Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints / Apache /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 14 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::Apache::VLit
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::Apache::VLit> - VLit Transclusion Module


This module is consulted when any document file is served. It allows
subsets of the whole to be served.

This is an experimental feature. It may be turned off in the 
configuration if you object to it for some reason.

=over 4


package EPrints::Apache::VLit;

use CGI;
use Digest::MD5;
use FileHandle;

use EPrints::Apache::AnApache; # exports apache constants

use strict;

my $TMPDIR = "/tmp/partial";

# EPrints::Apache::VLit::handler( $r )

sub handler
	my( $r ) = @_;

	my $filename = $r->filename;

	if ( ! -r $filename ) 
		return NOT_FOUND;

	my %args = ();
	my @a = split( "&", $r->args );
	foreach my $arg ( @a )
		my( $k, $v ) = split( '=', $arg, 2 );

	my $version = $args{xuversion};
	my $locspec = $args{locspec};

	if( !defined $version && !defined $args{mode} )
		# We don't need to handle it, just do this 
		# the normal way.
		return DECLINED;

	if( !defined $locspec )
		$locspec = "charrange:";

	# undo eprints rewrite!
	my $uri = $r->uri;	
	$uri =~ s#/([0-9]+)/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/#/$1$2$3$4/#;
	my $repository = EPrints::Repository->new_from_request( $r );
	my $baseurl = $repository->get_conf( "base_url" ).$uri;
	my $LSMAP = {
"area" => \&ls_area,
"charrange" => \&ls_charrange

	unless( $locspec =~ m/^([a-z]+):(.*)$/ )
		send_http_error( 400, "Bad locspec \"$locspec\"" );

	my( $lstype, $lsparam ) = ( $1, $2 );

	my $fn = $LSMAP->{$lstype};

	if( !defined $fn )
		send_http_error( 501, "Unsupported locspec" );

	&$fn( $filename, $lsparam, $locspec, $r, $baseurl, \%args );

	return OK;

# EPrints::Apache::VLit::send_http_error( $code, $message )

sub send_http_error
	my( $code, $message ) = @_;

	my $r = EPrints::Apache::AnApache::get_request();
	$r->content_type( 'text/html' );
	EPrints::Apache::AnApache::send_status_line( $r, $code, $message ); 
	my $title = "Error $code in Apache::VLit request";
	$r->print( <<END );

# EPrints::Apache::VLit::send_http_header( $type )

sub send_http_header
	my( $type ) = @_;

	my $r = Apache->request;
	if( defined $type )
		$r->content_type( $type );
	EPrints::Apache::AnApache::send_status_line( $r, 200, "YAY"); 

# EPrints::Apache::VLit::ls_charrange( $filename, $param, $locspec, $r, $baseurl, $args )

sub ls_charrange
	my( $filename, $param, $locspec, $r, $baseurl, $args ) = @_;

	my $repository = EPrints::Repository->new_from_request( $r );
#	if( $r->content_type !~ m#^text/# )
#	{
#		send_http_error( 400, "Can't return a charrange of mimetype: ".$r->content_type );
#		return;
#	}
	my( $offset, $length );
	if( $param eq "" )
		$offset = 0;
		$length = -s $filename;
		unless( $param=~m/^(\d+)\/(\d+)$/ )
			send_http_error( 400, "Malformed charrange param: $param" );
		( $offset, $length ) = ( $1, $2 );

	my $mode = $args->{mode};

	my $readoffset = $offset;
	my $readlength = $length;
	my $constart = -1;
	my $conend = -1;
	if( $mode eq "context" )
		my $contextsize = 512;
		$constart = $contextsize;
		if( $readoffset<0 )
			$constart += $readoffset;
			$readlength += $readoffset;
		$conend = $readlength-$contextsize;

	if( $mode eq "context2" )
		# has a char range but loads whole document
		$readoffset = 0;
		$readlength = -s $filename;
		$constart = $offset;
		$conend = $offset+$length;
	my $fh = new FileHandle( $filename, "r" );
	binmode( $fh );
	my $data = "";
	$fh->seek( $readoffset, 0 );
	$fh->read( $data, $readlength );

	if( $mode eq "human" || $mode eq "context" || $mode eq "context2" || $mode eq 'spanSelect' || $mode eq 'endSelect' || $mode eq 'link' || $mode eq 'spanSelect2' || $mode eq 'endSelect2' )
		my $html = "";
		my $BIGINC = 100;
		my $inc = $BIGINC;
		if( $mode eq  'spanSelect2'  ||  $mode eq 'endSelect2' || $mode eq 'context' || $mode eq "context2" )
			$inc = 1;
		$html.='<span class="vlit-charrange">';
		my $toggle = 0;
		for( my $o=0; $o<$readlength; $o+=$inc )
			my $class = "vlit-spanlink".($toggle+1);
			$toggle = !$toggle; 
			if( $o == $constart)
				$html.='<span class="vlit-highlight">';
			if( $o == $constart-512)
				$html.='<a name="c" />';
			my $c=substr($data,$o,$inc);
			# $c is either a string or a single char
			$c =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
			$c =~ s/</&lt;/g;
			$c =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
			$c =~ s/\n/<br \/>/g;
			if( $mode eq 'spanSelect' )
				my $url = $baseurl.'?locspec=charrange:'.($offset+$o)."/".($length-$o).'&mode=spanSelect2';
				$c ='<a class="'.$class.'" href="'.$url.'">'.$c.'</a>';
			if( $mode eq 'spanSelect2' && $o < $BIGINC )
				my $url = $baseurl.'?locspec=charrange:'.($offset+$o)."/".($length-$o).'&mode=endSelect';
				$c ='<a class="'.$class.'" href="'.$url.'">'.$c.'</a>';
			if( $mode eq 'endSelect' )
				my $url = $baseurl.'?locspec=charrange:'.($offset)."/".($o+$inc).'&mode=endSelect2#end';
				$c ='<a class="'.$class.'" href="'.$url.'">'.$c.'</a>';
			if( $mode eq 'endSelect2' && $o > $readlength-$BIGINC-1)
				my $url = $baseurl.'?locspec=charrange:'.($offset)."/".($o+1).'&mode=link';
				$c ='<a class="'.$class.'" href="'.$url.'">'.$c.'</a>';
			#if( $o > 0 && $mode eq "spanSelect" ) { $html.="|"; }
			if( $o == $conend-1 )
		my $copyurl = $repository->get_conf( "vlit" )->{copyright_url};
		my $front = '<a href="'.$copyurl.'">trans &copy;</a>';
		if( $param eq "" )
			if( $mode eq "human" )
				$front.= ' [<a href="'.$baseurl.'?mode=spanSelect">quote document</a>]';
			my $url = $baseurl;
			if( $mode eq "human" )
				$front.= ' [<a href="'.$baseurl.'?xuversion=1.0&locspec=charrange:'.$param.'&mode=context">view context</a>]';
			if( $mode eq "context" )
				$front.= ' [<a href="'.$baseurl.'?xuversion=1.0&locspec=charrange:'.$param.'&mode=context2#c">context in full document</a>]';
			if( $mode eq "context2" )
				$front.= ' [<a href="'.$baseurl.'?xuversion=1.0&locspec=charrange:&mode=human">full document</a>]';
				$front.= ' [<a href="'.$baseurl.'?mode=spanSelect">quote document</a>]';
		$front.= ' [<a href="'.$baseurl.'?xuversion=1.0&locspec=charrange:'.$param.'">raw data</a>]';

		my $msg='';
		my $msg2='';
		if( $mode eq "endSelect2" )
			$msg='<h1>select exact end point</h1>';
		if( $mode eq "spanSelect2" )
			$msg='<h1>select exact start point</h1>';
		if( $mode eq "endSelect" )
			$msg='<h1>select approximate end point</h1>';
		if( $mode eq "spanSelect" )
			$msg='<h1>select approximate start point</h1>';
		$msg2=$msg; # only for span msgs
		send_http_header( "text/html" );
		my $title = "Transquotation from char $offset, length $length";
		if( $mode eq 'link' )
			my $url = $baseurl.'?xuversion=1.0&locspec=charrange:'.($offset)."/".($length);
			my $urlh = $url.'&mode=human';
			my $urlx = $url.'&mode=xml-entity';
<div style="margin: 8px;">
<p>Raw char quote: <a href="$url">$url</a></p>
<p>Human readable (HTML): <a href="$urlh">$urlh</a></p>
<p>XML: <a href="$urlx">$urlx</a></p>
			my $urlh2 = $urlh;
<p>Cut and paste HTML for pop-up window:</p>
<div style="margin-left: 10px"><tt>
&lt;a href="#" onclick=" '$urlh2', 'transclude_window', 'width=666, height=444, scrollbars');"&gt;$title&lt;/a&gt;
		my $cssurl = $repository->get_conf( "base_url" )."/style/vlit.css";
		$r->print( <<END );
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$cssurl" title="screen stylesheet" media="screen" />
<body class="vlit">
<div class="vlit-controls">$front</div><div class="vlit-human">$html</div><a name="end" />
	elsif( $mode eq "xml-entity" )
		my $page = EPrints::XML::make_document();
		my $transclusion = $page->createElement( "transclusion" );
			"" );
		$transclusion->setAttribute( "href", $baseurl );
		$transclusion->setAttribute( "offset", $offset );
		$transclusion->setAttribute( "length", $length );
		$transclusion->appendChild( $page->createTextNode( $data ) );
		$page->appendChild( $transclusion );	

		send_http_header( "text/xml" );
		$r->print( EPrints::XML::to_string( $page ) );
		$r->print( $data );

# EPrints::Apache::VLit::ls_area( $file, $param, $resspec, $r, $baseurl, $args )

sub ls_area
	my( $file, $param, $resspec, $r, $baseurl , $args) = @_;

	my $page = 1;
	my $opts = {
		page => 1,
		hrange => { start=>0 },
		vrange => { start=>0 }
	my $repository = EPrints::Repository->new_from_request( $r );

	my $mode = $args->{mode};

	if( $mode eq "human" )
		send_http_header( "text/html" );
		my $cssurl = $repository->get_conf( "base_url" )."/vlit.css";
		my $title = "title";
		my $html = "html";
		my $copyurl = $repository->get_conf( "vlit" )->{copyright_url};
		my $front = '<a href="'.$copyurl.'">trans &copy;</a>';
		my $fullurl = $baseurl.'?xuversion=1.0&locspec=area:&mode=human';
		my $imgurl = $baseurl.'?xuversion=1.0&locspec=area:'.$param;
		my $linkurl = $imgurl;
		if( $param ne '' )
			$linkurl = $fullurl;
			$front.= ' [<a href="'.$fullurl.'">full document</a>]';
		$front.= ' [<a href="'.$imgurl.'">raw data</a>]';
		$r->print( <<END );
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$cssurl" title="screen stylesheet" media="screen" />
<body class="vlit">
<div class="vlit-controls">$front</div><div class="vlit-human"><a href='$linkurl'><img src='$imgurl' border="0" /></a></div><a name="end" />

	my $s;
	if( $args->{scale} )
		$s = $args->{scale};
		$s = undef if( $s <= 0 || $s>1000 || $s==100 );

	foreach( split( "/", $param ) )
		my( $key, $value ) = split( "=", $_ );
		if( $key eq "page" )
			unless( $value =~ m/^\d+$/ )
				send_http_error( 400, "Bad page id in area locspec" );
			$opts->{page} = $value;
		if( $key eq "hrange" || $key eq "vrange" )
			unless( $value =~ m/^(\d+)?,(\d+)?$/ )
				send_http_error( 400, "Bad $key in area locspec" );
			$opts->{$key}->{start} = $1 if( defined $1 );
			$opts->{$key}->{end} = $2 if( defined $2 );
	my $cache = cache_file( "area", $param."/".$s );

	my $dir = $TMPDIR."/area/".Digest::MD5::md5_hex( $file );

	unless( -e $cache )
		my( $p, $x, $y, $w, $h ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 );

		# pagearea/ exists cus of cache_file called above.
		if( !-d $dir )
			EPrints::Platform::mkdir( $dir );
			my $convert = $repository->get_conf( 'executables','convert' );
			my $cmd = "$convert '$file' 'tif:$dir/%d'";

	my $pageindex = $opts->{page} - 1;

	my $crop = "";

	# Don't crop if we is wanting the full page
	unless( $opts->{hrange}->{start} == 0 && !defined $opts->{hrange}->{end}
	 && $opts->{vrange}->{start} == 0 && !defined $opts->{vrange}->{end} )
		$crop = "-crop ";
		if( defined $opts->{hrange}->{end} )
			$crop .= ($opts->{hrange}->{end} - $opts->{hrange}->{start} + 1);
			$crop .= '999999';
		$crop .= "x";
		if( defined $opts->{vrange}->{end} )
			$crop .= ($opts->{vrange}->{end} - $opts->{vrange}->{start} + 1);
			$crop .= '999999';
		$crop .= "+".$opts->{hrange}->{start};
		$crop .= "+".$opts->{vrange}->{start};

	my $cmd;
	$cmd = "tiffinfo $dir/$pageindex";
	my $scale = '';
	my @d = `$cmd`;
	foreach( @d )
		$scale = '-scale 100%x200%' if m/Resolution: 204, 98 pixels\/inch/;
	my $scale2 = "";
	if( defined $s )
		$scale2 = '-scale '.$s.'%x'.$s.'%';

	my $convert = $repository->get_conf( 'executables','convert' );
	$cmd = "$convert $scale $crop $scale2 '$dir/$pageindex' 'png:$cache'";

	send_http_header( "image/png" );
	$cmd = "cat $cache";
	print `$cmd`;

# EPrints::Apache::VLit::cache_file( $resspec, $param )

sub cache_file
	my( $resspec, $param ) = @_;

	$param = "null" if( $param eq "" );

	$resspec =~ s/[^a-z0-9]/sprintf('_%02X',ord($&))/ieg;
	$param =~ s/[^a-z0-9]/sprintf('_%02X',ord($&))/ieg;

	EPrints::Platform::mkdir( $TMPDIR ) if( !-d $TMPDIR );

	my $dir = $TMPDIR."/".$resspec;
	EPrints::Platform::mkdir( $dir ) if( !-d $dir );

	return $dir."/".$param;



