<?php require_once "Schema.php"; abstract class UsedCars_Test_Purchase extends PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_TestCase_CreateTable { public function getTableName() { return 'PURCHASE'; } public function getColumnList() { return array( 'PURCHASE_ID' => array( 'generic_type' => 'NUMBER', 'sql_type' => array( 'NUMBER', 'INTEGER' ), 'min_length' => 8, 'max_length' => 8, 'decimals' => 0, 'nullable' => false, 'test_value' => '12345678', ), 'PURCHASE_DATE' => array( 'generic_type' => 'DATE', 'sql_type' => array( 'DATE' ), 'nullable' => false, 'test_value' => "TO_DATE( '2012-03-28', 'YYYY-MM-DD' )" ), 'DETAILS' => array( 'generic_type' => 'TEXT', 'sql_type' => array( 'VARCHAR2', 'VARCHAR', 'CLOB' ), 'min_length' => 500, 'nullable' => true, 'test_value' => 'Blah blah blah', ), 'AMOUNT' => array( 'generic_type' => 'NUMBER', 'sql_type' => array( 'NUMBER', 'INTEGER' ), 'min_length' => 6, 'nullable' => false, 'decimals' => 0, 'underflow' => -1, 'legal_values' => array( 0, 1234, 88765, 210000, 999999 ), 'test_value' => '25995', ), // No need to test legal values because of the FK. If the FK is missing it's broken anyway! 'VIN' => array( 'generic_type' => 'TEXT', 'sql_type' => array( 'CHAR', 'VARCHAR2', 'VARCHAR' ), 'min_length' => 17, 'max_length' => 17, 'nullable' => false, 'test_value' => '7AT0DH1EX09123456', ), // No need to test legal values because of the FK. If the FK is missing it's broken anyway! 'CUSTOMER_ID' => array( 'generic_type' => 'NUMBER', 'sql_type' => array( 'NUMBER', 'INTEGER' ), 'min_length' => 6, 'max_length' => 6, 'decimals' => 0, 'nullable' => false, 'test_value' => '234571', ), // No need to test legal values because of the FK. If the FK is missing it's broken anyway! 'SALESREP_ID' => array( 'generic_type' => 'NUMBER', 'sql_type' => array( 'NUMBER', 'INTEGER' ), 'min_length' => 4, 'max_length' => 4, 'decimals' => 0, 'nullable' => false, 'test_value' => '4571', ), ); } public function getPKColumnList() { return array( 'PURCHASE_ID' ); } public function getFKColumnList() { return array( 'CAR' => array( 'VIN' ), 'CUSTOMER' => array( 'CUSTOMER_ID' ), 'SALES' => array( 'SALESREP_ID' ), ); } public function getUniqueColumnList() { return array(); } } ?>