LaTeX / lectures / coursehandbook.cls
\def\coursehandbookdate{6 December 2024}
% Document class for course handbooks.
% Version History
% v1.0   Initial version.
% v1.0.1 Added siunitx to required packages.
% v1.0.2 Modified header generation to translate short teaching period strings
%        into long equivalents (e.g., "S1" => "Semester One").
% v1.0.3 Replaced deprecated ifpdf and ifxetex with iftex.

         [\coursehandbookshortdate\space v\coursehandbookversion\space INFO course handbook style]

\RequirePackage{kvoptions}	% Key-value option handling.

% Option processing.

\SetupKeyvalOptions{family=handbook, prefix=handbook@}


\DeclareStringOption[!!PAPER NUMBER UNDEFINED!!]{papernumber}
\DeclareStringOption[!!PAPER TITLE UNDEFINED!!]{papertitle}
\DeclareStringOption[!!PAPER YEAR UNDEFINED!!]{paperyear}
\DeclareStringOption[!!PAPER PERIOD UNDEFINED!!]{paperperiod}
\DeclareStringOption[!!AUTHORS UNDEFINED!!]{authors}

% \DeclareBoolOption{pdftex}
% \DeclareBoolOption{xetex}
% \ifxetex
% 	\DeclareVoidOption{xetex}
% 	\OptionNotUsed{pdftex}
% \else\ifpdf
% 	\DeclareBoolOption{pdftex}
% 	\OptionNotUsed{xetex}
% \else
% 	\ClassError{coursehandbook}{The coursehandbook document class only\MessageBreak\ supports PDF(La)TeX and XeTeX.}{The coursehandbook document class only supoprts the pdftex and\MessageBreak\ xetex drivers. Please use one of these.}
% \fi



% A bunch o' packages.
	\RequirePackage{fontspec}	% Font handling for XeTeX.
	% Note that fontenc freaks out if any of the keyval option values
	% are surrounded by braces (?!). Spaces get eaten without braces,
	% so instead use \ in \documentclass to preserve them.
\RequirePackage{mathpazo}	    % Palatino for text and maths.
\RequirePackage{graphicx}		% Include graphics of all sorts.
\RequirePackage{color}			% Color handling.
\RequirePackage[hmargin=68.393315pt,% Sensible margins, essentially the same as a4wide.
% \RequirePackage{makeidx}
\RequirePackage{amssymb}		% AMS maths symbols.
\RequirePackage{latexsym}		% Extra LaTeX maths symbols.
\RequirePackage{relalg}			% Relational algebra symbols.
% \RequirePackage{longtable}	% For multi-page tables.
\RequirePackage{multirow}		% Multi-row cells in tables.
\RequirePackage{rotating}		% Rotate stuff.
\RequirePackage{fancyhdr}		% Fancy page headers & footers.
\RequirePackage{verbatim}		% Enhanced verbatim handling.
\RequirePackage{listings}		% Nicely formatted code listings.
\RequirePackage[normalem]{ulem}	% Fancy underlining, strike-through, etc.
\usepackage[detect-all,binary-units]{siunitx}	% SI unit and number formatting.
% \RequirePackage{moreverb}
% \RequirePackage{listings}		% Pretty-print code listings; not currently used.

\RequirePackage{count1to}		% Needed to get the absolute page numbers.
\RequirePackage{calc}			% Needed to calculate page numbers for 2-up version.
\RequirePackage{parskip}        % Space-separated rather than indented paragraphs.

	plainpages=false,   % Stops pdfTeX complaining about duplicate page numbers.
	urlcolor=blue,		% Acceptable for print or screen
	linkcolor=blue,		% Acceptable for print or screen

% Various setup macros to enable on-the-fly option changing.
% These are particularly necessary for paper detail options (such as
% papertitle) that may contain spaces. From the kvoptions documentation:
% ==================================================
%	* Spaces are removed, regardless where:
%		\documentclass[box=0 0 400 600]{article}
%	  Now each package will see box=00400600 as global option.
%	* In the previous case also braces would not help:
%		\documentclass[box={0 0 400 600}]{article}
%	  The result is an error message:
%		! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
%	* The requirements on robustness are extremly high. LATEX expands the
%	  option. All that will not work as environment name will break also
%	  as option. Even a \relax will generate an error message:
%		! Missing \endcsname inserted.
%	  Of course, LATEX does not use its protecting mechanisms. On contrary
%	  \protect itself will cause errors.
% ==================================================
% The upshot is that in the \documentclass, spaces are eaten, but we can't use
% {} or macros like \space or "\ " to escape them. The only thing that does
% work is:
%	papertitle=some\csname space\endcsname name
% which is particularly ugly. A better solution is to follow the hyperref
% model and have a "setup" macro that sets these options AFTER the
% \documentclass.
% These also call \hypersetup to ensure that the PDF metadata match.

% Set arbitrary class options.

% \papersetup is intended to be for setting paper detail options, but is
% essentially just a synonym of \handbooksetup.

% Macros for setting specific paper detail options.


		pdftitle={\expandafter\handbook@subjectcode\ \expandafter\handbook@papernumber\ Handbook, \expandafter\handbook@paperyear},%
		pdfsubject={Student Handbook for \expandafter\handbook@subjectcode\ \expandafter\handbook@papernumber, \expandafter\handbook@paperyear.}%

% Set up fonts.

	\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
	\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Letter Gothic 12 Pitch}
	% Not sure about these?
	\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Futura Book}
	\newfontfamily\headerfont[Size=11]{Futura Light}

% Set up listings.

% Pre-load the most obviously used languages. You can still use other languages,
% just not as quickly.

% Set defaults.

% Miscellaneous stuff.

% Useful macros for paper code, etc.
\def\PaperCode{\expandafter\handbook@subjectcode\ \expandafter\handbook@papernumber}

% Stolen from ouexam :).
  \ifx\handbook@paperperiod\@SONE Semester One%
  \else\ifx\handbook@paperperiod\@STWO Semester Two%
  \else\ifx\handbook@paperperiod\@SS Summer School%
  \else\ifx\handbook@paperperiod\@FY Full Year%

% Handbook name.
\newcommand{\handbookname}{Student Handbook}

% "Chapter" names. Note that the lab and tutorial names are dependent on
% the setting of the showanswers class option.
\newcommand{\introchaptername}{Introductory Chapter}
\newcommand{\labname}{\ifhandbook@showanswers Selected Answers for \fi\PaperCode\ Lab}
\newcommand{\tutorialname}{\ifhandbook@showanswers Selected Answers for \fi\PaperCode\ Tutorial}

% listings.sty has problems with in-line verbatim code and fancy styles
% (backgrounds, borders), hence this:

% Other useful macros.

% Backslashes - what a pain!

% We want "chapter" numbers to reset for each part.

% Set up fancy headings.

% Although we don't actually use the "fancy" page style, we have to set it
% initially in order for the page marks to be set up correctly.

% Page marks. \partmark is completely new, the others are standard.
\newcommand{\partmark}[1]{\markboth{\partname\ \thepart---#1}{}}
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markright{\@chapapp\ \thechapter---#1}}


% No running head or foot rules.

% Use | to separate items in the header/footer.

% The headers and footers are set up as follows, where "TOC" = table of
% contents, "1st" = first page of part or chapter, "part" = title page of
% a part, "plain" = plain page style, "empty" = empty page style,
% "#" = page number, "LO" = left odd, "RE" = right even, etc. If something
% isn't mentioned, it's empty.
% Note that we're optimising for 2-up printing, so the placement of page
% numbers on even/odd pages is the opposite of what you'd normally expect.
% TODO: make this a switchable option?
% Headers:
% 	{plain,TOC} LO		# | <subjectcode> <papernumber> STUDENT HANDBOOK
% 	{plain,TOC} RO		<paperperiod>, <paperyear>
% 	TOC LE				<empty>
% 	plain LE			PART <partnumber>---<parttitle>
% 	plain RE			<sectiontype> <sectionnumber>---<sectiontitle> | #
% 	{empty,1st,part} *	<empty>
% Footers:
% 	{plain,TOC,empty,part} *	<empty>
% 	1st LO					# |
%	1st RE					| #
% For ease of definition, here are some macros:
\def\@plainHeadLO{\headerfont{\thepage{}\hspace{\HeadingBulletSpacing}\LeftHeadingBullet\hspace{\HeadingBulletSpacing}\MakeUppercase{\PaperCode\ \handbookname}}}
\def\@plainHeadRO{\headerfont{\MakeUppercase{\PaperLongPeriod, \PaperYear}}}

% Plain style is automatically set when we use \chapter or \part, but
% this becomes a bit complicated, because we want a different appearance
% for the first page of a chapter (simple footer only) vs. the title page of
% a part (no header or footer at all). The simplest solution seems to be to
% define a \newif that tells us if we're in part mode (default false) and sets
% up the style accordingly. We then just have to overload the original
% \chapter and \part macros to set the flag appropriately (see below).
\newif\if@inpart \@inpartfalse


% Heading style for table of contents.

% "normal" is the new "plain" :)
% We use this rather than just \pagestyle{fancy}, because we need to
% explicitly switch styles in a couple of places (e.g., TOC). It would
% probably have made more sense to just redefine the "fancy" style, but
% that seems to make LaTeX grind to a halt.


% Create title page.

	% TODO:
	%  - Add University logo?
		\Huge\PaperCode \\%
		\PaperTitle \\%
		\rule{\textwidth}{3pt} \\[0.25\baselineskip]%
		\huge \handbookname \\[1.1\baselineskip]%
		\scshape\Large Department of Information Science \\%
		University of Otago \\[0.25\baselineskip]%
	\clearpage\thispagestyle{empty}% blank, empty page

% Table of contents.

% Add a wrapper around the book class's \tableofcontents macro so we can
% easily change the page style for the TOC section (and more importantly,
% change it back). This also lets us hook in our own tracking of various
% things like chapter titles.

% Different modes for different parts of the document. The behaviour here
% is analogous to the \appendix macro.

% This macro updates relevant internal parameters in hyperref so that
% correct PDF bookmarks are generated.

% Introduction part.

% Labs part.

% Tutorials part.

% Sectioning.

% Wrappers for \chapter for each of labs, tutorials and "ordinary" chapters.
% These all make the chapter title available through \CurrentChapterTitle.
% TODO: I wanted to override \chapter and refactor \general to \chapter, but
% the TOC seems to wig out when I try it. Probably not that crucial...
% \renewcommand{\chapter}[1]%
% {%
% 	\@bookchapter{#1}%
% 	\renewcommand{\CurrentChapterTitle}{#1}%
% }
% TODO: prehaps rename \general to \introchapter?




% Answers handling.


% Set up auxiliary file so that we can write out the first and last
% absolute page number for each tutorial and lab exercise. We can then use
% this to automatically generate a separate PDF for each exercise.


	\cleardoublepage% can't just add 1 because we may be skipping 2 pages
