Added “kafka” to “all” target
Nigel Stanger committed on 17 May 2019
Added documentation for examples
Nigel Stanger committed on 17 May 2019
Fixed typo
Nigel Stanger committed on 17 May 2019
Added examples
Nigel Stanger committed on 17 May 2019
Added warning to rebuild dependent images
Nigel Stanger committed on 15 May 2019
Increased spark worker memory ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 15 May 2019
Nigel Stanger committed on 14 May 2019
Added spark configuration file
Nigel Stanger committed on 14 May 2019
Added Python packages ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 14 May 2019
Downgraded to Scala 2.11 ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 14 May 2019
Added hostname to listeners setting
Nigel Stanger committed on 14 May 2019
Added streaming packages to PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS
Nigel Stanger committed on 14 May 2019
Added BUILD_OPTS variable
Nigel Stanger committed on 14 May 2019
Added links to sources ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Forced SPARK_MASTER_WEBUI_PORT in pyspark service
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Condensed COPY commands
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Got PySpark Jupyter kernel working ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Changed spark environment ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Split up package installation
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Added hostname for kafka container
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Fixed working directory ownership
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Intial version of Kafka container
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Corrected working directory for pyspark
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Corrected pyspark image name
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Added --no-browser to jupyter command
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Used SPARK_HOME instead of absolute path
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Removed alpine version number (more generic)
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Minor tidying ...
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Removed redundant spark environment variables
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019
Merged environment variables
Nigel Stanger committed on 13 May 2019