netbeans-wrapper / netbeans-wrapper.applescript
property netBeansBinary : null

on run
	if netBeansBinary is null then
		set nbApp to choose file with prompt "Choose NetBeans" default location "/Applications" of type ("public.unix-executable")
		set netBeansBinary to POSIX path of nbApp
	end if
end run

on open theItems
	set commandString to netBeansBinary & " "
	repeat with thisItem in theItems
		tell application "System Events"
			set itemProperties to thisItem's properties
			set itemPath to POSIX path of itemProperties
		end tell
		set commandString to commandString & quoted form of itemPath & " "
	end repeat
end open

on runNetBeans(commandString)
	set commandString to commandString & " >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
	do shell script commandString
end runNetBeans