A netcat-like tool for analysing or mocking HTTP requests.

Mark authored on 10 Jun 2014
src Added option to add Accept header to request. 10 years ago
README.md Update README.md 10 years ago


A netcat like tool for analysing HTTP requests (from both server and client perspective). My first experiment with Go.


  Client mode

    httpcat -get [options] http://uri-to-send-request-to.com

  Server mode

    httpcat -listen [options]

  Options (client or server mode)
    -complete or -c : Display entire request/response instead of just the body.
    -verbose or -v : Be verbose.

  Options (server mode only)
    -port or -p [port] : Port to listen on.
    -body or -b [body message] : Body to respond with.  Status will default to 200.
    -status or -s [status code] : Status code to respond with.  Defaults to 204.