History for Handbook / calendar
Reimplemented text output using Jinja2 templates
Nigel Stanger committed on 29 Nov 2019
Initialisation of ignored CLI args moved to cli.py
Nigel Stanger committed on 29 Nov 2019
Added basic plain text output
Nigel Stanger committed on 28 Nov 2019
Fixed incorrect raising of PaperError
Nigel Stanger committed on 28 Nov 2019
Added calendar initialisation via configuration
Nigel Stanger committed on 28 Nov 2019
Renamed week() to make_week()
Nigel Stanger committed on 28 Nov 2019
Major revamp of configuration handling ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 28 Nov 2019
Fixed broken “offsets” for INFO202/S2
Nigel Stanger committed on 27 Nov 2019
Deleted obsolete comment
Nigel Stanger committed on 27 Nov 2019
Converted load_config() into Configuration class
Nigel Stanger committed on 26 Nov 2019
Removed reference to PROG constant
Nigel Stanger committed on 26 Nov 2019
Moved load_config() into config.py
Nigel Stanger committed on 26 Nov 2019
Added configuration defaults ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 26 Nov 2019
Refactored program name
Nigel Stanger committed on 26 Nov 2019
Renamed module
Nigel Stanger committed on 26 Nov 2019
Removed redundant #! line
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Nov 2019
Rearranged calendar code into sub-package
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Nov 2019
Split off errors & resolved import issues
Nigel Stanger committed on 19 Nov 2019
Modularised more config-related code
Nigel Stanger committed on 18 Nov 2019
Moved CLI arg processing into config package
Nigel Stanger committed on 18 Nov 2019
Restructured app as a package hierarchy ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 18 Nov 2019
Added core prototype of new date generation script
Nigel Stanger committed on 15 Nov 2019
Updated README to match last update.
Nigel Stanger committed on 31 Jan 2019
Automated calculation of current year and first Monday. ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 31 Jan 2019
• Changed from lecture-specific macros to generic macros that can generate any lecture date (closes #8).
Nigel Stanger committed on 9 Dec 2017
• Updated documentation of LaTeX calendar date generation.
Nigel Stanger committed on 7 Dec 2017
• Added documentation on how to roll calendar stuff over each year. ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 9 Feb 2017
• Updated documentation.
Nigel Stanger committed on 9 Feb 2016
• Added a documentation comment to the top of the output to identify relevant information like the year, paper and teaching period.
Nigel Stanger committed on 23 Jan 2014
• Split calendar script configuration out into a separate (untracked) script. ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 12 Dec 2013