templates / xelatex / lectures / slides.tex
Mark on 25 Apr 2017 494 bytes Removed KOMA. Fiddled with margins.
  1. % Driver file for generating printable slides.
  2. % This makes the background white, and turns of the incremental uncovering of content.
  3. \documentclass[a4,landscape,printed]{powersem}
  4. \PassOptionsToPackage{whitebackground}{texpower}
  5. %\PassOptionsToPackage{monochrome}{color} % turns off color completely
  6. \include{preamble}
  7. \replacecolor{textcolor}{black} % make the text black
  8. \replacecolor{emcolor}{black} % make the text black
  9. \tcbset{colback=white}
  10. \include{lecturedetails}
  11. \include{content}