- <?php
- /*
- This script generates a LaTeX include file that contains macros specifying
- the date ranges for every week of the three main teaching periods through
- the year (i.e., summer school, first semester, second semester). Simply set
- the configuration as outlined below and run the script, saving the output
- in a suitable location, ideally only once for all papers. A good spot would
- be somewhere in the TeX search path.
- */
- // LaTeX macro names can't include numbers, so we have to convert them to words.
- require 'Numbers/Words.php';
- /*
- Teaching period configuration. It's easily extensible to a new teaching
- period simply by adding a new specification for that period. The key should
- be valid as a LaTeX macro name (i.e., no spaces, no digits, no punctuation).
- The components of each period specification are:
- first_week: The academic week number of the first week of the period.
- last_week: The academic week number of the last week of the period.
- break_weeks: A list of breaks that occur during the teaching period.
- Each is specified by the start (break_start) and end
- (break_end) week. If a break is only one week long, then
- break_start and break_end should be equal. If there are no
- breaks in the teaching period, include a single break
- specification with both break_start and break_end set to zero.
- The list should ideally be in ascending order, but the
- script doesn't assume this and sorts the list anyway. Weeks
- are numbered by academic week number (i.e., week 1 is the
- first academic week of the year). The date of the first
- Monday of the year is stored in $first_monday below
- (everything is Monday-indexed). Note that academic week is
- normally the same as absolute calendar week.
- Example:
- $periods = array(
- 'SummerSchool' => array(
- 'first_week' => 2,
- 'last_week' => 7,
- 'break_weeks' => array(
- array(
- 'break_starts' => 0,
- 'break_ends' => 0,
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'SemesterOne' => array(
- 'first_week' => 9,
- 'last_week' => 22,
- 'break_weeks' => array(
- array(
- 'break_starts' => 14,
- 'break_ends' => 14,
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'SemesterTwo' => array(
- 'first_week' => 28,
- 'last_week' => 41,
- 'break_weeks' => array(
- array(
- 'break_starts' => 35,
- 'break_ends' => 35,
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'FullYear' => array(
- 'first_week' => 9,
- 'last_week' => 41,
- 'break_weeks' => array(
- array(
- 'break_starts' => 23,
- 'break_ends' => 27,
- ),
- array(
- 'break_starts' => 15,
- 'break_ends' => 15,
- ),
- array(
- 'break_starts' => 35,
- 'break_ends' => 35,
- ),
- ),
- ),
- );
- */
- require 'calendar_config.php';
- // Get first Monday of week 1 according to ISO 8601.
- $year = date("Y");
- $first_monday = new DateTime();
- $first_monday->setISODate($year, 1);
- // A couple of handy date intervals: four days to the end of the current week,
- // and seven days to the start of next week.
- $plus_four_days = new DateInterval( 'P4D' );
- $plus_seven_days = new DateInterval( 'P7D' );
- $numwords = new Numbers_Words();
- printf( "%% Teaching calendar dates for %s.\n", $year );
- foreach ( $periods as $period_name => $period_data )
- {
- $week_start = clone( $first_monday );
- // Jump forward the correct number of weeks to the start of the teaching period.
- $week_start->add( new DateInterval( sprintf( "P%dD", ( $period_data['first_week'] - 1 ) * 7 ) ) );
- $week_number = 0;
- $num_breaks = 0;
- // Grab the first break week off the front of the list.
- sort( $period_data['break_weeks'] );
- $break_week = array_shift( $period_data['break_weeks'] );
- for ( $week = $period_data['first_week']; $week <= $period_data['last_week']; $week++ )
- {
- $week_end = clone( $week_start );
- $week_end->add( $plus_four_days );
- // Handle break weeks.
- if ( ( $week >= $break_week['break_starts'] ) && ( $week <= $break_week['break_ends'] ) )
- {
- if ( $week == $break_week['break_starts'] )
- {
- $num_breaks++;
- // Work out the end date of the break.
- $break_end = clone( $week_start );
- // Note: +4 days to get to Friday.
- $break_end->add(
- new DateInterval(
- sprintf( "P%dD", ( ( $break_week['break_ends'] - $break_week['break_starts'] ) * 7 ) + 4 )
- )
- );
- // Output macro for inclusion in paper calendar.
- printf( "\\newcommand{\\%sBreak%s}{%s--%s}\n",
- $period_name,
- str_replace( "-", "", ucfirst( $numwords->toWords( $num_breaks ) ) ),
- // If the week start and end dates are in the same month, we only
- // need to output the month name once.
- ( $week_start->format( 'n' ) == $break_end->format( 'n' ) ) ? $week_start->format( 'j' ) : $week_start->format( 'j M' ),
- $break_end->format( 'j M' )
- );
- } // if current week == first week of break
- if ( $week == $break_week['break_ends'] )
- {
- // Grab the next break week off the front of the list.
- $break_week = array_shift( $period_data['break_weeks'] );
- } // if current week == last week of break
- } // if current week is a break week
- else
- {
- $week_number++;
- // If the week start and end dates are in the same month, we only
- // need to output the month name once.
- if ( $week_start->format( 'n' ) == $week_end->format( 'n' ) )
- {
- // Output macro for inclusion in paper calendar.
- printf( "\\newcommand{\\%sWeek%s}{%s--%s \\\\ %s}\n",
- $period_name,
- str_replace( "-", "", ucfirst( $numwords->toWords( $week_number ) ) ),
- $week_start->format( 'j' ),
- $week_end->format( 'j' ),
- $week_end->format( 'M' )
- );
- } // if same month
- else
- {
- // Output macro for inclusion in paper calendar.
- printf( "\\newcommand{\\%sWeek%s}{%s \\\\ --%s}\n",
- $period_name,
- str_replace( "-", "", ucfirst( $numwords->toWords( $week_number ) ) ),
- $week_start->format( 'j M' ),
- $week_end->format( 'j M' )
- );
- } // else different months
- } // else normal teaching week
- $week_start->add( $plus_seven_days );
- } // for each week
- } // foreach teaching period
- ?>