History for democall3 / src
Clean up. Fixed logging statements, added private constructors to ...
Mark committed on 21 Sep 2012
Cleanup, and further improvements to concurrency. ...
Mark committed on 8 Aug 2012
Added 'always on top' mode for Tutor Client.
Mark committed on 8 Aug 2012
Changed to mousePressed rather than mouseClicked because clicking labels is a ...
Mark committed on 7 Aug 2012
Whole bunch of stuff: ...
Mark committed on 18 Aug 2011
Lots of improvements: ...
Mark committed on 11 Aug 2011
Improved TutorClient. Huge refactor. Icon now read from classpath/jar.
Mark committed on 7 Mar 2011
Reworked threads, shutdown hook, and exit process to ensure requests are cancelled if student logs/out without cancelling manually.
Mark committed on 2 Mar 2011
Converted buttons to labels on panels. Cleaned up 316 panel. Made server auto-detect which panel to use.
Mark committed on 2 Mar 2011
Renamed, and removed some things as a result of refactoring.
Mark committed on 2 Mar 2011
Done a whole bunch of stuff: ...
Mark committed on 2 Mar 2011
Made the server threads deamon threads. No real need too but it is the correct thing to do.
Mark committed on 1 Mar 2011
Initial commit.
Mark committed on 28 Feb 2011