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- <P>These papers represent <EM>work to date at the time of publication</EM> and may not necessarily form the basis for the authors’ final conclusions relating to the topic. It is likely, however, that papers will appear in some form in a journal or in conference proceedings after publication in this Series. Details of final journal/conference publication venues for these papers (where applicable) may be found through the <A HREF="http://www.business.otago.ac.nz/infosci/pubs/">Staff Publications</A> pages.</P>
- <P><SPAN CLASS="note">Starting in 2001, the Series is no longer published in hard copy form, so the papers listed on this page are available in downloadable form <EM>only</EM></SPAN>. Hard copies of papers published prior to 2001 may still be available; please email <A HREF="mailto:dps@infoscience.otago.ac.nz">dps@infoscience.otago.ac.nz</A> with any queries about papers published in the Series.</P>
- <P><A HREF="dpguidelines.htm">Guidelines for authors</A> are also available for members of the department who would like to submit a paper to the series.</P>
- <H3>Decompression tools</H3>
- <P>Papers may be stored as gzipped PDFs. On Unix systems these may be extracted using the standard gzip utility. The free <A HREF="http://www.stuffit.com/expander/index.html" TARGET="_top">StuffIt Expander</A> utility is also available for Windows, Mac OS 9/X, Linux and Solaris. There are also many Windows products that will expand gzipped files, including <A HREF="http://www.winzip.com/" TARGET="_top">WinZip</A> and <A HREF="http://www.trident-software.com/" TARGET="_top">PowerZip</A>.</P>