- -- Given a discussion paper in PDF format, insert the cover pages and generate a gzipped version.
- --
- -- Assumptions:
- -- ¥ both the paper itself and the cover are in PDF form
- -- ¥ the paper is named "xxxx.pdf" (THIS WILL BE OVERWRITTEN)
- -- ¥ the cover is named "xxxx-cover.pdf"
- --
- -- For example, if the paper has the file name dp2000-10.pdf, the cover is assumed to be
- -- in dp2000-10-cover.pdf. Note that the final file will OVERWRITE the original, so don't use
- -- this script on the only copy!
- --
- -- Generally you will just drop the source file on the script and go have coffee.
- global quitAcrobat
- global reportString
- on open fileList
- my setup()
- repeat with theFile in fileList
- my process(theFile)
- end repeat
- my cleanup()
- end open
- on run
- set theFile to choose file with prompt "Choose source file:"
- my process(theFile)
- end run
- on setup()
- set reportString to ""
- tell application "System Events" to set quitAcrobat to not (exists process "Acrobat 5.0")
- end setup
- on cleanup()
- activate
- display dialog reportString buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
- if quitAcrobat then tell application "Waiareka HD:Applications:Adobe Acrobat 5.0:Acrobat 5.0" to quit
- end cleanup
- on process(paperFile)
- set baseName to text 1 thru -5 of (paperFile as string)
- set coverFile to baseName & "-cover.pdf"
- set compressedFile to (paperFile as string) & ".gz"
- tell application "Waiareka HD:Applications:Adobe Acrobat 5.0:Acrobat 5.0"
- open alias coverFile with invisible
- set coverDoc to a reference to document 1
- open paperFile with invisible
- set paperDoc to a reference to document 2
- insert pages paperDoc after 0 from coverDoc starting with 1 number of pages 2
- close paperDoc saving yes with linearize
- close coverDoc saving no
- end tell
- do shell script "gzip -cf '" & (POSIX path of paperFile) & "' > '" & Â
- (POSIX path of compressedFile) & "'"
- set theSize to (do shell script "ls -l '" & (POSIX path of compressedFile) & Â
- "' | cut -d' ' -f8") as number
- tell application "Finder" to set theName to (displayed name of item compressedFile)
- if (reportString "") then set reportString to reportString & return
- set reportString to reportString & theName & " is "
- if (theSize > 1048576) then
- set reportString to reportString & ((round (theSize / 1048576) rounding to nearest) / 10) & "MB."
- else
- set reportString to reportString & (round (theSize / 1024) rounding up) & "KB."
- end if
- end process