Handbook / make-includes / remove_content_marker_files.make
# File: $Id$
# Remove all the marker files used to indicate that we've already checked
# the content for a document. If we don't delete them, make won't check
# the content again, so we need to delete them every time we make
# something.
# This should be executed only once when a makefile is loaded. This is
# achieved by the chicanery of assigning the result of a shell command
# (using the shell function) to a variable. The variable only ever gets
# defined once, and so the command only ever gets executed once. Voila!
# The name of the variable is irrelevant, as it's never actually used for
# anything else (or at least, it shouldn't be!).
# This applies equally whether we're making a complete section, or just a
# single document. To avoid "double-deleting" when calling a sub-makefile
# in a sub-directory, call the sub-makefile with the variable NOINIT
# defined (the value doesn't matter), e.g., "$(MAKE) -C xxx NOINIT=x".
# This isn't necessary if the sub-makefile is not in a sub-directory.
# The -type predicate is probably unnecessary, but it never hurts to be
# paranoid...

CLEANUP_MARKER_FILES:=$(shell find . -type f -name content-checked -exec rm -f {} \;)