Digital_Repository / Repositories / statistics / scripts / eprints-usage_src.php

/* NJS 2006-04-28
   In earlier versions of this script, which eprints to count was
   determined by comparing the request date of the eprint against the
   "lastproc" date of this script (i.e., minimum time unit one day).
   This was fine if you only ran the script once per day, but if you ran
   it more than that, it counted multiple times requests whose
   $request_date == $lastproc. For example, if you ran this script five
   times per day, all the downloads that occurred during that day would
   be counted EVERY TIME this script ran, thus overinflating your stats
   by a factor of up to five :(
   The solution is to use the full time stamp for comparison rather than
   just the date. This timestamp MUST include time zone information so
   that things don't get screwed up by daylight saving time. As long as
   this is done consistently, there's no need to do things like convert
   to GMT, for example.
   The very first thing we need to do is grab the current time stamp
   with time zone, which will later be stored in the database as the
   "lastproc" time. This needs to happen first so that we don't "lose"
   any requests that occur while the script is running.
$start_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s O');

// NJS 2005-12-09 Switched to GeoIP from GeoIP:IPfree.

$gi = geoip_open("##GEOIP_DATABASE##",GEOIP_STANDARD);


	Apache log for ePrints uses this format:
	LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined

	If the log format differs the regular expression matching would need to be adjusted.		
		date YYYY MM DD
		archive ID


// Web server log files
$log_dir = '##APACHE_LOG_LOCATION##';
$log_file = array(
	'otago_eprints' => '##APACHE_LOG_NAME_1##',
	'cardrona' => '##APACHE_LOG_NAME_2##',

// eprintstats db
$sqlserver = 'localhost';
$sqluser = 'eprintstatspriv';
$sqlpass = 'AuldGrizzel';
$sqldatabase = 'eprintstats';

/* NJS 2006-05-26
SQL details of your ePrints installation(s). This has now been
generalised to work with multiple archives. For each archive that you
have, add an entry to this array in the following format:

	'archive_name' => array(
		'sqlserver' => 'db_host',
		'username' => 'archive_name',
		'password' => 'password',
$eprintsdbs = array(
	'otago_eprints' => array(
		'sqlserver' => 'localhost',
		'username' => 'otago_eprints',
		'password' => 'DrSyntaxRidesAgain',
	'cardrona' => array(
		'sqlserver' => 'localhost',
		'username' => 'cardrona',
		'password' => 'chautquau',

/* NJS 2005-12-16
IP address ranges for your local Intranet(s). You can have multiple
ranges of IP addresses, each with a different "country name", so that
they will appear as separate entries in the by country stats pages.
You should use a different country code for each range (ISO 3166-1
specifies the range XA through XZ as "user-assignable", so you can use
codes from there as necessary), and create flag icons as appropriate.

Each address range key is the name that will appear in the statistics
database (the "country name"), followed by a comma, followed by the
appropriate ISO 3166-1 country code as noted above. Each entry in the
range is either a single IP address, or an array specifying a lower and
upper bound for a contiguous IP address range (see example below).

All IP addresses must be converted to long values using the ip2long()
function before being stored.

Note that address ranges may overlap. The script will use the first
range that matches a given IP, so list the ranges in the correct order
of precedence for your needs.


$local_IPs = array(
	'Repository Admin,XA' => array(
			lower => ip2long(''),
			upper => ip2long(''),
	'Our Intranet,XI' => array(
			lower => ip2long(''),
			upper => ip2long(''),

'Repository Admin' covers the IP addresses, and
the range to, inclusive. 'Our Intranet' covers
the range to, inclusive. A machine will only
match the 'Our Intranet' range if it first fails to match the
'Repository Admin' range.
$local_IPs = array(
	'Repository Admin,XA' => array(
		ip2long(''),  // Nigel @ Uni
		ip2long(''),  // Nigel @ home
		ip2long(''),  // Monica & Jeremy
		ip2long(''),  //   @ Uni
		ip2long(''), // Monica @ home
		ip2long(''),   //
		ip2long(''),    // pre-switch
		ip2long(''),     // pre-switch
	'Otago Intranet,XI' => array(
			'lower' => ip2long(''),
			'upper' => ip2long(''),

/* NJS 2007-01-26
Patterns to match various search engine bots. Ideally, we'd use a similar
mechanism to the $local_IPs variable above, but this isn't feasible because
we'd need to know the IP ranges for the likes of Google, for example. This
clearly isn't possible in practice.

Fortunately, most search bots insert a readily identifiable string into
the user-agent part of the HTTP response, which gets recorded in the Apache
log file. We can look for these and re-code log entries as appropriate.

The format of this list is similar to that of the $local_IPs variable. The
key is the "country name" (in this case the name of the search engine) plus
an "X" ISO 3166-1 country code, separated by a comma. Each key value has an
associated list of corresponding regular expressions that can occur in the
user-agent part of the Apache log entry. If any one of these REs matches
the user-agent part of the log entry, then we should re-code the country

Note that this means that several of the "X" country codes are now reserved
and can no longer be used in $local_IPs.
$bot_patterns = array(
	// Google (
	'Google,XG' => array(
	// Windows Live Search (
	'Windows Live Search,XM' => array(
	// Yahoo! (
	'Yahoo!,XY' => array(
		'/Yahoo! Slurp/',
		'/yahooseeker-jp-mobile AT Yahoo!JAPAN/',
	// (
	',XJ' => array(
		'/Ask Jeeves\/Teoma/',
	// Everything else I could find in our log files :)
	'Other search engine,XZ' => array(
		// TAMU Internet Research Lab (
		// Alexa web search (
		// TrueKnowledge for Web (
		// Majestic 12 distributed search engine (
		// Picsearch (
		// Exalead (
		// Cazoodle (note doesn't exist)
		'/CazoodleBot Crawler/',
		// Gigablast (
		// Houxou (
		'/crawler at houxou dot com/',
		// IBM Almaden Research Center Computer Science group (
		// Goo? (
		// Daum Communications Corp (Korea)
		'/Edacious & Intelligent Web Robot/',
		'/Daum Communications Corp/',
		'/DAUM Web Robot/',
		'/MSIE is not me/',
		// Girafa (
		'/girafabot at girafa dot com/',
		// The Generations Network (
		// Naver? (
		// WiseNut (
		// Accelobot (
		// This one seems particularly busy!
		// Seeqpod (
		// University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Computer Science (
		'/MQBOT Crawler/',
		// Microsoft Research (
		// Nusearch
		'/Nusearch Spider/',
		// SourceForge (
		// Lucene (
		// Computer Science, University of Washington (
		'/Nutch running at UW/',
		// Chikayama & Taura Laboratory, University of Tokyo (
		// Sproose (
		'/sproose bot/',
		// Turnitin (
		// WISH Project (
		// WWWster
		// Forex Trading Network Organization (
		'/Forex Trading Network Organization/',
		// FunnelBack (
		// Baidu (
		// Brandimensions (
		// Blaiz Enterprises (
		// Boitho/SearchDaimon ( or
		// Celestial (OAI aggregator, see for a little info)
		// Cipinet (
		// iVia (
		'/CrawlerTest CrawlerTest/',
		// Encyclopedia of Keywords (
		// Everest-Vulcan Inc. (
		'/Everest-Vulcan Inc/',
		// FactBites (
		// Scirus (
		'/Scirus scirus-crawler@fast\.no/',
		// UOL (
		// Always Updated (
		'/updated crawler/',
		// FAST Enterprise Search (
		'/FAST MetaWeb Crawler/',
		'/helpdesk at fastsearch dot com/',
		// Deutsche Wortschatz Portal (
		// Gais (
		// Krugle (
		'/Krugle web crawler/',
		// WebWobot (
		// Omni-Explorer (
		// PageBull (
		'/Pagebull http:\/\/www\.pagebull\.com\//',
		// (
		// Sensis (
		'/Sensis Web Crawler/',
		// Shopwiki (
		// Guruji (
		// Language Observatory Project (
		// Unidentified
		'/bot@bot\.bot/', // see (
		'/larbin/', // also larbinSpider
		'/sogou spider/',
		'/g2Crawler \(?nobody@airmail\.net\)?/',
		'/obeys UserAgent NimbleCrawler For problems contact: crawler@healthline\.com/',
		'/RAMPyBot -',
		'/Robo Crawler/',
		'/snap\.com beta crawler v0/',
		'/spider (tspyyp@tom\.com)/',
		'/Twiceler www\.cuill\.com\/robots\.html/',
		'/WebFilter Robot/',
		'/WILF \(cybermetrics\.wlv\.ac\.uk\/robots\.htm\)/',

## No configuration required below here.

$connect = mysql_pconnect ($sqlserver,$sqluser,$sqlpass);
$db = mysql_select_db($sqldatabase,$connect) or die("Could not connect");

// First get the date of last update
// NJS 2006-04-28 Changed this from order by timeinsert to order by id.
// The is always guaranteed to increase temporally, but is otherwise
// time-independent and thus not affected by things like daylight savings.
$query = "SELECT lastproc FROM lastproc ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query($query,$connect);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($num_rows > 0) {
	$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
	$lastproc = $row["lastproc"];
	$datetestA = strtotime($lastproc);
else {
	$datetestA = 0;

// NJS 2006-06-14: Generalised connection list for multiple archives.
$eprints_connections = array();
foreach ($eprintsdbs as $archive_name => $details)
	$eprints_connections[$archive_name] =
$counter = 0;
foreach($log_file as $archive_name=>$archive_log) {
	$logf = $log_dir . $archive_log;
	$handle = fopen($logf, "r");
	while (!feof($handle)) {
		$buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);
		// NJS 2005-11-25 Added regexp for EPrints short URLs.
		// NJS 2007-01-26 Added referer match to all regexps to enable bot detection.
		// NJS 2007-01-29 Added missing regexp for EPrints short URLs with domain names rather than IP addresses.
		if	((preg_match("/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) - - \[(.*?)\] \"GET \/archive\/0{1,8}(\d{1,4}).*? HTTP\/1..\" 200 .*(\"[^\"]+\")?$/i",$buffer,$matches)) ||
			(preg_match("/^(\S{1,}\.\S{1,}\.\S{1,}\.\S{1,}) - - \[(.*?)\] \"GET \/archive\/0{1,8}(\d{1,4}).*? HTTP\/1..\" 200 .*(\"[^\"]+\")?$/i",$buffer,$matches)) ||
			(preg_match("/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) - - \[(.*?)\] \"GET \/(\d{1,4}).*? HTTP\/1..\" 200 .*(\"[^\"]+\")?$/i",$buffer,$matches)) ||
			(preg_match("/^(\S{1,}\.\S{1,}\.\S{1,}\.\S{1,}) - - \[(.*?)\] \"GET \/(\d{1,4}).*? HTTP\/1..\" 200 .*(\"[^\"]+\")?$/i",$buffer,$matches)))
			$country_code = '';
			$country_name = '';
			$insertid = '';
			$eprint_name = '';
			$view_type = '';
			$uniquebits = '';
			$ip = $matches[1];
			/* NJS 2005-12-16
				Determine country code and name.
				Check whether the IP number falls into any of the local
				intranet ranges. If so, then use that.
			$ip_long = ip2long($ip);
			$found_country = FALSE;
			foreach ($local_IPs as $id => $addresses)
				foreach ($addresses as $ip_range)
					if (is_array($ip_range)) // check against lower/upper bounds
						$found_country = (($ip_long >= $ip_range['lower']) 
							&& ($ip_long <= $ip_range['upper']));
					else if (is_long($ip_range)) // data type sanity check
						$found_country = ($ip_long == $ip_range);
					else // something is seriously broken, ignore this entry
						print "Unsupported data type " . gettype($ip_range) .
							" (value " . $ip_range .
							") in \$local_IPs (expected long).\n";
				if ($found_country)
					list($country_name, $country_code) = explode(',', $id);
			// Otherwise, fall back to GeoIP.
			if (!$found_country)
				$country_code = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $ip);
				$country_name = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, $ip);
			// end NJS 2005-12-16
			// NJS 2007-01-26
			// Check whether this is a bot reference.
			$referer = $matches[4];
			$found_country = FALSE;
			foreach ($bot_patterns as $id => $patterns)
				foreach ($patterns as $pat)
					if (preg_match($pat, $referer, $matches2))
						$found_country = TRUE;
				if ($found_country)
					list($country_name, $country_code) = explode(',', $id);
			// end NJS 2007-01-26
			$date = $matches[2];
			$eprint_id = $matches[3];
			$uniquebits = $buffer;
			/* NJS 2006-04-28
			   Switched to timestamp rather than date-based comparison.
			   First, clean up the Apache request date into something
			   that strtotime understands. Note that the Apache log
			   dates include time zone info by default.
			$date = preg_replace("/:/"," ",$date,1); // Change first ":" to " ".
			$date = preg_replace("/\//", " ", $date); // Change all "/" to " ".
			$datetestB = strtotime($date);
			// Convert to properly formatted date string.
			$request_date =  date('Y-m-d H:i:s O', $datetestB);

			if ($datetestB < $datetestA)
			// NJS 2005-11-25 Added regexp for EPrints short URLs.
			if(preg_match("/GET \/archive\/0{1,8}\d{1,4}\/\d\d\//i",$buffer) || preg_match("/GET \/\d{1,4}\/\d\d\//i",$buffer)) {
				$view_type = "download";
			} else {
				$view_type = "abstract";
			if(isset($eprintname[$archive_name . $eprint_id])) {
				$eprint_name = $eprintname[$archive_name . $eprint_id];
			} else {
				$eprint_name = getePrintName($eprints_connections[$archive_name],$archive_name,$eprint_id);
				$eprintname[$archive_name . $eprint_id] = $eprint_name;
			if($eprint_name=='') {
				// Do nothing.
			} else {
				$eprint_name = mysql_escape_string($eprint_name);
				/* NJS 2006-04-25
				   Requests containing apostrophes (') are dumped by
				   MySQL unless we escape them. Looking in the GeoIP
				   files I also see country names with apostrophes, so
				   escape that as well. Everything else should be fine.
				$uniquebits = mysql_escape_string($uniquebits);
				$country_name = mysql_escape_string($country_name);
				// end NJS 2006-04-25
				$query = "
				INSERT INTO view (uniquebits,archive_name,ip,request_date,archiveid,country_code,country_name,view_type,eprint_name)
				$result = mysql_query($query,$connect);
				$insertid = mysql_insert_id($connect);

		} else {
			// print "NO match" . "\n";

		Keep track of where we are. Should avoid duplication of results
		if the script is run more than once on the same log file

// NJS 2006-04-28 Switched value inserted to $start_time instead of $request_date.
$query = "INSERT into lastproc (lastproc) values('".$start_time."')";
$result = mysql_query($query,$connect);

#print "Records counted: $counter\n";
#print "Last count: $request_date\n";
foreach ($eprints_connections as $connection)

// Look up the title corresponding to the specified eprint id.
function getePrintName($connection,$archive,$eprintid) {
	// NJS 2006-06-14: DB connection now passed as an argument.
	$db = mysql_select_db($archive,$connection);
	$query3 = "
		SELECT title
		FROM archive
		WHERE eprintid = $eprintid
	$result3 = mysql_query($query3,$connection);
	$title = '';
	$suffix = '';
	// NJS 2006-04-25 Added check for empty result, probably a deleted item.
	// Look in the deletion table for details.
	if (mysql_num_rows($result3) == 0) {
		$query3 = "
			SELECT title
			FROM deletion
			WHERE eprintid = $eprintid
		$result3 = mysql_query($query3,$connection);
		// If it's not in deletion, then we have no clue what it is.
		if (mysql_num_rows($result3) == 0) {
			$title = "Unknown item [$eprintid]";
		else {
			$suffix = ' [deleted]';
	if ($title == '') {
		$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3);
		$row["title"] = trim($row["title"]);
		$row["title"] = preg_replace("/\s+/"," ",$row["title"]);
		$title = $row["title"];
	return $title . $suffix;
