| | \def\packagedate{13 December 2024} |
| | \def\packageversion{2.0} |
| | \def\packageshortdate{2024/12/13} |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % |
| | % Defines various relational algebra symbols. |
| | % |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % |
| | % Version History |
| | % v1.0 Initial version. |
| | % v2.0 Complete rewrite to support Unicode OpenType fonts and LaTeX3. |
| | % |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | |
| | \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2001/06/01] |
| | \ProvidesPackage{relalg}[2008/02/28 Relational algebra notation] |
| | |
| | \RequirePackage{amssymb} |
| | \RequirePackage{latexsym} |
| | \RequirePackage{graphics} |
| | % Graphics is needed so that we can scale the size of a couple of operators. |
| | \ProvidesPackage{relalg}% |
| | [\packageshortdate\space v\packageversion\space Relational algebra notation] |
| | |
| | |
| | \RequirePackage{amsmath} |
| | \RequirePackage{expl3} |
| | \RequirePackage{iftex} |
| | |
| | |
| | \ExplSyntaxOn |
| | \bool_new:N \__unicode_engine |
| | |
| | \ifLuaTeX |
| | \PackageInfo{relalg}{LuaTeX\space engine\space detected} |
| | \bool_set_true:N \__unicode_engine |
| | \fi |
| | |
| | \ifXeTeX |
| | \PackageInfo{relalg}{XeTeX\space engine\space detected} |
| | \bool_set_true:N \__unicode_engine |
| | \fi |
| | |
| | \bool_if:NTF \__unicode_engine { |
| | \RequirePackage[no-math]{fontspec} |
| | \RequirePackage{unicode-math} |
| | |
| | \setmathfont{latinmodern-math.otf} |
| | |
| | % The various join symbols aren't covered very well by many maths fonts |
| | % (including Latin Modern Math, annoyingly), so let's Frankenstein them |
| | % in from fonts that do have them. We need to hack the scale to get roughly |
| | % proportional looking sizes. |
| | % Outer joins (left, right, full): |
| | \setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf}[range={"027D5-"027D7}, Scale=0.875] |
| | % Inner join: (1.143 = 1 / 0.875) |
| | \setmathfont{KpMath-Light.otf}[range={"02A1D}, Scale=1.143] |
| | }{ |
| | \PackageInfo{relalg}{non-Unicode\space engine\space detected} |
| | \RequirePackage{latexsym} % for \Join |
| | } |
| | \ExplSyntaxOff |
| | |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % |
| | % |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | |
| | % General identifiers. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelIdentifier}{m}{\ensuremath{\mathit{#1}}} |
| | |
| | % Attribute names. |
| | \let\RelAttribute\RelIdentifier |
| | \let\RelAttr\RelIdentifier |
| | |
| | % Relation variable names. |
| | \let\RelVariable\RelIdentifier |
| | \let\RelVar\RelIdentifier |
| | |
| | % Attribute sets: \RelAttributeSet{foo,bar,baz}, \RelAttrSet{foo,bar,baz} |
| | % <https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/159132>, expl3 manual Section 23 |
| | \ExplSyntaxOn |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelAttributeSet}{m}{ |
| | \clist_clear:N \l_tmpa_clist |
| | \clist_map_inline:nn{#1}{ |
| | \clist_put_right:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {\RelAttribute{##1}} |
| | } |
| | \ensuremath{\{\clist_use:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {,}\}} |
| | } |
| | \let\RelAttrSet\RelAttributeSet |
| | \ExplSyntaxOff |
| | |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % |
| | % |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % select or restrict operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelSelect}{\ensuremath{\sigma}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelRestrict}{\RelSelect} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % project operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelProject}{\ensuremath{\pi}} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % set union operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelUnion}{\ensuremath{\cup}} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % set difference operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelDifference}{\ensuremath{-}} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % cartesian product operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelProduct}{\ensuremath{\times}} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % rename operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelRename}{\ensuremath{\rho}} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % extend operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelExtend}{\ensuremath{\epsilon}} |
| | % Restrict (select) operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelRestrict}{}{\ensuremath{\sigma}} |
| | \let\RelSelect\RelRestrict |
| | |
| | % Project operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelProject}{}{\ensuremath{\pi}} |
| | |
| | % Set union operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelUnion}{}{\ensuremath{\cup}} |
| | |
| | % Set difference operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelDifference}{}{\ensuremath{-}} |
| | \let\RelMinus\RelDifference |
| | |
| | % Cartesian product operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelCartesianProduct}{}{\ensuremath{\times}} |
| | \let\RelProduct\RelCartesianProduct |
| | \let\RelTimes\RelCartesianProduct |
| | |
| | % Rename operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelRename}{}{\ensuremath{\rho}} |
| | |
| | % Extend operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelExtend}{}{\ensuremath{\epsilon}} |
| | |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % |
| | % |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % set intersection operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelIntersection}{\ensuremath{\cap}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelIntersect}{\RelIntersection} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % natural join operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelNaturalJoin}{\ensuremath{\Join}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelNatJoin}{\RelNatJoin} |
| | \newcommand{\RelNJoin}{\RelNJoin} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % division operators |
| | \newcommand{\RelDivide}{\ensuremath{/}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelAltDivide}{\ensuremath{\div}} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % assignment operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelAssign}{\ensuremath{\leftarrow}} |
| | % Set intersection operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelIntersection}{}{\ensuremath{\cap}} |
| | \let\RelIntersect\RelIntersection |
| | |
| | % Join operator (including natural join). |
| | % For some reason XeTeX puts less space in front of the operator than LuaTeX. |
| | % Adding +2.5mu for XeTeX looks close enough to LuaTeX's output. This also |
| | % applies to the outer join operators below. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\ifXeTeX\mkern2.5mu\fi\mathbin{\Join}}} |
| | \let\RelNaturalJoin\RelJoin |
| | \let\RelNatJoin\RelJoin |
| | \let\RelNJoin\RelJoin |
| | |
| | % Division operator (two alternatives). |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelDivide}{}{\ensuremath{/}} |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelAltDivide}{}{\ensuremath{\div}} |
| | |
| | % Assignment operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelAssign}{}{\ensuremath{\leftarrow}} |
| | |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % |
| | % |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % aggregate functions |
| | \newcommand{\RelAggregrate}[2]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{G}_{\mathbf{\mathrm{#1}}(#2)}}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelSum}[1]{\RelAggregrate{sum}{#1}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelAvg}[1]{\RelAggregrate{avg}{#1}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelMin}[1]{\RelAggregrate{min}{#1}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelMax}[1]{\RelAggregrate{max}{#1}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelCount}[1]{\RelAggregrate{count}{#1}} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % outer join operators |
| | % Note: can't use \ensuremath in these because it screws up the spacing. |
| | % The $ are OK though because they're used inside hboxes anyway. |
| | \newcommand{\RelLeftOuterJoin}{\scalebox{0.5}[1]{$\sqsupset$}\mkern-2.5mu\lower0.1em\hbox{$\Join$}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelleftOuterJoin}{\RelLeftOuterJoin} |
| | \newcommand{\RelLOuterJoin}{\RelLeftOuterJoin} |
| | \newcommand{\RelLeftOuter}{\RelLeftOuterJoin} |
| | \newcommand{\RelLOJ}{\RelLeftOuterJoin} |
| | |
| | \newcommand{\RelRightOuterJoin}{\lower0.1em\hbox{$\Join$}\mkern-2.5mu\scalebox{0.5}[1]{$\sqsubset$}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelrightOuterJoin}{\RelRightOuterJoin} |
| | \newcommand{\RelROuterJoin}{\RelRightOuterJoin} |
| | \newcommand{\RelRightOuter}{\RelRightOuterJoin} |
| | \newcommand{\RelROJ}{\RelRightOuterJoin} |
| | |
| | \newcommand{\RelFullOuterJoin}{\scalebox{0.5}[1]{$\sqsupset$}\mkern-2.5mu\lower0.1em\hbox{$\Join$}\mkern-2.5mu\scalebox{0.5}[1]{$\sqsubset$}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelfullOuterJoin}{\RelFullOuterJoin} |
| | \newcommand{\RelFOuterJoin}{\RelFullOuterJoin} |
| | \newcommand{\RelFullOuter}{\RelFullOuterJoin} |
| | \newcommand{\RelFOJ}{\RelFullOuterJoin} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % semijoin operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelSemiJoin}{\ensuremath{\ltimes}} |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % antijoin operator |
| | \newcommand{\RelAntiJoin}{\ensuremath{\triangleright}} |
| | % Aggregate functions. |
| | \DeclareMathOperator{\AggAvg}{avg} |
| | \DeclareMathOperator{\AggCount}{count} |
| | \DeclareMathOperator{\AggMin}{min} |
| | \DeclareMathOperator{\AggMax}{max} |
| | \DeclareMathOperator{\AggSum}{sum} |
| | |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelAggregrate}{m m}{\ensuremath{\mathcal{G}_{#1}(#2)}} |
| | |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelAverage}{m}{\RelAggregrate{\AggAverage}{#1}} |
| | \let\RelAvg\RelAverage |
| | |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelCount}{m}{\RelAggregrate{\AggCount}{#1}} |
| | |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelMaximum}{m}{\RelAggregrate{\AggMax}{#1}} |
| | \let\RelMax\RelMaximum |
| | |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelMinimum}{m}{\RelAggregrate{\AggMin}{#1}} |
| | \let\RelMin\RelMinimum |
| | |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelSum}{m}{\RelAggregrate{\AggSum}{#1}} |
| | |
| | % Outer join operators. |
| | \ExplSyntaxOn |
| | \bool_if:NTF \__unicode_engine { |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelLeftOuterJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\ifXeTeX\mkern2.5mu\fi\mathbin{\leftouterjoin}}} |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelRightOuterJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\ifXeTeX\mkern2.5mu\fi\mathbin{\rightouterjoin}}} |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelFullOuterJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\ifXeTeX\mkern2.5mu\fi\mathbin{\fullouterjoin}}} |
| | }{ |
| | % Hand-tweaked for non-Unicode engines based on answers at |
| | % <https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/20740/symbols-for-outer-joins> |
| | % Weirdly the height of \Join is fractionally shorter than \bowtie, so |
| | % we can't use the more sensible solution of measuring off the line |
| | % height. Use only font-relative units to ensure proper scaling. |
| | \def\__ojoin{\rule[0.11ex]{0.25em}{0.1ex}\llap{\rule[1.41ex]{0.25em}{0.1ex}}} |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelLeftOuterJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\mathbin{\__ojoin\mkern-6.4mu\Join}}} |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelRightOuterJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\mathbin{\Join\mkern-6.4mu\__ojoin}}} |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelFullOuterJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\mathbin{\__ojoin\mkern-6.4mu\Join\mkern-6.4mu\__ojoin}}} |
| | } |
| | \ExplSyntaxOff |
| | |
| | \let\RelLOuterJoin\RelLeftOuterJoin |
| | \let\RelLeftOuter\RelLeftOuterJoin |
| | \let\RelLOJ\RelLeftOuterJoin |
| | |
| | \let\RelROuterJoin\RelRightOuterJoin |
| | \let\RelRightOuter\RelRightOuterJoin |
| | \let\RelROJ\RelRightOuterJoin |
| | |
| | \let\RelFOuterJoin\RelFullOuterJoin |
| | \let\RelFullOuter\RelFullOuterJoin |
| | \let\RelFOJ\RelFullOuterJoin |
| | |
| | % Semijoin operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelLeftSemiJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\ltimes}} |
| | \let\RelSemiJoin\RelLeftSemiJoin |
| | |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelRightSemiJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\rtimes}} |
| | \let\RelReverseSemiJoin\RelRightSemiJoin |
| | |
| | % Antijoin operator. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelLeftAntiJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\triangleright}} |
| | \let\RelAntiJoin\RelLeftAntiJoin |
| | |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelRightAntiJoin}{}{\ensuremath{\triangleleft}} |
| | \let\RelReverseAntiJoin\RelRightAntiJoin |
| | |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % |
| | % |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | |
| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
| | % logical operators |
| | % \And appears to conflict with beamer? (unconfirmed) |
| | \newcommand{\RelLogicalAnd}{\ensuremath{\wedge}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelLogAnd}{\RelLogicalAnd} |
| | |
| | \newcommand{\RelLogicalOr}{\ensuremath{\vee}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelLogOr}{\RelLogicalOr} |
| | |
| | \newcommand{\RelLogicalNot}{\ensuremath{\neg}} |
| | \newcommand{\RelLogNot}{\RelLogicalNot} |
| | % Logical operators. |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelLogicalAnd}{}{\ensuremath{\wedge}} |
| | \let\RelLogAnd\RelLogicalAnd |
| | \let\RelAnd\RelLogicalAnd |
| | |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelLogicalOr}{}{\ensuremath{\vee}} |
| | \let\RelLogOr\RelLogicalOr |
| | \let\RelOr\RelLogicalOr |
| | |
| | \NewDocumentCommand{\RelLogicalNot}{}{\ensuremath{\neg}} |
| | \let\RelLogNot\RelLogicalNot |
| | \let\RelNot\RelLogicalNot |
| | |
| | \endinput |
| | |