- <?php
- /*
- This script generates a LaTeX include file that contains macros specifying
- the dates for every lecture in a teaching period. It doesn't generate dates
- for multiple papers; rather, you should generate a separate include file for
- each paper individually. The main reason for this approach is that paper
- codes include digits, which you can't include in LaTeX macro names. We
- therefore generate generic macros (\DateLectureOne, \DateLectureTwo, etc.),
- that don't include any paper information. The configuration for a specific
- paper is read from a separate file.
- The output of the script should be placed at the root of the tree for the
- target paper, alongside the paper_init.tex file.
- */
- // LaTeX macro names can't include numbers, so we have to convert them to words.
- require 'Numbers/Words.php';
- /*
- Configuration requires the following variables to be specified in the file
- lecturedates_config.php:
- $year
- The year for which dates are being generated. This is only used for
- documentation purposes.
- $period_name
- A description of the teaching period; usually one of "summer school",
- "first semester", "second semester" or "full year". This is only used
- for documentation purposes.
- $paper
- The paper code, e.g., "INFO 214". This is only used for documentation
- purposes.
- $start_dates
- A list of starting dates for contiguous teaching weeks, e.g., the six
- weeks up to mid-semester break, and the seven weeks after. We pretty
- much ignore breaks, etc., otherwise; all we want to know is what the
- date(s) are for the lecture(s) in each week. It also means that we
- don't have to do anything clever for things like full year papers that
- span more than one semester.
- Example (INFO 405 2012, full year with one break in each semester):
- $start_dates => array(
- new DateTime( "2012-02-27" ),
- new DateTime( "2012-04-02" ),
- new DateTime( "2012-07-09" ),
- new DateTime( "2012-09-03" ),
- );
- $period_lengths
- A list of integers representing the length in weeks of each period
- specifed in $start_dates. Both $start_dates and $period_lengths must
- therefore have the same length!
- Example (INFO 405 2012):
- $period_lengths => array( 6, 7, 7, 6 );
- $class_offsets:
- For each class in a week, specify the offset interval from the start
- of week (Monday). Thus, a class on Monday will be 'P0D', Wednesday
- 'P2D', Friday 'P4D', etc. Include as many entries in the list as there
- are classes per week (e.g., two lectures => two entries).
- Example (INFO 405 2012, one lecture per week, on Monday):
- $class_offsets => array(
- new DateInterval( 'P0D' ),
- );
- */
- require 'lecturedates_config.php';
- $numwords = new Numbers_Words();
- // A handy date interval: seven days to the start of next week.
- $plus_seven_days = new DateInterval( 'P7D' );
- $week_num = 1;
- printf( "%% Lecture dates for %s, %s, %s.\n", $paper, $period_name, $year );
- for ( $period = 0; $period < count( $start_dates ); $period++ )
- {
- $period_start = $start_dates[$period];
- $week_start = clone( $start_dates[$period] );
- for ( $week = 0; $week < $period_lengths[$period]; $week++ )
- {
- $lecture_num = 1;
- foreach ( $class_offsets as $class )
- {
- $class_date = clone( $week_start );
- $class_date->add( $class );
- // Note that the toWords() method generates hyphens in the result,
- // so we need to strip these out for LaTeX to be happy. Larger
- // numbers may well include spaces and commas, but it's pretty
- // unlikely that we'll ever get that high!
- printf( "\\newcommand{\\DateWeek%sLecture%s}{%s}\n",
- ucfirst( str_replace( '-', '', $numwords->toWords( $week_num ) ) ),
- ucfirst( str_replace( '-', '', $numwords->toWords( $lecture_num ) ) ),
- $class_date->format( 'j F' )
- );
- $lecture_num++;
- } // for every class in week
- $week_start->add( $plus_seven_days );
- $week_num++;
- } // for every week in period
- } // for every period