This describes how start a stand alone Spark cluster on open stack, using two ansible playbooks. This has been tested on the Uppmax private cloud smog.
The open stack dymamic inventory code presented here is adapted from:
in to it.ssh
to the machine you just created.git clone
in the repo root dir and copy you ssh-keys (these cannot have a password) there. This is used to enable password-less ssh access between the nodes:source <path to rc file>
, and fill in your OpenStack password. This will load information about you OpenStack Setup into your environment.nova secgroup-create spark "internal security group for spark" nova secgroup-add-group-rule spark spark tcp 1 65535
export OS_NETWORK_NAME="<name of your network>"
If you like you can add this to your OpenStack RC file, or set it in your bash_rc
. (You can find the name of your network in your OpenStack dashboard)create_spark_cloud_playbook.yml
and edit variables to set your ssh-key and how many workers you want to create, then run:ansible-playbook -i localhost_inventory --private-key=<your_ssh_key> create_spark_cloud_playbook.yml
and set the ssh_keys_to_use
variable to your ssh-key. Then install spark on the nodes (I've noticed that sometimes it takes a while for the ssh-server on the nodes to start, so if you get an initial ssh-error, wait a few minutes and try again).ansible-playbook -i --private-key=<your_ssh_key> deploy_spark_playbook.yml
into the spark-master node and try your new Spark cluster it by kicking of a shell:./opt/spark-1.2.1-bin-hadoop2.4/bin/spark-shell --master spark://spark-master:7077 --executor-memory 6G
If you don't want to open the web-facing ports you can use ssh-forwarding to reach the web-interfaces, e.g
ssh -L 8080:spark-master:8080 -i <your key> ubuntu@<spark-master-ip>