Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / lib / defaultcfg / cfg.d /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 1 KB - Added debian package source.

# eprint_warnings( $eprint, $session )
# $eprint 
# - EPrint object
# $session 
# - Session object (the current session)
# returns: @problems
# - ARRAY of DOM objects (may be null)
# Create warnings which will appear on the final deposit page but
# will not actually prevent the item being deposited.
# Any span tags with a class of ep_problem_field:fieldname will be
# linked to fieldname in the workflow.

$c->{eprint_warnings} = sub
	my( $eprint, $session ) = @_;

	my @problems = ();

	my @docs = $eprint->get_all_documents;
	if( @docs == 0 )
		push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "warnings:no_documents" );

	my $all_public = 1;
	foreach my $doc ( @docs )
		if( $doc->get_value( "security" ) ne "public" ) 
			$all_public = 0; 

	if( !$all_public && !$eprint->is_set( "contact_email" ) )
		push @problems, $session->html_phrase( "warnings:no_contact_email" );

	return( @problems );