Jetty with Servlets and JSP.

Mark George authored on 6 Sep 2021
db Strip to minimum, and run via embedded Jetty. 2 years ago
deploy Strip to minimum, and run via embedded Jetty. 2 years ago
gradle/ wrapper Recent update 2 years ago
src/ main Strip to minimum, and run via embedded Jetty. 2 years ago
.gitignore Strip to minimum, and run via embedded Jetty. 2 years ago
README.txt Recent minor modifications 3 years ago
build.gradle Strip to minimum, and run via embedded Jetty. 2 years ago
gradlew Recent update 2 years ago
gradlew.bat Recent update 2 years ago
injections.txt Update injections.txt 2 years ago
schema.sql Initial commit. 6 years ago
Build with:

>gradle assemble

WAR file is in build/libs

Deploy WAR file to Tomcat.