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This file was created with JabRef 1.6. Encoding: ISO8859_1 @STRING{IJMMS = {International Journal of Man-Machine Studies}} @STRING{LNCS = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}} @STRING{Reg = {{\scriptsize\textsuperscript{\textregistered}}}} @PHDTHESIS{Bend-G-1999-PhD, author = {Gregory T. Bender}, title = {Touch Screen Performance as a Function of the Duration of Auditory Feedback and Target Size}, school = {Wichita State University}, year = {1999}, type = {PhD thesis}, address = {Wichita, Kansas}, pdf = {B/Bend-G-1999-PhD.pdf}, } @BOOK{Appl-2004-HIG, title = {Apple Human Interface Guidelines}, publisher = {Apple Computer, Inc.}, year = {2004}, author = {{Apple Computer}}, month = may, pdf = {A/Appl-2004-HIG.pdf}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Doug-SA-1999-CHI, author = {Sarah A. Douglas and Arthur E. Kirkpatrick and I. Scott MacKenzie}, title = {Testing pointing device performance and user assessment with the {ISO} 9241, {P}art 9 standard.}, booktitle = {The CHI is the Limit: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '99)}, year = {1999}, pages = {215--222}, address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania}, month = may # {~15--20}, publisher = {ACM Press}, doi = {doi:10.1145/302979.303042}, pdf = {D/Doug-SA-1999-CHI.pdf}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Doug-SA-1994-SIGCHI, author = {Sarah A. Douglas and Anant Kartik Mithal}, title = {The effect of reducing homing time on the speed of a finger-controlled isometric pointing device}, booktitle = {Celebrating Interdependence: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '94)}, year = {1994}, pages = {411--416}, address = {Boston, Massachusetts}, month = apr # {~24--28}, publisher = {ACM Press}, doi = {doi:10.1145/191666.191805}, pdf = {D/Doug-SA-1994-SIGCHI.pdf}, isbn = {0-89791-650-6}, } @ARTICLE{Fitt-PM-1954-Law, author = {Paul M.\ Fitts}, title = {The information capacity of the human motor system in controlling the amplitude of movement}, journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology}, year = {1954}, volume = {47}, pages = {381--391}, number = {6}, month = jun, } @ARTICLE{Hara-H-1996, author = {Harada, H. and Katsuura, T. and Kikuchi, Y.}, title = {Fundamental study on the size and inter-key spacing of numeric keys for touch screen}, journal = {Journal of Human Ergology}, year = {1996}, volume = {25}, pages = {167--174}, number = {2}, month = dec, } @TECHREPORT{ISO-2000-9241-9, author = {ISO}, title = {Ergonomic {R}equirements for {O}ffice {W}ork with {V}isual {D}isplay {T}erminals ({VDT}s)---{P}art 9: {R}equirements for {N}on-keyboard {I}nput {D}evices}, institution = {International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)}, year = {2000}, type = {International standard}, number = {ISO 9241-9:2000}, address = {Geneva, Switzerland}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mack-IS-2001-EHCI, author = {I. Scott MacKenzie and Shaidah Jusoh}, title = {An evaluation of two input devices for remote pointing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th IFIP International Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction (EHCI 2001, revised papers)}, year = {2001}, editor = {Murray Reed Little and Laurence Nigay}, volume = {2254}, series = LNCS, pages = {235--250}, address = {Toronto, Canada}, month = may # {~11--13}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {3-540-43044-X}, pdf = {M/Mack-IS-2001-EHCI.pdf}, citeseerurl = {}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mack-IS-1991, author = {I. Scott MacKenzie and Abigail Sellen and William A. S. Buxton}, title = {A comparison of input devices in element pointing and dragging tasks}, booktitle = {Reaching Through Technology: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '91)}, year = {1991}, pages = {161--166}, address = {New Orleans, Louisiana}, month = apr # {~27--} # may # {~2}, doi = {doi:10.1145/108844.108868}, pdf = {M/Mack-IS-1991.pdf}, } @BOOK{MS-1999-UI, title = {Microsoft} # Reg # { Windows} # Reg # { User Experience: Official Guidelines for User Interface Developers and Designers}, publisher = {Microsoft Press}, year = {1999}, author = {{Microsoft Corporation}}, series = {Microsoft} # Reg # { Professional Editions}, isbn = {0735605661}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Po-BA-2004-CHI, author = {Barry A. Po and Brian D. Fisher and Kellogg S. Booth}, title = {Mouse and touchscreen selection in the upper and lower visual fields}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2004)}, year = {2004}, editor = {Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson and Manfred Tscheligi}, pages = {359--366}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, month = apr # {~24--29}, doi = {doi:10.1145/985692.985738}, pdf = {P/Po-BA-2004-CHI.pdf}, } @ARTICLE{Sear-A-1993-BIT, author = {Andrew Sears and D. Revis and J. Swatski and R. Crittenden and Ben Shneiderman}, title = {Investigating touchscreen typing: {T}he effect of keyboard size on typing speed}, journal = {Behavior {\&} Information Technology}, year = {1993}, volume = {12}, pages = {17--22}, number = {1}, month = jan # {--} # feb, } @ARTICLE{Sear-A-1991-IJMMS, author = {Andrew Sears and Ben Shneiderman}, title = {High precision touchscreens: {D}esign strategies and comparisons with a mouse}, journal = IJMMS, year = {1991}, volume = {34}, number = {4}, pages = {593--613}, }
This file was created with JabRef 1.6. Encoding: ISO8859_1 @STRING{ACJ = {Australian Computer Journal}} @STRING{ADT = {Application Development Trends}} @STRING{AI = {Artificial Intelligence}} @STRING{AJIS = {Australian Journal of Information Systems}} @STRING{CACM = {Communications of the ACM}} @STRING{CJ = {The Computer Journal}} @STRING{Database = {ACM SIGMIS Database}} @STRING{DBMS = {DBMS Magazine}} @STRING{DBPD = {Database Programming {\&} Design}} @STRING{develop = {{d}evelop, The Apple Technical Journal}} @STRING{Directions = {Apple Directions}} @STRING{DKE = {Data {\&} Knowledge Engineering}} @STRING{EJIS = {European Journal of Information Systems}} @STRING{IDT = {Internet Development Trends}} @STRING{IJAST = {International Journal of Applied Software Technology}} @STRING{IJGIS = {International Journal of Geographical Information Systems}} @STRING{IJHCS = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies}} @STRING{IJMMS = {International Journal of Man-Machine Studies}} @STRING{IJSEKE = {International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering}} @STRING{IS = {Information Systems}} @STRING{ISJ = {Information Systems Journal}} @STRING{IST = {Information and Software Technology}} @STRING{JACM = {Journal of the ACM}} @STRING{JLP = {Journal of Logic Programming}} @STRING{JOT = {Journal of Object Technology}} @STRING{JSS = {Journal of Systems and Software}} @STRING{LNCS = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}} @STRING{MISQ = {MIS Quarterly}} @STRING{NZJC = {New Zealand Journal of Computing}} @STRING{NZJIS = {New Zealand Journal of Information Systems}} @STRING{Oracle = {Oracle Magazine}} @STRING{Reg = {{\scriptsize\textsuperscript{\textregistered}}}} @STRING{SEJ = {Software Engineering Journal}} @STRING{SIGMOD = {ACM SIGMOD Record}} @STRING{SPE = {Software---Practice and Experience}} @STRING{Surveys = {ACM Computing Surveys}} @STRING{TKDE = {IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering}} @STRING{TM = {{\scriptsize\texttrademark}}} @STRING{TODS = {ACM Transactions on Database Systems}} @STRING{TOSE = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}} @STRING{VLDB = {The VLDB Journal}} @PHDTHESIS{Bend-G-1999-PhD, author = {Gregory T. Bender}, title = {Touch Screen Performance as a Function of the Duration of Auditory Feedback and Target Size}, school = {Wichita State University}, year = {1999}, type = {PhD thesis}, address = {Wichita, Kansas}, pdf = {B/Bend-G-1999-PhD.pdf}, } @BOOK{Appl-2004-HIG, title = {Apple Human Interface Guidelines}, publisher = {Apple Computer, Inc.}, year = {2004}, author = {{Apple Computer}}, month = may, pdf = {A/Appl-2004-HIG.pdf}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Doug-SA-1999-CHI, author = {Sarah A. Douglas and Arthur E. Kirkpatrick and I. Scott MacKenzie}, title = {Testing pointing device performance and user assessment with the {ISO} 9241, {P}art 9 standard.}, booktitle = {The CHI is the Limit: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '99)}, year = {1999}, pages = {215--222}, address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania}, month = may # {~15--20}, publisher = {ACM Press}, doi = {doi:10.1145/302979.303042}, pdf = {D/Doug-SA-1999-CHI.pdf}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Doug-SA-1994-SIGCHI, author = {Sarah A. Douglas and Anant Kartik Mithal}, title = {The effect of reducing homing time on the speed of a finger-controlled isometric pointing device}, booktitle = {Celebrating Interdependence: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '94)}, year = {1994}, pages = {411--416}, address = {Boston, Massachusetts}, month = apr # {~24--28}, publisher = {ACM Press}, doi = {doi:10.1145/191666.191805}, pdf = {D/Doug-SA-1994-SIGCHI.pdf}, isbn = {0-89791-650-6}, } @ARTICLE{Hara-H-1996, author = {Harada, H. and Katsuura, T. and Kikuchi, Y.}, title = {Fundamental study on the size and inter-key spacing of numeric keys for touch screen}, journal = {Journal of Human Ergology}, year = {1996}, volume = {25}, pages = {167--174}, number = {2}, month = dec, } @TECHREPORT{ISO-2000-9241-9, author = {ISO}, title = {Ergonomic {R}equirements for {O}ffice {W}ork with {V}isual {D}isplay {T}erminals ({VDT}s)---{P}art 9: {R}equirements for {N}on-keyboard {I}nput {D}evices}, institution = {International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)}, year = {2000}, type = {International standard}, number = {ISO 9241-9:2000}, address = {Geneva, Switzerland}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mack-IS-2001-EHCI, author = {I. Scott MacKenzie and Shaidah Jusoh}, title = {An evaluation of two input devices for remote pointing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th IFIP International Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction (EHCI 2001, revised papers)}, year = {2001}, editor = {Murray Reed Little and Laurence Nigay}, volume = {2254}, series = LNCS, pages = {235--250}, address = {Toronto, Canada}, month = may # {~11--13}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {3-540-43044-X}, pdf = {M/Mack-IS-2001-EHCI.pdf}, citeseerurl = {}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Mack-IS-1991, author = {I. Scott MacKenzie and Abigail Sellen and William A. S. Buxton}, title = {A comparison of input devices in element pointing and dragging tasks}, booktitle = {Reaching Through Technology: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '91)}, year = {1991}, pages = {161--166}, address = {New Orleans, Louisiana}, month = apr # {~27--} # may # {~2}, doi = {doi:10.1145/108844.108868}, pdf = {M/Mack-IS-1991.pdf}, } @BOOK{MS-1999-UI, title = {Microsoft} # Reg # { Windows} # Reg # { User Experience: Official Guidelines for User Interface Developers and Designers}, publisher = {Microsoft Press}, year = {1999}, author = {{Microsoft Corporation}}, series = {Microsoft} # Reg # { Professional Editions}, isbn = {0735605661}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Po-BA-2004-CHI, author = {Barry A. Po and Brian D. Fisher and Kellogg S. Booth}, title = {Mouse and touchscreen selection in the upper and lower visual fields}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2004)}, year = {2004}, editor = {Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson and Manfred Tscheligi}, pages = {359--366}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, month = apr # {~24--29}, doi = {doi:10.1145/985692.985738}, pdf = {P/Po-BA-2004-CHI.pdf}, } @ARTICLE{Sear-A-1993-BIT, author = {Andrew Sears and D. Revis and J. Swatski and R. Crittenden and Ben Shneiderman}, title = {Investigating touchscreen typing: {T}he effect of keyboard size on typing speed}, journal = {Behavior {\&} Information Technology}, year = {1993}, volume = {12}, pages = {17--22}, number = {1}, month = jan # {--} # feb, } @ARTICLE{Sear-A-1991-IJMMS, author = {Andrew Sears and Ben Shneiderman}, title = {High precision touchscreens: {D}esign strategies and comparisons with a mouse}, journal = IJMMS, year = {1991}, volume = {34}, number = {4}, pages = {593--613}, }
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