- ################################################################################
- #
- # File: $Id$
- #
- # Defines patterns for lists of documents to be generated for the
- # "questions" version of the handbook. For example, only generate
- # Tutorials 1, 2, 4, 6-9 and 11. Patterns for different categories are
- # kept in different files so that rules can depend on them independently
- # if necessary.
- #
- ################################################################################
- ################################################################################
- #
- # You can be selective about which documents to include here by changing
- # the find patterns. The \input{}s in the master handbook.tex file will be
- # regenerated automatically.
- #
- TUT_QUESTIONS_PATTERN:='tut\(0[1-9]\|1[01]\)'
- LAB_QUESTIONS_PATTERN:='lab\(0[1-9]\|1[012]\)'