# Jooby SSE Server A simple server-sent events server that supports multiple concurrent clients, and properly handles client-side disconnects. Uses Jooby 2. ## Apache Camel as SSE consumer TLDR — Camel can't be used as an SSE consumer. Documenting this here since I created this server to test if Camel can be used as an SSE consumer. Camel doesn't seem to have a component for this (as at version 3.9.0) and the built in HTTP support does not seem to nicely handle it — there is no support for `from('http://...')` and using `to('http://...')` will not return a response until the response stream closes (which is entirely reasonable). Tested with both the `http` and `ahc` components. I know that Camel does work as a WebSocket consumer, so there is not a lot of point in spending more time on this.