Digital_Repository / OARiNZ / DIY / deb_package / eprints-3.0 / perl_lib / EPrints /
nstanger on 7 Jun 2007 28 KB - Added debian package source.
# EPrints::Dataset 
#  This file is part of GNU EPrints 2.
#  Copyright (c) 2000-2004 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
#  EPrints 2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  EPrints 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with EPrints 2; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


=head1 NAME

B<EPrints::DataObj> - Base class for records in EPrints.


This module is a base class which is inherited by EPrints::DataObj::EPrint, 
EPrints::User, EPrints::DataObj::Subject and EPrints::DataObj::Document and several
other classes.

It is ABSTRACT, its methods should not be called directly.

=over 4


#  $self->{data}
#     A reference to a hash containing the metadata of this
#     record.
#  $self->{session}
#     The current EPrints::Session
#  $self->{dataset}
#     The EPrints::DataSet to which this record belongs.

package EPrints::DataObj;

use MIME::Base64 ();

use strict;


=item $sys_fields = EPrints::DataObj->get_system_field_info


Return an array describing the system metadata of the this 


sub get_system_field_info
	my( $class ) = @_;

	EPrints::abort( "Abstract EPrints::DataObj->get_system_field_info method called" );


=item $dataobj = EPrints::DataObj->new( $session, $id, [$dataset] )


Return new data object, created by loading it from the database.

$dataset is used by EPrint->new to save searching through all four
tables that it could be in.


sub new
	my( $class, $session, $id ) = @_;



=item $dataobj = EPrints::DataObj->new_from_data( $session, $data, $dataset )


Construct a new EPrints::DataObj object based on the $data hash 
reference of metadata.

Used to create an object from the data retrieved from the database.


sub new_from_data
	my( $class, $session, $data, $dataset ) = @_;

	my $self = { data=>{} };
	$self->{dataset} = $dataset;
	$self->{session} = $session;
	bless( $self, $class );

	if( defined $data )
		if( $dataset->confid eq "eprint" )
			$self->set_value( "eprint_status", $data->{"eprint_status"} );
		foreach( keys %{$data} )
			# this will cause an error if the field is unknown
			$self->set_value( $_, $data->{$_} );

	return( $self );

#=item $dataobj = EPrints::DataObj->create( $session, @default_data )
#Create a new object of this type in the database. 
#The syntax for @default_data depends on the type of data object.

sub create
	my( $class, $session, @defaunt_data ) = @_;


#=item $dataobj = EPrints::DataObj->create_from_data( $session, $data, $dataset )
#Create a new object of this type in the database. 
#$dataset is the dataset it will belong to. 
#$data is the data structured as with new_from_data.
#This will create sub objects also.
#Call this via $dataset->create_object( $session, $data )

sub create_from_data
	my( $class, $session, $data, $dataset ) = @_;

	$data = EPrints::Utils::clone( $data );

	# If there is a field which indicates the virtual dataset,
	# set that now, so it's visible to get_defaults.
	my $ds_id_field = $dataset->get_dataset_id_field;
	if( defined $ds_id_field )
		$data->{$ds_id_field} = $dataset->id;

	# get defaults modifies the hash so we must copy it.
	my $defaults = {};
	foreach( keys %{$data} ) { $defaults->{$_} = $data->{$_}; }
	$defaults = $class->get_defaults( $session, $defaults );
	foreach my $field ( $dataset->get_fields )
		next if $field->get_property( "import" );
		delete $data->{$field->get_name};

	foreach my $k ( keys %{$defaults} )
		next if defined $data->{$k};
		$data->{$k} = $defaults->{$k};

	my $temp_item = $class->new_from_data( $session, $data, $dataset );

	$session->get_database->add_record( $dataset, $temp_item->get_data );
	my $keyfield = $dataset->get_key_field;
	my $kfname = $keyfield->get_name;
	my $id = $data->{$kfname};
	my $obj = $dataset->get_object( $session, $id );
	return undef unless( defined $obj );

	# queue all the fields for indexing.                                                          
	return $obj;


=item $defaults = EPrints::User->get_defaults( $session, $data )

Return default values for this object based on the starting data.

Should be subclassed.


sub get_defaults
	my( $class, $session, $data ) = @_;

	return {};


=item $success = $dataobj->remove


Remove this data object from the database. 

Also removes any sub-objects or related files.

Return true if successful.


sub remove
	my( $self ) = @_;


# $dataobj->set_under_construction( $boolean )
# Set a flag to indicate this object is being constructed and 
# any house keeping will be handled by the method constructing it
# so don't do it elsewhere

sub set_under_construction
	my( $self, $boolean ) = @_;

	$self->{under_construction} = $boolean;

# $boolean = $dataobj->under_construction
# True if this object is part way through being constructed.

sub under_construction
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return $self->{under_construction};


=item $success = $dataobj->commit( [$force] )


Write this object to the database.

If $force isn't true then it only actually modifies the database
if one or more fields have been changed.

Commit may also log the changes, depending on the type of data 


sub commit
	my( $self, $force ) = @_;


=item $value = $dataobj->get_value( $fieldname )

Get a the value of a metadata field. If the field is not set then it returns
undef unless the field has the property multiple set, in which case it returns 
[] (a reference to an empty array).


sub get_value
	my( $self, $fieldname ) = @_;
	my $field = EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string( $self->{dataset}, $fieldname );

	if( !defined $field )
		EPrints::abort( "Attempt to get value from not existant field: ".$self->{dataset}->id()."/$fieldname" );

	my $r = $field->get_value( $self );

	unless( EPrints::Utils::is_set( $r ) )
		if( $field->get_property( "multiple" ) )
			return [];
			return undef;

	return $r;

sub get_value_raw
	my( $self, $fieldname ) = @_;

	EPrints::abort( "\$fieldname undefined in get_value_raw" ) unless defined $fieldname;

	return $self->{data}->{$fieldname};


=item $dataobj->set_value( $fieldname, $value )

Set the value of the named metadata field in this record.


sub set_value
	my( $self, $fieldname, $value ) = @_;

	if( !$self->{dataset}->has_field( $fieldname ) )
		if( $self->{session}->get_noise > 0 )
			$self->{session}->get_repository->log( "Attempt to set value on not existant field: ".$self->{dataset}->id()."/$fieldname" );
	my $field = $self->{dataset}->get_field( $fieldname );

	$field->set_value( $self, $value );

sub set_value_raw
	my( $self , $fieldname, $value ) = @_;

	if( !defined $self->{changed}->{$fieldname} )
		# if it's already changed once then we don't
		# want to fiddle with it again

		if( !_equal( $self->{data}->{$fieldname}, $value ) )
			$self->{changed}->{$fieldname} = $self->{data}->{$fieldname};

	$self->{data}->{$fieldname} = $value;

# internal function
# used to see if two data-structures are the same.

sub _equal
	my( $a, $b ) = @_;

	# both undef is equal
	if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set($a) && !EPrints::Utils::is_set($b) )
		return 1;

	# one xor other undef is not equal
	if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set($a) || !EPrints::Utils::is_set($b) )
		return 0;

	# simple value
	if( ref($a) eq "" )
		return( $a eq $b );

	if( ref($a) eq "ARRAY" )
		# different lengths?
		return 0 if( scalar @{$a} != scalar @{$b} );
		for(my $i=0; $i<scalar @{$a}; ++$i )
			return 0 unless _equal( $a->[$i], $b->[$i] );
		return 1;

	if( ref($a) eq "HASH" )
		my @akeys = sort keys %{$a};
		my @bkeys = sort keys %{$b};

		# different sizes?
		# return 0 if( scalar @akeys != scalar @bkeys );
		# not testing as one might skip a value, the other define it as
		# undef.

		my %testk = ();
		foreach my $k ( @akeys, @bkeys ) { $testk{$k} = 1; }

		foreach my $k ( keys %testk )
			return 0 unless _equal( $a->{$k}, $b->{$k} );
		return 1;

	print STDERR "Warning: can't compare $a and $b\n";
	return 0;


=item @values = $dataobj->get_values( $fieldnames )

Returns a list of all the values in this record of all the fields specified
by $fieldnames. $fieldnames should be in the format used by browse views - slash
seperated fieldnames with an optional .id suffix to indicate the id part rather
than the main part. 

For example "" would return a list of all author and editor
ids from this record.


sub get_values
	my( $self, $fieldnames ) = @_;

	my %values = ();
	foreach my $fieldname ( split( "/" , $fieldnames ) )
		my $field = EPrints::Utils::field_from_config_string( 
					$self->{dataset}, $fieldname );
		my $v = $self->{data}->{$field->get_name()};
		if( $field->get_property( "multiple" ) )
			foreach( @{$v} )
				$values{$_} = 1;
			$values{$v} = 1

	return keys %values;


=item $session = $dataobj->get_session

Returns the EPrints::Session object to which this record belongs.


sub get_session
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return $self->{session};


=item $data = $dataobj->get_data

Returns a reference to the hash table of all the metadata for this record keyed 
by fieldname.


sub get_data
	my( $self ) = @_;

	# update compound fields

	foreach my $field ( $self->{dataset}->get_fields )
		next unless $field->is_type( "compound", "multilang" );
		my $name = $field->get_name;
		$self->{data}->{$name} = $self->get_value( $name );
	return $self->{data};


=item $dataset = $dataobj->get_dataset

Returns the EPrints::DataSet object to which this record belongs.


sub get_dataset
	my( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{dataset};


=item $bool = $dataobj->is_set( $fieldname )

Returns true if the named field is set in this record, otherwise false.

Warns if the field does not exist.


sub is_set
	my( $self, $fieldname ) = @_;

	if( !$self->{dataset}->get_field( $fieldname ) )
			 "is_set( $fieldname ): Unknown field" );

	my $value = $self->get_value( $fieldname );

	return EPrints::Utils::is_set( $value );


=item $bool = $dataobj->exists_and_set( $fieldname )

Returns true if the named field is set in this record, otherwise false.

If the field does not exist, just return false.

This method is useful for plugins which may operate on multiple 
repositories, and the fact a field does not exist is not an issue.


sub exists_and_set
	my( $self, $fieldname ) = @_;

	if( !$self->{dataset}->get_field( $fieldname ) )
		return 0;

	return $self->is_set( $fieldname );


=item $id = $dataobj->get_id

Returns the value of the primary key of this record.


sub get_id
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $keyfield = $self->{dataset}->get_key_field();

	return $self->{data}->{$keyfield->get_name()};


=item $id = $dataobj->get_gid

Returns the globally referential fully-qualified identifier for this object or
undef if this object can not be externally referenced.


sub get_gid
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return undef;


=item $xhtml = $dataobj->render_value( $fieldname, [$showall] )

Returns the rendered version of the value of the given field, as appropriate
for the current session. If $showall is true then all values are rendered - 
this is usually used for staff viewing data.


sub render_value
	my( $self, $fieldname, $showall ) = @_;

	my $field = $self->{dataset}->get_field( $fieldname );	
	return $field->render_value( $self->{session}, $self->get_value($fieldname), $showall, undef,$self );


=item $xhtml = $dataobj->render_citation( [$style], [%params] )

Renders the record as a citation. If $style is set then it uses that citation
style from the citations config file. Otherwise $style defaults to the type
of this record. If $params{url} is set then the citiation will link to the specified


sub render_citation
	my( $self , $style , %params ) = @_;

	unless( defined $style )
		$style = 'default';

	my $stylespec = $self->{session}->get_citation_spec(
					$style );

	return EPrints::Utils::render_citation( $stylespec, 
			in=>"citation ".$self->{dataset}->confid."/".$style, 
			%params );


=item $xhtml = $dataobj->render_citation_link( [$style], %params )

Renders a citation (as above) but as a link to the URL for this item. For
example - the abstract page of an eprint. 


sub render_citation_link
	my( $self , $style , %params ) = @_;

	$params{url} = $self->get_url;
	return $self->render_citation( $style, %params );

sub render_citation_link_staff
	my( $self , $style , %params ) = @_;

	$params{url} = $self->get_control_url;
	return $self->render_citation( $style, %params );


=item $xhtml = $dataobj->render_description

Returns a short description of this object using the default citation style
for this dataset.


sub render_description
	my( $self, %params ) = @_;

	return $self->render_citation( "brief", %params );


=item ($xhtml, $title ) = $dataobj->render

Return a chunk of XHTML DOM describing this object in the normal way.
This is the public view of the record, not the staff view.


sub render
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return( $self->render_description, $self->render_description );


=item ($xhtml, $title ) = $dataobj->render_full

Return an XHTML table in DOM describing this record. All values of
all fields are listed. This is the staff view.


sub render_full
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my $unspec_fields = $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment;
	my $unspec_first = 1;

	# Show all the fields
	my $table = $self->{session}->make_element( "table",
					cellpadding=>"3" );

	my @fields = $self->get_dataset->get_fields;
	foreach my $field ( @fields )
		next unless( $field->get_property( "show_in_html" ) );
		next if( $field->is_type( "subobject" ) );

		my $name = $field->get_name();
		if( $self->is_set( $name ) )
			$table->appendChild( $self->{session}->render_row(
				$field->render_name( $self->{session} ),	
				$self->render_value( $field->get_name(), 1 ) ) );

		# unspecified value, add it to the list
		if( $unspec_first )
			$unspec_first = 0;
				$self->{session}->make_text( ", " ) );
			$field->render_name( $self->{session} ) );


	$table->appendChild( $self->{session}->render_row(
			$self->{session}->html_phrase( "lib/dataobj:unspecified" ),
			$unspec_fields ) );

	return $table;


=item $url = $dataobj->get_url

Returns the URL for this record, for example the URL of the abstract page
of an eprint.


sub get_url
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return "EPrints::DataObj::get_url should have been over-ridden.";


=item $url = $dataobj->get_control_url

Returns the URL for the control page for this object. 


sub get_control_url
	my( $self , $staff ) = @_;

	return "EPrints::DataObj::get_control_url should have been over-ridden.";


=item $type = $dataobj->get_type

Returns the type of this record - type of user, type of eprint etc.


sub get_type
	my( $self ) = @_;

	return "EPrints::DataObj::get_type should have been over-ridden.";


=item $xmlfragment = $dataobj->to_xml( %opts )

Convert this object into an XML fragment. 

%opts are:

no_xmlns=>1 : do not include a xmlns attribute in the 
outer element. (This assumes this chunk appears in a larger tree 
where the xmlns is already set correctly.

showempty=>1 : fields with no value are shown.

version=>"code" : pick what version of the EPrints XML format
to use "1" or "2"

embed=>1 : include the data of a file, not just it's URL.


sub to_xml
	my( $self, %opts ) = @_;

	$opts{version} = "2" unless defined $opts{version};

	my %attrs = ();
	my $ns = EPrints::XML::namespace( 'data', $opts{version} );
	if( !defined $ns )
			 "to_xml: unknown version: ".$opts{version} );

	$attrs{'xmlns'}=$ns unless( $opts{no_xmlns} );
	my $tl = "record";
	if( $opts{version} == 2 ) { $tl = $self->{dataset}->confid; }	
	my $r = $self->{session}->make_element( $tl, %attrs );
	$r->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( "\n" ) );
#$r->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( "x\nx" ) );
	foreach my $field ( $self->{dataset}->get_fields() )
		next unless( $field->get_property( "export_as_xml" ) );

		unless( $opts{show_empty} )
			next unless( $self->is_set( $field->get_name() ) );

		if( $opts{version} eq "2" )
			$r->appendChild( $field->to_xml( 
				$self->get_value( $field->get_name() ),
				$self->{dataset} ) ); # no xmlns on inner elements
		if( $opts{version} eq "1" )
			$r->appendChild( $field->to_xml_old( 
				$self->get_value( $field->get_name() ),
				2 ) ); # no xmlns on inner elements

	if( $opts{version} eq "2" )
		if( $self->{dataset}->confid eq "user" )
			my $saved_searches = $self->{session}->make_element( "saved_searches" );
			foreach my $saved_search ( $self->get_saved_searches )
				$saved_searches->appendChild( $saved_search->to_xml( %opts ) );
			$r->appendChild( $saved_searches );

		if( $self->{dataset}->confid eq "eprint" )
			my $docs = $self->{session}->make_element( "documents" );
			foreach my $doc ( $self->get_all_documents )
				$docs->appendChild( $doc->to_xml( %opts ) );
			$r->appendChild( $docs );

		if( $self->{dataset}->confid eq "document" )
			my $files = $self->{session}->make_element( "files" );
			$files->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( "\n" ) );
			my %files = $self->files;
			foreach my $filename ( keys %files )
				my $file = $self->{session}->make_element( "file" );

						$filename ) );
						$files{$filename} ) );
						$self->get_url($filename) ) );
				if( $opts{embed} )
					my $fullpath = $self->local_path."/".$filename;
					open( FH, $fullpath ) || die "fullpath '$fullpath' read error: $!";
					my $data = join( "", <FH> );
					close FH;
					my $data_el = $self->{session}->make_element( 'data', encoding=>"base64" );
					$data_el->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( MIME::Base64::encode($data) ) );
					$file->appendChild( $data_el );
				$files->appendChild( $file );
			$r->appendChild( $files );

	EPrints::XML::tidy( $r, {}, 1 );

	my $frag = $self->{session}->make_doc_fragment;
	$frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( "  " ) );
	$frag->appendChild( $r );
	$frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_text( "\n" ) );

	return $frag;


=item $plugin_output = $detaobj->export( $plugin_id, %params )

Apply an output plugin to this items. Return the results.


sub export
	my( $self, $out_plugin_id, %params ) = @_;

	my $plugin_id = "Export::".$out_plugin_id;
	my $plugin = $self->{session}->plugin( $plugin_id );

	unless( defined $plugin )
		EPrints::abort( "Could not find plugin $plugin_id" );

	my $req_plugin_type = "dataobj/".$self->{dataset}->confid;

	unless( $plugin->can_accept( $req_plugin_type ) )
"Plugin $plugin_id can't process $req_plugin_type data." );
	return $plugin->output_dataobj( $self, %params );


=item $dataobj->queue_changes

Add all the changed fields into the indexers todo queue.


sub queue_changes
	my( $self ) = @_;

	foreach my $fieldname ( keys %{$self->{changed}} )
		my $field = $self->{dataset}->get_field( $fieldname );

		next unless( $field->get_property( "text_index" ) );

			$fieldname );


=item $dataobj->queue_all

Add all the fields into the indexers todo queue.


sub queue_all
	my( $self ) = @_;

	my @fields = $self->{dataset}->get_fields;
	foreach my $field ( @fields )
		next unless( $field->get_property( "text_index" ) );

			$field->get_name );


=item $boolean = $dataobj->has_owner( $user )

Return true if $user owns this record. Normally this means they 
created it, but a group of users could count as owners of the same
record if you wanted.

It's false on most dataobjs, except those which override this method.


sub has_owner
	my( $self, $user ) = @_;

	return 0;


=item $boolean = $dataobj->in_editorial_scope_of( $user )

As for has_owner, but if the user is identified as someone with an
editorial scope which includes this record.

Defaults to true. Which doesn't mean that they have the right to 
edit it, just that their scope matches. You also need editor rights
to use this. It's currently used just to filter eprint editors so
that only ones with a scope AND a priv can edit.


sub in_editorial_scope_of
	my( $self, $user ) = @_;

	return 1;

# check if a field is valid. Return an array of XHTML problems.

sub validate_field
	my( $self, $fieldname ) = @_;

	my $field = $self->{dataset}->get_field( $fieldname );
	return $field->validate( $self->{session}, $self->get_value( $fieldname ), $self );

# Clean up any multiple fields with gaps in.
sub tidy
	my( $self ) = @_;

	foreach my $field ( $self->{dataset}->get_fields )
		next unless $field->get_property( "multiple" );
		# squash compound fields as one.
		next if( $field->get_property( "parent_name" ) );
		my @list = ();
		my $changed = 0;
		foreach my $item ( @{$self->get_value($field->get_name)} )
			if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $item ) )
				$changed = 1;
			push @list, $item;
		if( $changed )
			$self->set_value( $field->get_name, \@list );





1; # for use success