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<h2>Information Science Discussion Papers Series: 2002</h2>

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<h3><a name="2002">2002</a></h3>

<p><strong>2002/01:</strong> M. Purvis, S. Cranefield, M. Nowostawski and D. Carter. <em>Opal: A multi-level infrastructure for agent-oriented software development.</em> <a href="dp2002-abstracts.htm#dp2002-01">Abstract</a> | <a href="">Download</a> (564KB)</p>

<p><strong>2002/02:</strong> M. Purvis, P. Hwang, M. Purvis, S. Cranefield and M. Schievink. <em>Interaction protocols for a network of environmental problem solvers.</em> <a href="dp2002-abstracts.htm#dp2002-02">Abstract</a> | <a href="">Download</a> (94KB)</p>

<p><strong>2002/03:</strong> A. Moore, P. Whigham, C. Aldridge, A. Holt and K. Hodge. <em>Spatio-temporal and object visualization in rugby union.</em> <a href="dp2002-abstracts.htm#dp2002-03">Abstract</a> | <a href="">Download</a> (2.3MB)</p>

<p><strong>2002/04:</strong> M. Purvis, S. Cranefield, M. Purvis and M. Nowostawski. <em>Multi-agent system interaction protocols in a dynamically changing environment.</em> <a href="dp2002-abstracts.htm#dp2002-04">Abstract</a> | <a href="">Download</a> (122KB)</p>

<p><strong>2002/05:</strong> W. Gillingham, A. Holt and J. Gillies. <em>Hand-held computers in health care: What software programs are available?</em> <a href="dp2002-abstracts.htm#dp2002-05">Abstract</a> | <a href="">Download</a> (776KB)</p>

<p class="note">(Discussion paper 2002/06 does not exist.)</p>

<p><strong>2002/07:</strong> J. Hayes. <em>St John&#8217;s Ambulance Service, Southern Region: Control centre dispatch profile (1997&#8211;2001).</em> <a href="dp2002-abstracts.htm#dp2002-07">Abstract</a> | <a href="">Download</a> (128KB)</p>

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