Digital_Repository / Repositories / otago_eprints3 / otago_eprints / cfg / cfg.d /
nstanger on 7 Dec 2009 1 KB - Fixed variable declaration.
 $c->{eprint_status_change} = sub
	my( $eprint, $old_status, $new_status ) = @_;
	if( $new_status eq "archive" )
		my $twitter_username="OtagoSoBEprints";
		my $twitter_password="mmpcfjXIm1jY0cU";
		# NJS 2009-12-07: Rewrote completely to check for existence
		# of curl, wget, etc. Also now truncates the title if the
		# tweet would otherwise be longer than 140 characters.
		my $isgdCmd = '';
		my $twitterCmd = '';
		my $shorturl = '';
		my $title = $eprint->get_value( "title" );
		$title =~ s/'/\\'/g;
		if ( length( $title ) > 118 )
			$title = substr( $title, 0, 118 ) . 'É';
		SWITCH: foreach ( 'curl', 'wget' ) # add others here and below
			# Try to call the command, if it's not in the path then $?
			# will be -1 and $! will be 'No such file or directory'.
			# If nothing works, just fail silently.
			system( $_ );
			if ( $? != -1 )
				if ( /curl/ )
					$isgdCmd = "curl --silent '" . $eprint->get_url . "'";
					$shorturl = `$isgdCmd`;
					$twitterCmd = "curl --silent --basic --user $twitter_username:$twitter_password --data status='$title - $shorturl'";
					`$twitterCmd &`;
					last SWITCH;
				if ( /wget/ )
					$isgdCmd = "wget --quiet --output-document=- '" . $eprint->get_url . "'";
					$shorturl = `$isgdCmd`;
					$twitterCmd = "wget --quiet --http-user=$twitter_username --http-password=$twitter_password --post-data='status=$title - $shorturl'";
					`$twitterCmd &`;
					last SWITCH;