<?php require_once "Schema.php"; abstract class STINK_student_records_Test_Result extends PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_TestCase_CreateTable { public function getTableName() { return 'RESULT'; } public function getColumnList() { return array( // No need to test legal values because of the FK. If the FK is missing it's broken anyway! 'ASSESSMENT_ID' => array( 'generic_type' => 'NUMBER', 'sql_type' => array( 'NUMBER', 'INTEGER' ), 'min_length' => 10, 'max_length' => 10, 'decimals' => 0, 'nullable' => false, 'test_value' => "1234567890", ), // No need to test legal values because of the FK. If the FK is missing it's broken anyway! 'ENROLMENT_ID' => array( 'generic_type' => 'NUMBER', 'sql_type' => array( 'NUMBER', 'INTEGER' ), 'min_length' => 10, 'max_length' => 10, 'decimals' => 0, 'nullable' => false, 'test_value' => "1234567892", ), 'RAW_MARK' => array( 'generic_type' => 'NUMBER', 'sql_type' => array( 'NUMBER', 'DECIMAL' ), 'min_length' => 4, 'max_length' => 4, 'decimals' => 1, 'underflow' => -1, 'legal_values' => array( 0 ), 'nullable' => false, 'test_value' => "15", ), 'WEIGHTED_MARK' => array( 'generic_type' => 'NUMBER', 'sql_type' => array( 'NUMBER', 'FLOAT' ), 'underflow' => -1, 'legal_values' => array( 0 ), 'nullable' => false, 'test_value' => "23.4625", ), 'PERCENTAGE_MARK' => array( 'generic_type' => 'NUMBER', 'sql_type' => array( 'NUMBER', 'DECIMAL' ), 'min_length' => 5, 'max_length' => 5, 'decimals' => 2, 'underflow' => -1, 'overflow' => 101, 'legal_values' => array( 0, 100 ), 'nullable' => false, 'test_value' => "63", ), ); } public function getPKColumnList() { return array( 'ASSESSMENT_ID', 'ENROLMENT_ID' ); } public function getFKColumnList() { return array( 'ASSESSMENT' => array( 'ASSESSMENT_ID' ), 'ENROLMENT' => array( 'ENROLMENT_ID' ), ); } public function getUniqueColumnList() { return array(); } } ?>