21 commits | 34 files changed | 0 commit comments | 2 contributors |
• Moved files in preparation for repository merge. | f88c3e8 |
- Fixed file permissions. - Added some missing files. - Added .gitignore. | ac695d9 |
- Various minor tweaks. - Moved Table II into the conclusions. - Fixed capitalisation of Dodge & Kitchin. | 41a6885 |
- Changed y-axis title of memory plots. - Ran through US spell-checker and fixed a few words. - Removed obsolete commented-out material. - Reformatted fixed overhead table. - Added maximum values for virtual memory usage. - Tweaked many other bits and pieces. | 508ea22 |
- Removed the remaining first person phrasing. | ad78b3a |
- Fixed some first person stuff that George doesn't like :) | d2eed22 |
- Added two more references. - Made some adjustments per suggestions by George. | 66dfaf5 |
- Cropped Google Maps image. - Rearranged order of lines on plots. - Finished conclusion. - Added acknowledgements. - Shrank all images to save space. - Tweaked various minor bits of wording. - Removed acmtocl document class option. - Added more keywords. - Changed "single layer" to "single-layer". - Noted that Google Maps is a JavaSript-based data server technique. - Removed Google Earth experiments and results; added mention in conclusion. - Discussed performance divergence points (+ table). | 4607c24 |
- Removed Google Earth data and reformatted plots. | 632a453 |
- Added 16384-point figure image. - Changed base map image to provide greater contrast. - Added discussion of remaining results. - Added first part of conclusion. - Changed technique classification and cleaned up terminology. | 6a2e2ae |
- Added references on Ajax, GIS web services and debugging distributed systems. - Cleaned up centering of figures. - Added table listing fixed overheads. - Added discussion of data size results. | b53792c |
- Added CIA World Factbook. - Revamped details of how the techniques were implemented. - Restored real memory chart. | d68e502 |
- Updated abstract. - Corrected distribution style for Google Maps. - Rewrote various bits across the whole paper. - Added some results text. - Added figure for example of a plotted data set (image to come). | f240247 |
- Corrected order of columns in data files. - Fixed log scales on line plots. - Cleaned up line plot formatting - Added distribution styles figure. - Revamped experimental design section. - Added initial figures and text for results section. | 46a1b59 |
- Updated data values. | 2ab5026 |
- Added initial files for ploticus charts. | c17e81d |
- Finished rewriting section 2. | 8ef7e74 |
- Rearranged images. - Added makefile. - Rewrote earlier sections. - Removed what are now automatically generated images. | 27e7b25 |
- Added MacEachren & Wood references. - Changed architecture terminology to match MacEachran. - Added further justification for interactivity. - Fixed broken itemize. | e41439a |
- Added more references. | 478abb3 |
- Added more references and experimental design stuff. - Added note about DataCrossing software to check out. | da0c077 |
GoogleMap-full.png 100755 → 0 |
ImageGeneration-full.png 100755 → 0 |
Map_Visualisation.bib 100755 → 0 |
Map_Visualisation.tex 100755 → 0 |
TOIT_2006/.gitignore 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/16384_points.png 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/GoogleMap-full.png 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/ImageGeneration-full.png 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/Makefile 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/Map_Visualisation.bib 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/Map_Visualisation.tex 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/PointOverlay-full.png 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/chunk_logstubs 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/chunk_logtics 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/d_combined_time.txt 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/d_data_generation_time.txt 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/d_data_size.txt 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/d_page_load_time.txt 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/d_real_memory.txt 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/d_virtual_memory.txt 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/data_generic.xls 0 → 100644 |
Not supported
TOIT_2006/data_server.pdf 0 → 100644 |
Not supported
TOIT_2006/data_server.svg 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/image_server.pdf 0 → 100644 |
Not supported
TOIT_2006/image_server.svg 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/lineplot.plo 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/model_interaction.pdf 0 → 100644 |
Not supported
TOIT_2006/model_interaction.svg 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/shared.pdf 0 → 100644 |
Not supported
TOIT_2006/shared.svg 0 → 100644 |
TOIT_2006/tasmania_stats.pdf 0 → 100644 |
Not supported
gd_detail.png 100755 → 0 |
html_detail.png 100755 → 0 |
tasmania_stats.pdf 100755 → 0 |
Not supported
Showing you all comments on commits in this comparison.