- ################################################################################
- #
- # File: $Id$
- #
- # Standard variables and rules for building a set of lecture files.
- # Altering these definitions will affect ALL LECTURE MAKEFILES FOR ALL
- # PAPERS!! If you need to do something specific for a particular paper,
- # include a custom rule in its makefile. DON'T add it here!
- #
- ################################################################################
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Add standard file suffixes.
- #
- include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/standard_suffixes.make
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Standard directories.
- #
- IMGDIR=images
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Standard paths.
- #
- include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/standard_paths.make
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Files to be cleaned by the various "clean" targets. Note that we don't
- # "tidy" .aux files because they may be needed by the xr package for inter-
- # document cross references, but won't get regenerated if the final target
- # PDF files exist. They will be caught by by the "clean" target though.
- #
- TIDY_FILES+=*.tmp *.out *.log *.nav *.toc *.snm *.head *.dvi \
- slides-combined.pdf slides-notes.pdf
- CLEAN_FILES+=*.aux *.pdf
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Various environment variables.
- #
- include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/standard_environment.make
- #
- # Base file names for the various documents.
- #
- SLIDES?=Chapter$(CHAPTER)slides
- FIGURES?=Chapter$(CHAPTER)figures
- COMBINED?=Chapter$(CHAPTER)combined
- NOTES?=Chapter$(CHAPTER)notes
- #
- # Standard files to be installed on the web server.
- #
- ifneq ($(strip $(SLIDES)),)
- endif
- ifneq ($(strip $(FIGURES)),)
- INSTALL_FILES+=$(FIGURES).pdf $(FIGURES)-reduced.pdf
- endif
- ifneq ($(strip $(COMBINED)),)
- endif
- INSTALL_FILES+=$(wildcard *.mp3)
- #
- # List of standard "phony" build targets.
- #
- TARGETS+=slides notes slides-combined slides-notes figures figures2up combined
- #
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Display a message if someone tries to build a target that has been
- # disabled (by setting the appropriate variable to empty in the makefile).
- #
- disabled_message=@$(ECHO) The \"$(1)\" target has been disabled for this chapter.
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build everything.
- #
- all: slides notes figures figures2up combined
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build presentation slides. If $(SLIDES) is empty, these rules are ignored.
- #
- ifneq ($(strip $(SLIDES)),)
- #
- # Set the prerequisites for the "slides" build target, depending on
- # whether the figures document exists. If $(FIGURES) is non-empty, we need
- # to include the figures .aux file for inter-document cross-references.
- #
- ifeq ($(strip $(FIGURES)),)
- else
- SLIDES_PREREQS:=figures $(SLIDES).pdf
- endif
- #
- # Build the slides for the presentation.
- #
- slides: $(SLIDES_PREREQS)
- $(PDFLATEX) --jobname=$(SLIDES) '\documentclass[$(LATEX_OPTS)]{lectureslides}\input{$(SLIDES)}'
- $(PDFLATEX) --jobname=$(SLIDES) '\documentclass[$(LATEX_OPTS)]{lectureslides}\input{$(SLIDES)}'
- else
- slides:
- $(call disabled_message,$@)
- endif
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build the presentation notes. If $(NOTES) is empty, these rules are
- # ignored.
- #
- ifneq ($(strip $(NOTES)),)
- #
- # Build the slides with notes.
- #
- slides-notes: slides-notes.pdf
- $(PDFLATEX) --jobname=slides-notes '\documentclass[$(LATEX_OPTS),notes=onlyslideswithnotes]{lectureslides}\input{$(SLIDES)}'
- $(PDFLATEX) --jobname=slides-notes '\documentclass[$(LATEX_OPTS),notes=onlyslideswithnotes]{lectureslides}\input{$(SLIDES)}'
- #
- # Build the slides with notes, 6-up.
- #
- notes: $(NOTES).pdf
- $(NOTES).pdf: $(NOTES).tex slides-notes.pdf
- $(PDFLATEX) $<
- $(PDFLATEX) $<
- else
- notes slides-notes:
- $(call disabled_message,$@)
- endif
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build the complete combined lecture document. If $(COMBINED) is empty,
- # these rules are ignored.
- #
- ifneq ($(strip $(COMBINED)),)
- #
- # Set the prerequisites for the "combined" build target, depending on
- # whether the figures document exists. If $(FIGURES) is empty, they are
- # omitted from the combined document.
- #
- ifeq ($(strip $(FIGURES)),)
- COMBINED_PREREQS:=$(COMBINED).tex slides-combined.pdf
- else
- COMBINED_PREREQS:=$(COMBINED).tex slides-combined.pdf $(FIGURES).pdf
- endif
- #
- # Build the slides for the combined document.
- #
- slides-combined: slides-combined.pdf
- slides-combined.pdf: $(SLIDES).tex $(SLIDE_IMAGES) $(SLIDE_BACKGROUNDS)
- $(PDFLATEX) --jobname=slides-combined '\documentclass[$(LATEX_OPTS),handout]{lectureslides}\input{$(SLIDES)}'
- $(PDFLATEX) --jobname=slides-combined '\documentclass[$(LATEX_OPTS),handout]{lectureslides}\input{$(SLIDES)}'
- #
- # Build the complete combined document.
- #
- combined: $(COMBINED).pdf
- $(PDFLATEX) $<
- $(PDFLATEX) $<
- else
- combined slides-combined:
- $(call disabled_message,$@)
- endif
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build the figures and examples document. If $(FIGURES) is empty, these
- # rules are ignored.
- #
- ifneq ($(strip $(FIGURES)),)
- figures: $(FIGURES).pdf
- $(PDFLATEX) $<
- $(PDFLATEX) $<
- figures2up: $(FIGURES)-reduced.pdf
- $(FIGURES)-reduced.pdf: $(FIGURES).pdf
- $(PDFNUP) $< --nup 2x1 --outfile $@
- else
- figures figures2up:
- $(call disabled_message,$@)
- endif
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Build the test document.
- #
- test: test.pdf
- test.pdf: test.tex
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Deploy the appropriate files into a shared folder, which is then synchronised
- # with Blackbaord. This relies on the environment variable HANDBOOK_INSTALL_ROOT
- # being defined, and (assuming that this variable points to a directory on the
- # network) the appropriate share has been mounted.
- #
- # See build_document_rules.make for an explanation of why the install
- # uses a foreach.
- #
- # Note that this won't do anything clever if you give it files that are
- # in subdirectories of the current directory. Everything will be flattened
- # at the other end. That is, something like "images/foo.pdf" will go into
- # the installation directory as "foo.pdf", not "images/foo.pdf".
- #
- # If the variable NOSYNC is set (to anything), then files won't be synchronised
- # with Blackboard.
- #
- install:
- @$(ANNOUNCE) "Deploying files into $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)"
- @$(foreach f,$(INSTALL_FILES),if $(TEST) ! -f $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)/$(f) -o $(f) -nt $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY)/$(f); then $(ECHO) "Deploying $(f)"; $(CP) $(f) $(INSTALL_DIRECTORY); fi;)
- ifndef NOSYNC
- @$(ANNOUNCE) "Synchronising with Blackboard"
- @$(SITECOPY) --update Blackboard$(PAPER_NUMBER)
- endif
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Debugging: print the values of the standard variables.
- #
- debug:
- @$(ANNOUNCE) Externally defined variables
- @$(ANNOUNCE) Internally defined variables
- @$(ECHO) "DRAFT = [$(DRAFT)]"
- @$(ECHO) "SLIDES = [$(SLIDES)]"
- @$(ECHO) "NOTES = [$(NOTES)]"
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Clean up: get rid of all the temporary files.
- #
- tidy:
- $(RM) -f $(TIDY_FILES)
- #
- # Clean up: get rid of everything except the original source.
- #
- clean: tidy
- $(RM) -f $(CLEAN_FILES)
- ################################################################################
- #
- # List all "phony" build targets.
- #
- targets:
- @$(ECHO) "targets: $(TARGETS)"
- ################################################################################
- #
- # Standard default rules.
- #
- include $(GLOBAL_HANDBOOK_INCLUDE)/standard_rules.make