Handbook / calendar /

Rolling over to a new year

Initial setup

Copy teachingdates/config/config.yml to ~/.config/generate_dates and configure to suit.

Teaching calendar dates (LaTeX)

For example:

python3 -m teachingdates --format latex --style calendar --teaching-period S1 > calendar_weeks.tex

or if you don’t want to type quite so much:

python3 -m teachingdates -f l -s c -t S1 > calendar_weeks.tex

Move calendar_weeks.tex to somewhere sensible in your user texmf tree.

Teaching calendar dates (XML)

python3 -m teachingdates --format xml --teaching-period S1 > paper-calendar-dates.xml

Move paper-calendar-dates.xml into the modules directory of the XML framework.

(Note: --teaching-period isn’t actually required, but the configuration code hasn’t yet been fixed to ignore it.)

Lecture dates

For example:

python3 -m teachingdates --format latex --style lecture --paper INFO201 --teaching-period S1 > lecturedates.tex

or if you don’t want to type quite so much:

python3 -m teachingdates -f l -s l -p INFO201 -t S1 > lecturedates.tex

Move lecturedates.tex to wherever it’s needed.