Digital_Repository / Repositories / otago_eprints3 / otago_eprints / cfg / lang / en / phrases / unknown.xml
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<epp:phrases xmlns="" xmlns:epp="" xmlns:epc="">

    <epp:phrase id="abstract/stats_link:link_text">detailed download statistics</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="abstract/stats_link:prefix">View </epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="abstract/stats_link:suffix"> for this eprint.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="abstract/survey_advert"><div style="float:right;width:180px;background-color:#FFCC66;padding-left:15px;margin-top:15px;"><p>Our repository seems to be wildly popular and we would like to find out why. If you would like to help, <a href="phpsurveyor/index.php?sid=1&amp;newtest=Y">please complete our survey</a>!</p></div></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/register:created_new_user"><p>You have registered with username <big><strong><tt><epc:pin name="username"/></tt></strong></big>.</p><p>This registration <em>will not</em> be activated until you visit the confirmation URL that has been emailed to <tt><epc:pin name="email"/></tt>.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/register:intro">
<p>You need to register in order to be able to deposit eprints in the 
repository. </p>

<p>As a registered user you will be able to manage your eprints, up to the point
of submitting them for Editorial Review. If the review is successful your 
eprint will be deposited in the repository, if it is unsuccessful it will be 
returned to you with editorial comments.</p>

<p>In addition to managing your eprints a registered user can set up
subscription options, so that email notifications are sent when new eprints 
are placed in the repository.</p>

<p>Please complete the details on this page to register with Otago Eprints Repository.</p>

<p>The registration process uses email to send you details of how to activate
your account. You must then check your email and activate your password. Once
activated you can start to use the registered features of the repository.</p>

<p>If you have already registered but have forgotten your username or password,
<a href="reset_password">click here</a> to set a new password.</p>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/edit_eprint:moved"><p>Item successfully moved back into editorial review.</p><p>You may now <epc:pin name="link">edit it</epc:pin> if you wish.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/edit_subject:add_child"><h2 style="border:none;">Add Child to <pin name="subid"/></h2></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/edit_subject:add_child_help"><p>Enter the ID of an existing child that is NOT an ancestor of the subject, or enter an unused subject id to create a new subject.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/edit_subject:edit_heading"><h2 style="border:none;">Edit <pin name="subid"/></h2></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/edit_subject:intro_blurb"><p><strong style="color:red;">WARNING!</strong> This is the EPrints subject editor tool. You should be aware that it can make major changes <em>that cannot be undone</em>. If you remove a subject that is the only subject of an eprint then you will no longer be able to find that eprint via the browse views, only by the search.</p><p><span style="color:red;">Be careful.</span> Think before deleting anything.</p><p>(Of course, if this is not a live repository, then it doesn't matter.)</p><p><epc:pin name="continuelink">Continue</epc:pin></p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/edit_subject:location"><h2 style="border:none;">Location(s) in Hierarchy</h2></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:action_clone">New version</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:action_copy">Use as template</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:basic_options"><h3>Basic Options</h3></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:change_email_info"><p>Change the email address that EPrints currently has for you.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:change_email_link">Change your email address</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:change_user_link">Change user login</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:docs"><h3>Your Undeposited Items</h3></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:new_item_info"><p>This will create a new item, start editing it and allow you to attach files. You must <i>deposit</i> the item for it to be added to the repository. Deposited items will not appear until they have been checked by a person with that responsibility. Review your existing items (at right) if you can't remember what have deposited already.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:new_item_link">Begin a new item</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:no_depositing"><p>You currently have no undeposited items.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:no_pending"><p>You currently have no pending items.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:no_recent"><p>You have no accepted items.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:options"><h2>User Options</h2></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:pending_title"><h3>Your Pending Items</h3></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:recent_title"><h3>Your Most Recently Accepted Items</h3></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:review_info"><p>This options enables you to view your items in the repository, and to duplicate existing items so that you can deposit updated versions.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:staff_add_user_link">Add new user</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:staff_buffer_info"><p>This option allows you to view, edit and approve items that users have submitted but have not yet been approved for the repository. You may only edit items within your editorial scope.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:staff_buffer_link">Editorial review</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:staff_edit_subject_info"><p>This option allows you to create, delete, unlink and link items in the subject tree.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:staff_edit_subject_link">Use the subject editing tool</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:staff_eprint_search_link">Staff eprint search</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:staff_options"><h3>Repository Staff Options</h3></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:staff_user_search_link">User search</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:status_link">View the repository status</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:subscribe_info"><p>Select this option to change your subscriptions. The repository will automatically email you every day, week or month with lists of deposited documents that match your criteria.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/home:workspace"><h2>Manage Your Items</h2></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/review:blurb">
<p>Below are listed your items in the repository. Click on the title of an item to view it.</p>
<p><strong>New version:</strong> This option makes a copy of the item in your undeposited items list. Do this if you are going to submit an updated version of the item. Any attached files will also be copied.</p>
<p><strong>Use as template:</strong> If you want to submit a <em>similar</em> item this option will create a new item in your undeposited items list using the current item as a template. This option will <em>not</em> link the new item to the old one. Any attached files will not be copied.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/review:clone">New version</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/review:copy">Use as template</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/review:remove_info">
<p><strong>Request removal:</strong> Request that the administrator removes this item.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/review:req_remove">Request removal</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="cgi/users/subscribe:intro"><p>You may configure subscriptions to this repository. A subscription is a stored search that will be run every day, week or month. Any matching items that have been added or modified since last time will be mailed to you.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="deposit_agreement_text">
<p><strong>For work being deposited by its own author:</strong> 
In self-archiving this collection of files and associated bibliographic 
metadata, I grant Otago Eprints Repository the right to store 
them and to make them permanently available publicly for free on-line. 
I declare that this material is my own intellectual property and I 
understand that Otago Eprints Repository does not assume any 
responsibility if there is any breach of copyright in distributing these 
files or metadata. (All authors are urged to prominently assert their 
copyright on the title page of their work.)</p>

<p><strong>For work being deposited by someone other than its 
author:</strong> I hereby declare that the collection of files and 
associated bibliographic metadata that I am archiving at 
Otago Eprints Repository) is in the public domain. If this is 
not the case, I accept full responsibility for any breach of copyright 
that distributing these files or metadata may entail.</p>

<p>Clicking on the deposit button indicates your agreement to these 
    <epp:phrase id="document_fieldhelp_format">Please select the storage format of this document (scroll the list to see more formats). Choose the format that is closest to the actual physical file format, for example, a presentation in PDF format should be specified as “PDF”, not as “Presentation”.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="document_fieldhelp_formatdesc">You may provide an additional brief description of the format if you wish. If you chose one of the “generic” formats, please provide a brief description of the specific file type (e.g., “Microsoft Word” or “OpenOffice spreadsheet”).
<br/><span class="requiredstar">*</span> You must enter a description if you choose the format “Other”.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="format_fieldopt_arc_format_plain">Single file</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="format_fieldopt_arc_format_targz"> Multiple files (.tar.gz archive)</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="format_fieldopt_arc_format_zip">Multiple files (.ZIP archive)</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="lib/searchexpression:separator"/>
    <epp:phrase id="lib/searchfield:help_name">Enter a name or names to search for. Either the family name, or the family name followed by a comma and the first name or initial. Names with spaces may be indicated by surrounding them with double quotes, eg. “van Damme, J”.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="lib/session:no_login">You are somehow accessing a page that requires you to be logged in, without actually being logged in. This probably indicates a server misconfiguration.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:controls_at_bottom">The control buttons are at the bottom of the page; please verify your submission details before continuing.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:current_docs"><p>Here are the document formats currently attached to this item, and how many files you have uploaded for each format.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:fileview_page_layout">
<p>Adding files for format: <strong><epc:pin name="document"/></strong></p>

  <hr noshade="noshade" size="1"/>

<epc:pin name="show_files"/>

  <hr noshade="noshade" size="1"/>

<h3 style="border: none;">Upload a file from your PC</h3>
<p><strong style="color: red;">WARNING:</strong> It is your responsibility to ensure that the format of the file that you upload matches the format that you specified on the previous page (and shown above). The system will <em>not</em> check this for you!</p>
<epc:pin name="upload_form"/>

  <hr noshade="noshade" size="1"/>

<h3 style="border: none;">Capture a file from a URL</h3>
<epc:pin name="url_form"/>
    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:none_required"><p>You may upload one or more formats of the document at this stage. This is not required, but is strongly encouraged. <span style="color:red;">If there is a specific reason for not uploading any formats (such as copyright issues), please provide an explanation in the <strong>Additional Information</strong> field (on an earlier page).</span> If the full text is only available from the publisher's web site, you should add a comment to this effect, and enter the URL of the document in the <strong>Official URL</strong> field (on an earlier page).</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:please_verify"><p><strong style="color:red;">You have not finished yet!</strong></p><p>Please verify that all of the details about your deposit are correct, and that all necessary files have been correctly uploaded, including any figures.</p><p>When you are satisfied click the <strong>Deposit Item Now</strong> button at the foot of this page.</p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:title_return">Return</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="lib/submissionform:upload_layout">
You can upload multiple files at once if you first combine them into a .ZIP or .tar.gz archive. Select the appropriate file type from the list below, and the system will automatically expand the archive into its component files before attaching them to your submission. If you want to attach a compressed archive without expanding it, you should select “Single file”.<br/>
Type of file being uploaded: <epc:pin name="type"/><br/>
Select a file to upload: <epc:pin name="file"/><br/>
<epc:pin name="button"/>
    <epp:phrase id="mail_bounce_reason">
Unfortunately your eprint:

<epc:pin name="title"/>

could not be accepted into Otago Eprints Repository as-is.

The eprint has been returned to your list of undeposited items. If you
visit your item depositing page you will be able to
edit your eprint, fix the problem and redeposit.
    <epp:phrase id="mail_delete_reason">
Unfortunately your eprint:

<epc:pin name="title"/>

could not be accepted into Otago Eprints Repository.

The eprint has been deleted.
    <epp:phrase id="mail_email_pin">

<p>Dear User,</p>

<p>You have requested your email to be changed to <pin name="newemail"/></p> 

<p>To activate this new address please visit the following URL:</p>

<epc:pin name="confirmurl"/>

    <epp:phrase id="mail_password_pin">

<p>Dear User,</p>

<p>Thank you for your interest in Otago Eprints Repository.</p>

<p>You now need to activate your new password, using the following URL:</p>

<epc:pin name="confirmurl"/>

<p>Your username is: <epc:pin name="username"/>.</p>

<p>After you have successfully confirmed your password, you can deposit items at the following Web address:</p>

<p>Once you have confirmed your identity you may also subscribe to the email alerts service, to be automatically informed of new deposits in the repository in your chosen subject areas in a daily, weekly or monthly digest.</p>

<p>You can create a subscription by visiting the following page:</p>


<p>Have your username and password ready when visiting any of the above pages.</p> <p>This message was generated automatically by software. If you have any questions, then please feel free to email a real person at:</p>

    <epp:phrase id="mail_sig">
Otago Eprints Repository<br/><br/>
    <epp:phrase id="page:abstract">Abstract</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:abstract_intro"><h3 style="border: none;">This is how the metadata summary page will look:</h3></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:allfields_intro"><h3>These are the complete contents of all the fields for this eprint:</h3></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:available_versions"><h3>Available Versions of this Item</h3></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:commentary_threads"><h3>Commentary/Response Threads</h3></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:deposited_by">Deposited By</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:deposited_on">Deposited On</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:edit_link">Repository Staff Only: <epc:pin name="link">edit this item</epc:pin></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:fulltext">The full text is available as:</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:id_code">ID Code</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:invalid_user">INVALID USER</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:latest_version"><p><em>This is the latest version of this eprint.</em></p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:nofulltext">The full text is not available from this repository. The <strong>Additional Information</strong> field below may contain further information.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:not_latest_version"><p class="notice">There is a more recent version of this eprint available. <epc:pin name="link">Click here to view it.</epc:pin></p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:subscription">Subscription</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:suggestions_intro"><h3>The depositing user provided the following comments and suggestions:</h3></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="page:unspecified"><p><strong>The following fields were left unspecified:</strong> <epc:pin name="fieldnames"/></p></epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="subject_fieldhelp_newsubjectid">This is the internal key for this subject. It is used in the database and to generate the “views” filenames. It should contain only a-z, 0-9 and dash “/” and underscore “_”. If you enter the ID of an existing subject then that subject will be linked as a child of the current subject.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="subject_radio_depositable"><epc:pin name="true"/>Yes, users can add items to this subject.<br/><epc:pin name="false"/>No. (In which case it should probably have some children.)</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="subscription_fieldhelp_frequency">How often do you want to be sent this subscription? A setting of “never” disables this subscription.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="subscription_fieldhelp_mailempty">If there are no new items matching your subscription since it was last mailed, do you still want to be mailed?</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="validate:bad_email">The email given for <b><epc:pin name="fieldname"/></b> is invalid.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="validate:missing_family">Name in field <b><epc:pin name="fieldname"/></b> is missing the “family” part.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="validate:missing_given">Name in field <b><epc:pin name="fieldname"/></b> is missing the “given names/initials” part.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="validate:missing_http">The URL given for <b><epc:pin name="fieldname"/></b> is invalid. Did you include the initial <strong>http://</strong>?</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="validate:need_creators_or_editors">If an item does not have any creators then it must have at least one editor.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="validate:need_description">Documents of type <em><epc:pin name="type"/></em> need a description.</epp:phrase>
    <epp:phrase id="validate:need_sub_or_issue">An item must have at least one of a submission date and an issue date.</epp:phrase>
