- ######### Latex Command #########
- LATEX=pdflatex
- ######### Source Files #########
- # driver files
- HANDOUT=handout
- PRESENTATION=presentations
- SLIDES=slides
- ######### Generated files to be deleted #########
- RUBBISH=*.aux *.dvi *.log *.ps *~ *.*~ *.out *.bak *-driver.* *.nav *.snm *.toc *.tmp *.fdb_latexmk *.fls
- ######### Dependencies #########
- DEPENDENCIES=Makefile content.tex lecturedetails.tex preamble.tex
- ######### Default Target #########
- default: slides
- pdf: default
- ######### Phony Targets #########
- .PHONY: default viewpres viewhandout viewslides clean clean-rubbish
- ######### Main Targets #########
- presentation: presentation.pdf clean-rubbish
- slides: slides.pdf clean-rubbish
- quick: quick_pres clean-rubbish
- handout: handout.pdf clean-rubbish
- all: clean presentation slides handout
- ######### Internal Targets #########
- presentation.pdf: $(DEPENDENCIES) presentation.tex
- slides.pdf: $(DEPENDENCIES) slides.tex
- numbered-slides.pdf: slides.pdf
- handout.pdf: numbered-slides.pdf
- ######### Driver Targets #########
- presentation.pdf: $(DEPENDENCIES) presentation.tex
- # run pdflatex as many times as needed to get references correct (at least twice to get PDF bookmarks right)
- $(LATEX) presentation.tex
- $(LATEX) presentation.tex
- # once more if there are still undefined references
- if [ -n "$(shell grep 'There were undefined references' presentation.log)" ]; then $(LATEX) presentation.tex ; fi
- # once more if there are labels that have changed
- if [ -n "$(shell grep 'Label(s) may have changed' presentation.log)" ]; then $(LATEX) presentation.tex ; fi
- slides.pdf: $(DEPENDENCIES) slides.tex
- # run pdflatex as many times as needed to get references correct (at least twice to get PDF bookmarks right)
- $(LATEX) slides.tex
- $(LATEX) slides.tex
- # once more if there are still undefined references
- if [ -n "$(shell grep 'There were undefined references' slides.log)" ]; then $(LATEX) slides.tex ; fi
- # once more if there are labels that have changed
- if [ -n "$(shell grep 'Label(s) may have changed' slides.log)" ]; then $(LATEX) slides.tex ; fi
- handout.pdf: slides.pdf handout.tex
- $(LATEX) handout.tex
- numbered-slides.pdf: slides.pdf numbered-slides.tex
- $(LATEX) numbered-slides.tex
- # Only runs latex once - for quick (but not always correct) results
- quick_pres: $(DEPENDENCIES) presentation.tex
- $(LATEX) presentation.tex
- ######### Clean #########
- clean-rubbish:
- rm -f $(RUBBISH)
- clean: clean-rubbish
- rm -f slides.pdf handout.pdf presentation.pdf numbered-slides.pdf