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We compare the impact of the seastar in experiments on three soft-sediment assemblages. The experiments were carried out immediately beyond the current range of the seastar in southeast Tasmania. This allows us to assess the repeatability, and hence predictability, of the type and magnitude of the impact of A. amurensis on soft-sediment assemblages. Responses to manipulations at the species level were dissimilar across the three experiments, reflecting marked initial differences in the three assemblages at both the species and functional group levels. However, at the functional group level, there were notable similarities in the impact of the seastar on the different assemblages. When potential prey taxa were separated into functional groups reflecting ecological availability (e.g. surface dwelling vs. deep burrowing bivalves), seastar effects were largely restricted to the surface bivalves. While the effect of seastar predation on surface bivalves was common in all three assemblages, the magnitude of the impact varied both among and within assemblages. Variability in the impact of A. amurensis at both levels appeared to be largely due to differences in relative availability of prey species. Overall, the results of these experiments indicate that while the impact of the seastar is broadly predictable at the functional group level, the exact nature of seastar effects is likely to be site- and time-specific given the inherent natural variability in soft-sediment assemblages and the seastar's responses to them." name="eprints.abstract" /> <meta content="2003-04" name="eprints.date" /> <meta content="published" name="eprints.date_type" /> <meta content="Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology" name="eprints.publication" /> <meta content="288" name="eprints.volume" /> <meta content="2" name="eprints.number" /> <meta content="257-278" name="eprints.pagerange" /> <meta content="10.1016/S0022-0981(03)00022-4" name="eprints.id_number" /> <meta content="UNSPECIFIED" name="eprints.thesis_type" /> <meta content="TRUE" name="eprints.refereed" /> <meta content="0022-0981" name="eprints.issn" /> <meta content="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-0981(03)00022-4" name="eprints.official_url" /> <meta content="Allen, P.L., 1983. 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ISSN 0022-0981" name="eprints.citation" /> <meta content="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/1187/1/2003_Ross%2C_Johnson_%26_Hewitt_JEMBE.pdf" name="eprints.document_url" /> <link rel="schema.DC" href="http://purl.org/DC/elements/1.0/" /> <meta content="Variability in the impact of an introduced predator (Asterias amurensis: Asteroidea) on soft-sediment assemblages" name="DC.title" /> <meta content="Ross, D. Jeff" name="DC.creator" /> <meta content="Johnson, Craig R." name="DC.creator" /> <meta content="Hewitt, Chad L." name="DC.creator" /> <meta content="270702 Marine and Estuarine Ecology (incl. Marine Ichthyology)" name="DC.subject" /> <meta content="The introduction and establishment of the predatory asteroid Asterias amurensis in coastal waters of southern Australia is considered a major threat to benthic marine assemblages and commercial bivalve species. We compare the impact of the seastar in experiments on three soft-sediment assemblages. The experiments were carried out immediately beyond the current range of the seastar in southeast Tasmania. This allows us to assess the repeatability, and hence predictability, of the type and magnitude of the impact of A. amurensis on soft-sediment assemblages. Responses to manipulations at the species level were dissimilar across the three experiments, reflecting marked initial differences in the three assemblages at both the species and functional group levels. However, at the functional group level, there were notable similarities in the impact of the seastar on the different assemblages. When potential prey taxa were separated into functional groups reflecting ecological availability (e.g. surface dwelling vs. deep burrowing bivalves), seastar effects were largely restricted to the surface bivalves. While the effect of seastar predation on surface bivalves was common in all three assemblages, the magnitude of the impact varied both among and within assemblages. Variability in the impact of A. amurensis at both levels appeared to be largely due to differences in relative availability of prey species. Overall, the results of these experiments indicate that while the impact of the seastar is broadly predictable at the functional group level, the exact nature of seastar effects is likely to be site- and time-specific given the inherent natural variability in soft-sediment assemblages and the seastar's responses to them." name="DC.description" /> <meta content="2003-04" name="DC.date" /> <meta content="Article" name="DC.type" /> <meta content="PeerReviewed" name="DC.type" /> <meta content="application/pdf" name="DC.format" /> <meta content="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/1187/1/2003_Ross%2C_Johnson_%26_Hewitt_JEMBE.pdf" name="DC.identifier" /> <meta content="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-0981(03)00022-4" name="DC.relation" /> <meta content="Ross, D. Jeff and Johnson, Craig R. and Hewitt, Chad L. (2003) Variability in the impact of an introduced predator (Asterias amurensis: Asteroidea) on soft-sediment assemblages. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 288 (2). pp. 257-278. 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soft-sediment assemblages</h1> <p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><span class="person_name">Ross, D. Jeff</span> and <span class="person_name">Johnson, Craig R.</span> and <span class="person_name">Hewitt, Chad L.</span> (2003) <xhtml:em>Variability in the impact of an introduced predator (Asterias amurensis: Asteroidea) on soft-sediment assemblages.</xhtml:em> Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 288 (2). pp. 257-278. ISSN 0022-0981</p><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"></p><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block"><tr><td valign="top" style="text-align:center"><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/1187/1/2003_Ross%2C_Johnson_%26_Hewitt_JEMBE.pdf"><img alt="[img]" src="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/style/images/fileicons/application_pdf.png" class="ep_doc_icon" border="0" /></a></td><td valign="top"><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/1187/1/2003_Ross%2C_Johnson_%26_Hewitt_JEMBE.pdf"><span class="ep_document_citation">PDF</span></a> - Full text restricted - Requires a PDF viewer<br />769Kb</td><td><form method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" action="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/cgi/request_doc"><input accept-charset="utf-8" value="1531" name="docid" type="hidden" /><div class=""><input value="Request a copy" name="_action_null" class="ep_form_action_button" onclick="return EPJS_button_pushed( '_action_null' )" type="submit" /> </div></form></td></tr></table><p style="margin-bottom: 1em" class="not_ep_block">Official URL: <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-0981(03)00022-4">http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-0981(03)00022-4</a></p><div class="not_ep_block"><h2>Abstract</h2><p style="padding-bottom: 16px; text-align: left; margin: 1em auto 0em auto">The introduction and establishment of the predatory asteroid Asterias amurensis in coastal waters of southern Australia is considered a major threat to benthic marine assemblages and commercial bivalve species. We compare the impact of the seastar in experiments on three soft-sediment assemblages. The experiments were carried out immediately beyond the current range of the seastar in southeast Tasmania. This allows us to assess the repeatability, and hence predictability, of the type and magnitude of the impact of A. amurensis on soft-sediment assemblages. Responses to manipulations at the species level were dissimilar across the three experiments, reflecting marked initial differences in the three assemblages at both the species and functional group levels. However, at the functional group level, there were notable similarities in the impact of the seastar on the different assemblages. When potential prey taxa were separated into functional groups reflecting ecological availability (e.g. surface dwelling vs. deep burrowing bivalves), seastar effects were largely restricted to the surface bivalves. While the effect of seastar predation on surface bivalves was common in all three assemblages, the magnitude of the impact varied both among and within assemblages. Variability in the impact of A. amurensis at both levels appeared to be largely due to differences in relative availability of prey species. Overall, the results of these experiments indicate that while the impact of the seastar is broadly predictable at the functional group level, the exact nature of seastar effects is likely to be site- and time-specific given the inherent natural variability in soft-sediment assemblages and the seastar's responses to them.</p></div><table style="margin-bottom: 1em" cellpadding="3" class="not_ep_block" border="0"><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Item Type:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">Article</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Additional Information:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">Definitive version is available online at http://www.sciencedirect.com/</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Keywords:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">Asterias amurensis; Introduced species; Predation; Soft sediments; Variability </td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Subjects:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/view/subjects/270702.html">270000 Biological Sciences > 270700 Ecology and Evolution > 270702 Marine and Estuarine Ecology (incl. Marine Ichthyology)</a></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Collections:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">UNSPECIFIED</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ID Code:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">1187</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited By:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><span class="ep_name_citation"><span class="person_name">Professor Craig R. Johnson</span></span></td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Deposited On:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">21 Jun 2007</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">Last Modified:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row">04 Feb 2008 16:32</td></tr><tr><th valign="top" class="ep_row">ePrint Statistics:</th><td valign="top" class="ep_row"><a target="ePrintStats" href="/es/index.php?action=show_detail_eprint;id=1187;">View statistics for this ePrint</a></td></tr></table><p align="right">Repository Staff Only: <a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/cgi/users/home?screen=EPrint::View&eprintid=1187">item control page</a></p> </td></tr></table> </div> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></td> </tr> <tr> <td><!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/Library/footer_eprints.lbi" --> <table width="795" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" class="footer"> <tr valign="top"> <td colspan="2"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.utas.edu.au">UTAS home</a> | <a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/library/">Library home</a> | <a href="/">ePrints home</a> | <a href="/contact.html">contact</a> | <a href="/information.html">about</a> | <a href="/view/">browse</a> | <a href="/perl/search/simple">search</a> | <a href="/perl/register">register</a> | <a href="/perl/users/home">user area</a> | <a href="/help/">help</a></div><br /></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><p><img src="/images/eprints/footerline.gif" width="100%" height="4" /></p></td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="68%" class="footer">Authorised by the University Librarian<br /> © University of Tasmania ABN 30 764 374 782<br /> <a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/cricos/">CRICOS Provider Code 00586B</a> | <a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/copyright/copyright_disclaimers.html">Copyright & Disclaimers</a> | <a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/accessibility/index.html">Accessibility</a> | <a href="http://eprints.utas.edu.au/feedback/">Site Feedback</a> </td> <td width="32%"><div align="right"> <p align="right" class="NoPrint"><a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/"><img src="http://www.utas.edu.au/shared/logos/unioftasstrip.gif" alt="University of Tasmania Home Page" width="260" height="16" border="0" align="right" /></a></p> <p align="right" class="NoPrint"><a href="http://www.utas.edu.au/"><br /> </a></p> </div></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td><p> </p></td> <td><div align="right"><span class="NoPrint"><a href="http://www.eprints.org/software/"><img src="/images/eprintslogo.gif" alt="ePrints logo" width="77" height="29" border="0" align="bottom" /></a></span></div></td> </tr> </table> <!-- #EndLibraryItem --> <div align="center"></div></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>