A netcat-like tool for analysing or mocking HTTP requests.

Mark authored on 23 Sep 2014
src User cam now specify a message separator. 9 years ago
README.md Update README.md 10 years ago


A netcat like tool for analysing HTTP requests (from both server and client perspective). My first experiment with Go.


  Client mode

    httpcat -get [options] http://uri-to-send-request-to.com

  Server mode

    httpcat -listen [options]

  Options (client or server mode)
    -complete or -c : Display entire request/response instead of just the body.
    -verbose or -v : Be verbose.

  Options (server mode only)
    -port or -p [port] : Port to listen on.
    -body or -b [body message] : Body to respond with.  Status will default to 200.
    -status or -s [status code] : Status code to respond with.  Defaults to 204.