jdbc.url=jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/work/202/2020/marking/m2/db/m2;IFEXISTS=TRUE # output dir for generated reports report.dir=/home/mark/work/202/2020/marking/m2/reports #smtp.host=localhost #smtp.port=2525 smtp.host=smtp.staff.otago.ac.nz smtp.port=587 smtp.user.name=geoma48p marker.name=Mark George marker.email=mark.george@otago.ac.nz attachment.email.name=INFO202-milestone2.pdf attachment.file.prefix=milestone2 assessment.description=Milestone 2 # does email button appear in UI enable.email=true # email delay in seconds (rate limiting) email.delay=2 # students identified by id or username id.type=username # show maximum on report report.showmax=true report.title=INFO202: Developing Information Systems 2\nAssessment Feedback report.footer=Your mark is calculated by dividing the mark for each criterion by the maximum for that criterion, then multiplying by a weight (not shown in this report, but available on request), and then adding all of the weighted marks together. The weightings are based on the size, complexity, and importance of the criterion. paper.code=INFO202