A marking system

db Update H2 versions 9 months ago
sql Add some default values to the schema 3 months ago
src Add textarea font size property since the default is tiny on 4K screens. 3 months ago
.gitignore Add more complete .gitignore 1 year ago
README.md Add description of editor and criterion types. 10 months ago
build.gradle Update some deps 3 months ago

Marking System

A marking system intended to support a wide variety of assessments (or at least the ones that Mark has to deal with).

Editor types:

  • Scale - Likert scale.
  • Numeric - Text input for decimal numbers.

Criterion types:

  • Normal - the mark will be weighted and included in the total.
  • Special - the mark will not be weighted and is NOT included in the total. This is useful for bonus marks that can be applied across multiple assessments. Also useful if we are just recording marks and don't care about the totals (such as exam marking where we are marking a subset of an exam).
  • Penalty - the mark will NOT be weighted and is SUBTRACTED from the total. Useful for late submission penalties.