Publications / Original / er2000.bbl

Paolo Atzeni and Riccardo Torlone.
\newblock Schema translation between heterogeneous data models in a lattice
\newblock In Robert Meersman and Leo Mark, editors, {\em Database Applications
  Semantics, Sixth IFIP TC-2 Working Conference on Data Semantics (DS-6)},
  pages 345--361, Stone Mountain, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 30--June 2 1995.
  IFIP, Chapman \& Hall, London.

Paolo Atzeni and Riccardo Torlone.
\newblock Management of multiple models in an extensible database design tool.
\newblock In P.~Apers, M.~Bouzeghoub, and G.~Gardarin, editors, {\em Fifth
  International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT'96)}, volume
  1057 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 79--95, Avignon,
  France, March~25--29 1996. Springer-Verlag.

Paolo Atzeni and Riccardo Torlone.
\newblock {MDM: A} multiple-data-model tool for the management of heterogeneous
  database schemes.
\newblock In Joan~M. Peckman, editor, {\em SIGMOD 1997 International Conference
  on the Management of Data}, pages 528--531, Tucson, Arizona, May~13--15 1997.
  ACM, ACM Press.

S.~M. Brien and J.~E. Nicholls.
\newblock Z base standard.
\newblock Technical Monograph PRG-107, Oxford University Computing Laboratory,
  Oxford, UK, nov 1992.

Marc~H. Brown.
\newblock Zeus: {A} system for algorithm animation and multi-view editing.
\newblock Research Report~75, Digital Equipment Corporation, Systems Research
  Center, Palo Alto, California, 28~February 1992.

R.G.G. Cattell, Douglas~K. Barry, Mark Berler, Jeff Eastman, David Jordan,
  Craig Russell, Olaf Schadow, Torsten Stanienda, and Fernando Velez.
\newblock {\em The Object Data Standard: ODMG 3.0}.
\newblock Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, California, 2000.

P.B. Checkland.
\newblock {\em Systems Thinking, Systems Practice}.
\newblock John Wiley \& Sons, Chichester, England, 1981.

Peter Pin-Shan Chen.
\newblock The entity-relationship model --- {T}oward a unified view of data.
\newblock {\em ACM Transactions on Database Systems}, 1(1), 1976.

E.F. Codd.
\newblock A relational model of data for large shared data banks.
\newblock {\em Communications of the ACM}, 13(6), 1970.

Peta Darke and Graeme Shanks.
\newblock Viewpoint developments for requirements definition: {An} analysis of
  concepts, issues and approaches.
\newblock Working Paper 21/94, Department of Information Systems, Monash
  University, Melbourne, Australia, December 1994.

Peta Darke and Graeme Shanks.
\newblock Viewpoint development for requirements definition: {Towards} a
  conceptual framework.
\newblock In {\em Sixth Australasian Conference on Information Systems
  (ACIS'95)}, pages 277--288, Perth, Australia, September~26--29 1995.

Peta Darke and Graeme Shanks.
\newblock Stakeholder viewpoints in requirements definition: {A} framework for
  understanding viewpoint development approaches.
\newblock {\em Requirements Engineering}, 1:88--105, 1996.

C.J. Date.
\newblock {\em An Introduction to Database Systems}.
\newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, seventh edition, 2000.

C.J. Date and Hugh Darwen.
\newblock {\em A Guide to the SQL Standard}.
\newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, fourth edition, 1997.

Steve~M. Easterbrook.
\newblock {\em Elicitation of Requirements from Multiple Perspectives}.
\newblock {PhD} thesis, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine,
  University of London, London, 1991.

Steve~M. Easterbrook and Bashar~A. Nuseibeh.
\newblock Using {ViewPoints} for inconsistency management.
\newblock {\em Software Engineering Journal}, 11(1):31--43, 1996.

A.C.W. Finkelstein, M.~Goedicke, J.~Kramer, and C.~Niskier.
\newblock {ViewPoint} oriented software development: {Methods} and viewpoints
  in requirements engineering.
\newblock In J.A. Bergstra and L.M.G. Feijs, editors, {\em Second Meteor
  Workshop on Methods for Formal Specification}, volume 490 of {\em Lecture
  Notes in Computer Science}, pages 29--54, Mierlo, The Netherlands, September
  1989. Springer-Verlag.

C.~Gane and T.~Sarson.
\newblock {\em Structured Systems Analysis: Tools and Techniques}.
\newblock Prentice-Hall Software Series. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New
  Jersey, 1979.

S.~Greenspan, J.~Mylopoulos, and A.~Borgida.
\newblock On formal requirements modeling languages: {RML} revisited.
\newblock In Bruno Fadini, editor, {\em Sixteenth International Conference on
  Software Engineering}, pages 135--148, Sorrento, Italy, May 1994. IEEE
  Computer Society Press.

John~C. Grundy.
\newblock {\em Multiple Textual and Graphical Views for Interactive Software
  Development Environments}.
\newblock {PhD} thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland,
  Auckland, New Zealand, June 1993.

John~C. Grundy and John~G. Hosking.
\newblock Constructing integrated software development environments with
\newblock {\em International Journal of Applied Software Technology},
  2(3/4):133--160, 1997.

John~C. Grundy, John~G. Hosking, and Warwick~B. Mugridge.
\newblock Supporting flexible consistency management via discrete change
  description propagation.
\newblock {\em Software --- Practice and Experience}, 26(9):1053--1083,
  September 1996.

John~C. Grundy and John~R. Venable.
\newblock Providing integrated support for multiple development notations.
\newblock In {\em Seventh Conference on Advanced Information Systems
  Engineering (CAiSE'95)}, volume 932 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer
  Science}, pages 255--268, Finland, June 1995. Springer-Verlag.

John~G. Hosking, Warwick Mugridge, Robert Amor, and John Grundy.
\newblock Keeping things consistent.
\newblock {\em New Zealand Journal of Computing}, 6(1):353--362, August 1995.

P.~Hsia, J.~Samuel, J.~Gao, D.~Kung, Y.~Toyoshima, and C.~Chen.
\newblock Formal approach to scenario analysis.
\newblock {\em IEEE Software}, 11(2):33--41, March 1994.

Richard Hull and Roger King.
\newblock Semantic database modeling: {Survey}, applications, and research
\newblock {\em ACM Computing Surveys}, 19(3):201--260, 1987.

D.A. Jacobs and C.D. Marlin.
\newblock Software process representation to support multiple views.
\newblock {\em International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge
  Engineering}, 5(4), December 1995.

Gerald Kotonya and Ian Sommerville.
\newblock Requirements engineering with viewpoints.
\newblock {\em Software Engineering Journal}, 11(1):5--18, 1996.

James Martin.
\newblock {\em Information Engineering, Book {II}: Planning and Analysis}.
\newblock Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, revised edition, 1990.

\newblock Difficulties in integrating multiview environments.
\newblock {\em IEEE Software}, 8(1):49--57, January 1991.

Pierre-Alain Muller.
\newblock {\em Instant UML}.
\newblock Wrox Press, Birmingham, 1997.

\newblock {CORE} --- {A} method for controlled requirements specification.
\newblock In {\em Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering},
  pages 126--135, Munich, Germany, September~17--19 1979. IEEE Computer Society

B.~Nuseibeh, J.~Kramer, and A.C.W. Finkelstein.
\newblock A framework for expressing the relationships between multiple views
  in requirements specification.
\newblock {\em IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, 20(10):760--773,

Richard~T. Pascoe and John~P. Penny.
\newblock Constructing interfaces between (and within) geographical information
\newblock {\em International Journal of Geographical Information Systems},
  9(3):275--291, 1995.

Steven~P. Reiss.
\newblock Connecting tools using message passing in the {Field} environment.
\newblock {\em IEEE Software}, 7(7):57--66, July 1990.

Henry~C. Smith.
\newblock Database design: {Composing} fully normalized tables from a rigorous
  dependency diagram.
\newblock {\em Communications of the ACM}, 28(8):826--838, 1985.

Nigel Stanger.
\newblock Modifications to {Smith's} method for deriving normalised relations
  from a functional dependency diagram.
\newblock Discussion paper 99/23, Department of Information Science, University
  of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, December 1999.

Nigel Stanger.
\newblock {\em Using Multiple Representations Within a Viewpoint}.
\newblock {PhD} thesis, Department of Information Science, University of Otago,
  Dunedin, New Zealand, December 1999.

Nigel Stanger and Richard Pascoe.
\newblock Environments for viewpoint representations.
\newblock In Robert Galliers, Sven Carlsson, Claudia Loebbecke, Ciaran Murphy,
  Hans Hansen, and Ramon O'Callaghan, editors, {\em Fifth European Conference
  on Information Systems (ECIS'97)}, volume~I, pages 367--382, Cork, Ireland,
  June~19--21 1997. Cork Publishing.

S.Y.W. Su and S.C. Fang.
\newblock A neutral semantic representation for data model and schema
\newblock Technical report TR-93-023, University of Florida, Gainesville,
  Florida, July 1993.

S.Y.W. Su, S.C. Fang, and H.~Lam.
\newblock An object-oriented rule-based approach to data model and schema
\newblock Technical report TR-92-015, University of Florida, Gainesville,
  Florida, 1992.

D.~Tsichritzis and F.~Lochovsky.
\newblock {\em Data Models}.
\newblock Prentice-Hall, 1982.
