, and where possible posted electronically on
- the Department’s web site. Papers published in the series reflect the
- research effort of the department, and due care should therefore be taken
- in their production.</p>
- <h3>Formatting</h3>
- <p>We do not enforce a particular style on authors; many of the papers
- submitted to the series have also been submitted to conferences or
- journals, and must therefore adhere to the style requirements of the
- particular conference or journal. However, it would be helpful if authors
- could adhere to some basic formatting guidelines wherever possible.</p>
- <p>Please use “standard” fonts such as <FONT
- FACE="Times">Times</FONT>/<FONT FACE="Times New Roman">Times New
- Roman</FONT>, <FONT FACE="Palatino">Palatino</FONT>, <FONT
- FACE="Arial">Arial</FONT>/<FONT FACE="Helvetica">Helvetica</FONT>, <FONT
- FACE="Symbol">Symbol</FONT> (Symbol) and
- L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X’s Computer Modern, in the size range
- 10–12pt. Do not use non-standard fonts unless absolutely necessary,
- as this may complicate the production process.</p>
- <p>Leave at least a 2.54cm (1 inch) margin around the body text, and ensure
- that margins are suitable for double-sided printing.</p>
- <p>Include page numbers if possible, centered at the bottom of the page.
- (It may be possible to add these later if you submit the original source
- file(s) of your paper—see below.)</p>
- <p>Please check your paper for grammar, spelling, correct cross-references,
- etc. If possible, get someone else to read the paper before submitting it.
- Most papers are not checked before publication.</p>
- <h3>Length</h3>
- <p>There are no length restrictions as such, but we would prefer papers to
- be less than thirty pages in length, as larger papers are unwieldy to deal
- with. Particularly large documents could possibly be published as a
- departmental technical report instead.</p>
- <h3>Submitting a paper</h3>
- <p>You may submit papers in either hard copy or electronic form. We prefer
- electronic form so that the papers can be downloaded from our web site.
- Please email electronic submissions to the <A
- HREF="mailto:dps@infoscience.otago.ac.nz">series coordinator</A>. Hard copy
- papers should be given directly to the coordinator (Nigel Stanger). If you
- are submitting in electronic form, please use one of the following formats
- (in descending order of preference):</p>
- <h4>PDF</h4>
- <p>PDF is the most preferred format. However, there are some things you
- need to be aware of when generating a PDF file. First, if your paper
- contains bitmapped images, please <EM>disable</EM>
- “Downsampling” of colour and grayscale images, as this can
- render your images illegible. In Acrobat Distiller, these options can be
- disabled in the “Compression” section of “Job
- Options”. You do not need to disable downsampling of black and white
- images, as these are downsampled to a much higher resolution of 300dpi.</p>
- <p>Second, if you use L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X to produce your paper and
- use the Computer Modern fonts, you must generate the PDF file using
- PostScript versions of these fonts, or the PDF produced will be unreadable
- on screen. This problem can be avoided by using one of the alternate font
- packages, such as the <TT>times</TT> or <tt>palatino</tt>.</p>
- <p>If you are unsure about any of the above, please submit your original
- document(s) instead.</p>
- <h4>L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X</h4>
- <p>If you produced your paper using L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X, you are
- welcome to submit the source (preferred) or the DVI file (or both).</p>
- <h4>Other formats (word processor, HTML, etc.)</h4>
- <p><em>If there is no other option</em>, submit your original document(s)
- in whatever format you produced them in. Currently we can handle MS Office,
- WordPerfect and HTML documents. It may be possible to handle other formats,
- but nothing is guaranteed.</p>
- <p>Note that original document formats can often require considerable
- additional work in order to render them suitable for publication, which is
- why this is the least preferred option. Word documents in particular seem
- to cause all sorts of difficulties.</p>
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