• Added --input-prefix option (closes #13).
• Fixed an undiscovered bug in process_timestamp_pair() that would have caused a crash when there was an odd number of timestamps (failed to check whether second timestamp is defined).
1 parent 9b9e463 commit b24b4fa209412fc0b5d40a44dd52641d18152023
Nigel Stanger authored on 18 Sep 2016
Showing 1 changed file
"file). If you don't specify a stream number, it defaults "
"to 0 (i.e., the first audio stream in the file).")
"--configuration", "--config", "-c", dest="config", metavar="FILE",
help="File name for the podcast segment configuration (plain text). "
"See config_help.md details on the file "
"--debug", "-d", action="store_true",
help="Print debugging output (overrides --quiet).")
"--keep", "-k", action="store_true",
help="Don't delete any generated temporary files.")
"--quiet", "-q", action="store_true",
help="Mute all console output (overridden by --debug).")
"--video", "-v", metavar="FILE[:STREAM]", action=InputStreamAction,
help="File name for the default video input stream (can be the "
"same as for other input streams). You can optionally specify "
"the default video stream number to use if the file contains "
"more than one (this can be overidden in a configuration "
"file). If you don't specify a stream number, it defaults "
"to 0 (i.e., the first video stream in the file).")
"--configuration", "--config", "-c", dest="config", metavar="FILE",
help="File name for the podcast segment configuration (plain text). "
"See config_help.md details on the file "
"--input-prefix", "-p", dest="prefix", metavar="PATH",
help="Path to be prefixed to all INPUT files. This includes the "
"configuration file, if applicable, and any files specified "
"within the configuration file.")
"--debug", "-d", action="store_true",
help="Print debugging output (overrides --quiet).")
"--keep", "-k", action="store_true",
help="Don't delete any generated temporary files.")
"--quiet", "-q", action="store_true",
help="Mute all console output (overridden by --debug).")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if (not any([args.audio, args.video, args.config])):
globals.log.error("must specify at least one of --audio, --video, "
"or --config")
# Prepend input files with --input-prefix where applicable.
# Handily, if prefix is "", os.path.join leaves the original
# path unchanged.
args.audio, args.video, args.config = map(
lambda f: os.path.join(args.prefix, f) if f else f,
[args.audio, args.video, args.config])
def get_configuration(args):
# Fill in missing file names for default input streams.
"attempting to use default {s} input file, but "
"--{s} hasn't been specified".format(s=type))
config[i]["filename"] = os.path.join(
args.prefix, config[i]["filename"])
# No stream number in configuration. Note: 0 is a valid
# stream number, so explicitly check for None.
if (c["num"] is None):
# Assume 0 if no stream on command line either.
return None
def process_timestamp_pair(times):
def process_timestamp_pair(args, times):
"""Constructs timedelta instances from a pair of config timestamps."""
fn = "process_timestamp_pair"
globals.log.debug("{fn}(): t0 = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=times[0]))
globals.log.debug("{fn}(): t1 = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=times[1]))
globals.log.debug("{fn}(): times[0] = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=times[0]))
globals.log.debug("{fn}(): times[1] = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=times[1]))
# If the first item in the timestamp list in the configuration file
# is a filename, the parser inserts a zero timestamp before it. We
# can therefore guarantee that the first item of the pair will
# always be a timestamp.
t0 = datetime.timedelta(
hours=times[0]["hh"], minutes=times[0]["mm"],
seconds=times[0]["ss"], milliseconds=times[0]["ms"])
if (len(times[1]) == 1): # filename
t1 = t0 + get_file_duration(times[1]["filename"])
elif (len(times[1]) == 4): # normal timestamp
t1 = datetime.timedelta(
hours=times[1]["hh"], minutes=times[1]["mm"],
seconds=times[1]["ss"], milliseconds=times[1]["ms"])
if (times[1]):
if (len(times[1]) == 1): # filename
t1 = t0 + get_file_duration(
os.path.join(args.prefix, times[1]["filename"]))
elif (len(times[1]) == 4): # normal timestamp
t1 = datetime.timedelta(
hours=times[1]["hh"], minutes=times[1]["mm"],
seconds=times[1]["ss"], milliseconds=times[1]["ms"])
globals.log.error("{fn}():unreadable timestamp {t}".format(
fn=fn, t=times[1]))
t1 = None
globals.log.error("unreadable timestamp {t}".format(t=times[1]))
t1 = None
globals.log.debug("{fn}(): t0 = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=t0))
globals.log.debug("{fn}(): t1 = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=t1))
return t0, t1
def process_time_list(type, filename, num, time_list):
def process_time_list(args, type, filename, num, time_list):
"""Process an audio or video stream and build a list of segments."""
if (os.path.exists(filename) and type in ["audio", "video"]):
stream_duration = get_file_duration(filename)
# Process each pair of timestamps as punch in, out. If there's
# an odd number of items, the last one is processed separately.
for t in zip(time_list[::2], time_list[1::2]):
punch_in, punch_out = process_timestamp_pair(t)
punch_in, punch_out = process_timestamp_pair(args, t)
if (punch_in == punch_out):
"punch in ({i}s) and punch out ({o}s) times are "
"equal; no segment will be "
# Odd number of timestamps: punch in at last timestamp,
# out at stream duration.
if (len(time_list) % 2 != 0):
punch_in, _ = process_timestamp_pair([time_list[-1], None])
punch_in, _ = process_timestamp_pair(args, [time_list[-1], None])
punch_out = stream_duration - punch_in
segments.append(make_new_segment(type, filename, punch_in,
punch_out, num))
return segments
def process_input_streams(config):
def process_input_streams(args, config):
"""Process a list of stream specifications and build a list of segments."""
fn = "process_input_streams"
globals.log.info("Processing input streams...")
segments = []
"{fn}(): filename = {f}".format(fn=fn, f=cnf["filename"]))
globals.log.debug("{fn}(): num = {n}".format(fn=fn, n=cnf["num"]))
globals.log.debug("{fn}(): times = {t}".format(fn=fn, t=cnf["times"]))
segments += process_time_list(cnf["type"], cnf["filename"],
segments += process_time_list(args, cnf["type"], cnf["filename"],
cnf["num"], cnf["times"])
return segments
config = get_configuration(args)
segments = process_input_streams(config)
segments = process_input_streams(args, config)
globals.log.debug("{fn}(): audio segments = {a}".format(
fn=fn, a=[s for s in segments if isinstance(s, AudioSegment)]))
globals.log.debug("{fn}(): video segments = {v}".format(
fn=fn, v=[s for s in segments if isinstance(s, VideoSegment)]))